Monthly Archives: September, 2012

Art: My Anti…Wait, This Isn’t Working!

This is actually super cool. Comments:

Abilify: Yeah, that’s basically what you want to do to yourself since you can’t sit still for more than a nanosecond.

Risperdol: Nice.

Seroquel: surprisingly coherent drawing. That stuff put me in Drowsyland.

I almost commented, “where’s Saphris?” but then I realized that had he actually taken Saphris he would have never completed his drawing, what with being preoccupied with falling asleep as fast as humanly possible.

Keyboard mash lkjdhsh;s;hodg


4501. Who do you feel on shaky grounds with?
Earthquakes, those unpredictable fools.

4502. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer?
He’s not too bad.

4503. What movie are you looking forward to?
Bah. Movies.

4504. Hulk Hogan with or without the bandana?
Is this minor detail really important?

4505. Do you more often tell people what you feel or what you think?
What I think.

4506. Have you been to see an opera?
I have indeed. It was awesome.

4507. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty?
My purpose.

4508. Does your heart break and break and live by breaking?
Not that I’m aware of.

4509. Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel or do you often get them confused?
No confusion for me.

4510. Do you feel like there are a lot of references in this survey that you are not getting?
God yes. Especially considering it’s like 5 years old.

4511. You are shopping in the Mad Mall for things to add to your room. Of the following list, what 5 things will you buy?
lollipops, lace up boots, bondage gear, bubblegum machine, a miniature orange grove, house plants, Bob Geldof, duct tape, Buzzcocks, poet shirts, Marc Almond, Al Gore, acrylic paints, Snoopy’s dog house, an original andy warhol painting, zippers, orange and pink matching curtains and bed spread, flash, oj simpson, a slurpee maker, some flutes, electric chairs, feather pillows, post it notes, the terminator wax statue, fight club the movie, fight club the book
Some flutes, post it notes, bondage gear, house plants, and Snoopy’s dog house. Fun night indeed.

4512. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of?
drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex

4513. Your preference. David Bowie or Marc Bolan?

4514. Who’d win in a fight, Morrissey or Robert Smith?

4515. Earth girls are:
Not too often down to earth.

4516. One of your friends tells you they are going to train to become a cop. your reaction?
Cool. Have fun and be careful.

4517. Would you ever consider working for the government?
Census Bureau! Census Bureau!

4518. What are the best and worst television channels?
H2 is pretty great. I don’t know what the worst channel is ‘cause I don’t watch it, haha.

4519. If you had a magicle pencil and everything you drew became real what would you draw?

4520. Your boots were made for:

4521. What movie would you like to see a mystery science theater episode about (even if it isn’t a sci fi movie, just one that needs making fun of)?
Tremors. That would be awesome.

4522. What’s the buzz?
The fuzz fuzz fuzz.

4523. The last person you would want to be stranded on a desert island with is:
Someone whose name I won’t mention.

4524. Your partner takes an aeroplane trip. the plane disappears and is never found. How long do you wait for them to return before you begin looking for a new partner?
Quite a long time. Ever seen Cast Away?

4525. Soma animals that mate for life can literally die of grief if their mate is captured or dies. How many humans would do that do you think?

4526. What would you like to touch?

4527. Does anything you own glow in the dark?

4528. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn?

4529. Do things just always go right for you?

4530. What’s the best nick toon?
I was never much of a Nick kid.

4531. Can you make a balloon animal?

4532. Would you undress at a nude beach?
That’s what nude beaches are for, yo.

4533. Wherever there’s a secret recipe, there is someone who wants to steal it. True or false?
Krabby Patties!

4534. What is today but yesterday’s tommorrow?
It’s tomorrow’s yesterday, too!

4535. Are you more like spongebob who does nothing right but still everything good happens to or like Squidward who tries to do things right and ends up having nothing good happen to him?
I empathize with Squidward, man.

4536. How many glasses of water do you drink each day?
I binge drink water. Some days I don’t drink any. Other days I drink like three gallons.

4537. What is the difference between intelectualism and pretentiosness?
Apparently not spelling ability.

4538. What do you like in a poem, accessability, crypticness or somethin in between?
I’m not a poetry person.

4539. What do you think of William Blake?
I’m not much of a poetry person.

4540. Has learning to spell become obsolete?
In a way, unfortunately.

4541. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with?
Why the conflict?
‘Cause I’m dumb.

4543. How many contemporary poets can you name?
Bah. Poetry.

4545. Are you every parent’s wet dream?

4546. Everyone starts in the garden of Eden but no one can stay there. Why not?
Damn those apples!

4547. Would you want to join a club that would have you as a member?

4548. Greatest black and white film:
I’m not much of a movie person.

4549: Greatest film three hours or longer:
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie longer than three hours.

4550. No means…
Meow (5sf reference)

4551. When you are exposed to the artwork (poetry, painting etc) of a friend, family member or acquaintance how likely are you to criticize it?
Not very. I like to point out the good in those types of things.

4552. Do you mentally reject people?
I try not to.
Before speaking to them?
See above.

4553. Are we already living out 1984?

4555. Do you like the feeling of a ball point pen being used to draw pictures on your palm?
Not really.

4556. Have you ever been airbrushed?
No. But I could use it. I do not photograph well.

4557. Are you an elitist?
What are you elitist about?
Hopefully nothing.

4558. Are you arrogant?
I don’t think so.

4558. Use the two following words in a sentance: ghandi, ford
Ghandi peacefully purchased a Ford so he could ford the fjord.

4559. Are you treacherous?
I…don’t think so?

4560. Nam the ten bands/artists you are the biggest fan of:
Muse, Coldplay, Lady GaGa, OneRepublic, Deep Forest, The Guggenheim Grotto, Sugar Ray, Dethklok, Apocalyptica, Capitol Steps

4561. Are you jolly?
Ho ho ho!

4563. Would you like to reapolster your furniture in camoflauge?
Uh, not particularly, no.

4564. Would you rather have your own personal live in massuse or a new car?
A new car!

4565. What were you born holding?
Colored pencils.

4566. Big nose, is it ugly or does it give the face character?
I like big noses.

4568. Who has rejected you?
A lot of people. We’ll not get into that.
Who have you rejected?
Not a big fan of the stalkers.

4569. Natural body odor or perfumes and colognes?
Makes no difference to me.

4570. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Puff the Magic Dragon! I can see it now:
Who’s the mythical creature that lives by the sea?
Puff the Magic Dragon!
Who frolics in mists of the fair Honah Lee?
Puff the Magic Dragon!
If you’re a young boy who loves that dragon Puff
Puff the Magic Dragon!
Then bring him some string and some wax and some stuff!
Puff the Magic Dragon!
Puff the Magic Dragon!
Puff the Magic Dragon!
Puff theeee…Magic Dragonnnnn!

4571. Who frolics in the autumn mist in a land called honalee?
Oh my god, did I seriously just rewrite the Spongebob song?

4572. Is anything nastier as a snack than fruit roll ups?
Fruit Roll-Ups aren’t *terrible.* There are worse things.

4573. When you hear someone make a joke about something will you later make the same joke to someone else as if you had just thought it up?
What if someone just says something intelligent, would you use what they said later as if you had made it up?

4574. What’s on your pajamas?

4575. Are people nicer in new york or california?
I’ve never been to NY, so I couldn’t tell you.

4576. Ever think about moving to Alaska to live as a hermit?
Not Alaska, but Antarctica.

4577. You are interested in a potential mate who is already attatched. Do you encourage him or her to leave their current catch or try to find someone all alone?
I’d never encourage anyone to leave a happy relationship.

4578. Do you play in the snow?
Snow rulez.

4579. Do you save a snowball in your freezer to hit someone with in the summer time?
Hahaha. I haven’t been in a place that snows in like three years.

4580. What bible storiy would you like to see acted out by animated veggetables?
Oh, like Veggie Tales? We used to watch that all the time in St. Mary’s. We even had Larry and Bob t-shirts.
What vegetable would play Jesus?
This is the most important question in the world.

4581. Will you be ready for the next alien attack?
Uh. Sure.

4582. You can’t make this easy can you?
What did I do?!

4584. Are you the open window maniac?
Haha, what?

4585. Have you ever been a hall monitor?
What exactly do hall monitors do anyway?
Monitor halls. Durh.

4586. Would you rather wear an army uniform or a cow costume for halloween?
I wore the same cow costume for Halloween for ten years.

4587. When was the last time you played tag, musical chairs, hide and seek etc?
Way too long ago.

4588. Can you leap frog?
Never tried.

4589. What was the last strong and clear emotion you felt?
STRONG strong? Despair.

4590. Are you more of a disco ball, a candle or a robot?
Can I be a disco robot?

4591. Could any good come out of a nuclear holocaust?

4592. Are you an angel in disguise?
Ha. No.

4593. Could you have fun with a jelly fish?
for 12 hours?
This section of the survey reeks of Spongebob Squarepants influence.

4594. Who throws the wildest parties?
Ever been to one of my basement orgies?

4595. Do you own an I <3 NY shirt?

4596. If you could make a channel that played only one show all day what show would it be?

4597. Are you a rockstar only no one knows it yet?
I’m Bon Jovi, yo.

4598. have you ever been stung by anything?
A wasp. On my eyelid when I was like 7. Traumatic.

4599. Who’s autograph have you gotten in the last year?
No one’s.

4600. Are you enjoying this?
Damn straight.

Protected: It’s time for another rant!

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Vaio III is here!

He’s 750 GB. He’s got a back-lit keyboard. He’s compact and cool.



I’mma go set him up.

I ALMOST DIED not really but that got your attention, eh?

Last night I dreamt about my elementary school graduation. Which is funny, ‘cause I actually didn’t attend my elementary school graduation. I was in the hospital getting my appendix removed.

I actually remember those few days quite well. I went to St. Mary’s, for those of you who don’t know, which is a small Catholic school for grades 1 through 6. There were approximately 100 students in the whole school and about 22 or 23 in our class by graduation time.

Anyway, being a small dink of a school, it was tradition for the graduating class to, two days before graduation, have a big picnic on the school grounds with their parents and then spend the night in the school. I’m actually surprised how much free reign they gave us during the “spending the night” portion. They opened up the cafeteria (which was really the “multipurpose room” because it was also the band room/choir room/P.E. room, stage, after school room, and any other room we really needed) and we spent most of the night watching Christian-oriented shows (Veggie Tales, McGee and Me) and overdosing on cookies, then we kind of sprawled ourselves out across the building to sleep.

The next morning (which was Saturday?) I woke up feeling kind of crappy. My stomach kind of hurt and I felt “off.” I figured it was just a sugar/adrenaline crash, so I thought nothing else of it.

It must have been a Saturday now that I’m remembering, ‘cause my dad took me to the mall that morning. It was our Saturday tradition; he’d give me $20 and an hour and set me free to wander. This was usually fun, but that day I remember feeling super nauseous (plus in pain) so I spent most of the time in the bathroom trying not to vomit.

For whatever reason I didn’t think this was a big deal, and neither did my dad ‘cause we actually went out to see a movie that afternoon (Big Momma’s House. Yeah, I know, I know.). I felt terrible through the whole thing, but I stuck it out.

Things started getting worse all afternoon and that night I threw up like five times before finally passing out to sleep for about three hours. But the next morning was graduation, so my mom was very insistent* that I went to church/graduation/Big Catholic “Jesus Helped You Get Through School!” party time. So even though I couldn’t stand up straight or barely walk I got dressed up and in the car and to the church.

Luckily, one of my friend’s mother was a nurse and she could tell pretty easily that I probably had appendicitis. So before the ceremony even started I had to leave so that I could go to Gritman (and wait around for another 5 hours or something until they could schedule a surgery).

Fun times.

Anyway. That’s what I dreamt about. I don’t know why I felt it necessary to divulge that little story to y’all, but I did. So there.

*She was insistent because she knew I was getting a writing award during the ceremony and didn’t want me to miss it.

TWSB: Hot n’ Spicy Pi

Today’s science blog is about pi!

But why? It’s not pi day or casual pi day or tau day.

Well, because today’s date occurs in pi as well: at position 336 (not counting the “3.”). In fact, you can easily find if any sequence occurs in pi (and if so, where) using this cool tool: (searches the first 200,000,000 digits).


I found that cool site by reading an article by the Mathematician at The question asked was, “Since pi is infinite, do its digits contain all finite sequences of numbers?”

The answer: while pi is infinite and does not contain an infinitely repeating sequence, it has yet to be proven that every digit from 0-9 occurs an unlimited umber of times in pi’s decimals. Thus, it hasn’t been determined that pi contains every single finite sequence of numbers.

However, though pi isn’t random, its digits appear to show up randomly in sequence such that any given chunk of pi has approximately equal numbers of digits 0 through 9 (I tried this out, it’s true!), which indicates that if that’s the case throughout and pi is indeed infinite, then according to the Mathematician, “there is a probability of 100% that such a number contains each and every finite sequences of digits, and pi has the appearance of being statistically random.”

How did I live without YouTube?

It might just be the sleep deprivation, but both of these are just hilarious. Again, if excessive (yet hilarious) angry cursing offends you, do not watch.


Title?? WHY?!?!?!

All my friends are Earth signs. Haha, I’ve been reading zodiac stuff all morning.


The “THE END?!” makes it.

Short blog. I’m insanely busy.

What are the odds?

Holy freaking crap, you guys.


I beat some incredibly ridiculous odds today.

I was in the library this afternoon writing my lecture. This week we’re talking about random variables, so I wanted to create an example of both a discrete random variable and a continuous random variable. I wanted to show that a continuous variable can take on ANY value in a given interval, so I decided to just mash the number pad on the keyboard to come up with a number with a bunch of decimals. So I mashed away and got this: 128.3671345993.

Satisfied with this as an example, I turned the page in our textbook to keep working. And what was the book’s example for a continuous variable? 128.3671345993.


What the hell are the odds of that? (0.0000000001:1 discounting the decimal point).

Ridiculous odds are ridiculous. I had a little heart attack in the library.

I’m mourning

Bad news, all.

Vaio II is no more.

His hard drive had a serious mental breakdown, so I took him in to see if someone could fix him up. Nope.

Thank god for external hard drives, eh?

Big Compy’s still up and running, so I’m not totally helpless and curled up crying on the floor due to lack of internet.

But I’m sad. Vaio II was family.

Edit: His successor, Vaio III, has been purchased. He looks like this.

I freaking love my job.

Love x 10 billion.

I can’t believe how lucky I was to get this job. I guess the exceedingly horrible luck I had in Vancouver is finally balancing out.

It’s like I’m not even working, dudes. Each time I get a paycheck I’m like “WOAH FREE MONEY!”

I know everyone’s probably sick of me blah-blahing about my job, but hey. I finally have something to blah-blah about. So I’m going to enjoy it.

This Week’s Science Blog: Taking You to a Higher Dimension

Okay. So this week’s science blog is really, really awesome, but I think if I try to summarize it and put it in my own words here it’ll lose a lot. So I’ll just copy down a few highlights. This is another question answered by the Physicist at What would life be like in higher dimensions?

Seriously. Really cool answer.


  • In 4 or more dimensions orbits are always unstable, and in 1 dimension the idea of an orbit doesn’t even make sense.
  • f you set off a firecracker in 3, 5, 7, etc. dimensions, then you’ll see and hear the explosion for a moment, and that’s it.  If you set of a firecracker in 4, 6, 8, etc. dimensions, then you’ll see and hear the explosion intensely for a moment, but will continue to see and hear it for a while…it may not even be possible to understand people when they speak.
  • Which elements are stable, and the nature of chemical bonds between them, would be completely rearranged.
  • Every element after helium would adopt weird new properties, and the periodic table would be longer left-right and shorter up-down.

I feel lousy.


So today I had my first migraine since last December. Totally lost my vision for a bit. Miraculously made it home.

Then I willed the migraine away with MIND POWERZ!

Actually, it probably was the Excedrin.

But I like to think it was MIND POWERZ!

Then I spent the rest of the night doing math, which is usually fun but much less so when your head wants to fall off.

Soooooo…you get this.


…I feel very, very alone.

There’s a dude in one of my classes that I sort of dig, but I’m not sure if he digs me back. It could just be my “I have no social intuition at all so I live in a world completely disconnected to any sort of reality” situation. SUCH IS MY LIFE.

Mmm, I love your stripes

Hahaha, this is fantastic.

I’m surprised Libya’s flag isn’t in the bottom 10.

It makes me happy that people are starting to be comfortable being people

Today I went to campus to work on my lecture material for next week. I hung out in the library for like six hours before packing up my crap and heading to Winco. As I was walking down the hill past Ag Sci there was this little trio of people walking the opposite direction on the other side of the street. One of the dudes in the trio was wearing heels, leggings, and a little skirt. And he was just walking along, no big deal.

That made me happy. I know that Idaho’s certainly not the most “accepting” state in the country, but it gives me hope that this guy felt comfortable enough to confidently strut his stuff down the street.

But then I saw this pair of frat boy-type guys walking in the same direction as the trio, but on my side of the street. They spotted the guy and I thought they were going to make some snide remark to him, but one of the frat-boy types shouted “I dig your style, man!” very sincerely and gave him a thumbs up from across the street.

This made me even happier. People can be surprisingly awesome. :)

And to the gentleman in heels: I want those leggings.

This just in: I need a life

This is what happens when I doodle on my stats notes while waiting for SAS to load.

It’s probably my absolute dumbest (and only?) atmospheric joke/pun yet, but what’re you going to do?

Man, look at the air quality today

I missed the “early” bus this morning and was going to walk to campus, but last time I walked in this much smoke my eyes hurt for like three days straight. Since I have to proctor my students taking their exam today, I decided I would kind of prefer to have my eyesight for the morning and just waited for the “late” bus.

But tomorrow is WALKING DAY! I love Fridays for that reason alone. I should go to the fair, too. Anyone want to go to the fair with me?

I used to think triangles without a right angle were “wrong triangles”

I’m digging this trig class. It’s only one credit, but I’m really enjoying it. It’s pretty sad that I avoided all math in high school after Algebra II just because of one horrible, horrible math teacher, but considering I used to break out in hives when I walked down the math wing of the building, I don’t know if trig and calc would have been possible for me back then.


I like to think the six trig functions each have their own personalities.

Sine is the smart one. He’s quiet and clever and knows the secrets of the universe.

Cosine is an average kind of dude, but somehow is incredibly lucky and is almost as knowledgeable as Sine just because they hang out with each other.

Tangent is like the quiet, gentle mother figure of the functions.

Cosecant is the super-socially-connected function. He’s the no-nonsense business type who likes to get things done.

Secant is a jerk. He’s super jealous of Cosine and is bitter that his own derivative involves Tangent.

Cotangent is somewhat misanthropic and resents being the inverse of Tangent. He’s not very fun. Even his derivative is a square (HA!).


Yes, this is what goes on in my brain.

Dear Universe:

I am stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.

The end.


This Week’s Science Blog is Sweet!

Well this is about the coolest study ever.

Windisch, Windisch, and Popescu (a trio of badass Austrian scientists) wrote a paper detailing the best way to enjoy spherical candies like M&Ms and Skittles.

The researchers placed whole and fractured candies into bowls of tap water (tap water has approximately the same pH as saliva) and mechanically agitated the water slightly to mimic movement in the mouth. They videotaped the candies from above to observe their dissolve rates.

As might be expected, they concluded that to maximize the life of the candy, consumers should try to maintain the candy’s spherical shape for as long as possible. Fracturing the shape increases the surface area, causing the pieces to dissolve faster.

But the best part is their conclusion: “Even though we now know  how candies dissolve in time we stress that the best thing to do when eating a candy is to forget about these considerations, since they draw your attention away from what candies are made for: enjoyment.”

Read their paper and stats here.

It’s the Ninth! Which Means Absolutely Nothing Special.

Woah, just thought of something.

I wrote about numbers for NaNoWriMo 2009.

I should write about the English alphabet for this year.




Take a look at this ad:

Does this make anyone else laugh like crazy?


“Running Groom Lincoln” would be a fantastic alt band.
It would also be a good name for a webcomic.
Or we could just make Lincoln appear randomly in everything.

My Photoshop skills are damn horrible.

Oh, and there’s this ad, too.


That dude on the far right looks waaaaaaay uncomfortable.

Yes, I had some free time tonight. This is why such a thing is dangerous.

I have “Circus Afro” stuck in my head. WHY.

  • I think James Horner is my favorite film music composer.
  • Why do people fly in helicopters? They seem like the most unstable thing ever to fly.
  • “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” was on TV earlier. I haven’t seen that movie in forever.
  • At what point does bread become toast? I SEE AN EXPERIMENT IN THE FUTURE!
  • Oh my god, there’s a toaster museum. ROAD TRIP.
  • I want an art degree. Because I want an art degree.
  • I’d link to the actual site, but this video is pretty hilarious. Do not watch if you’re prone to seizures.

Good stuff

Ah, test anxiety. I’ve forgotten how you feel. I’ll bet you $20 that I’ll be throwing up all morning tomorrow before I get to campus.

But aside from that…

I’m experiencing a feeling that I haven’t genuinely felt in a long, long time: happiness. Sure, obviously I’ve had SOME little bits of happiness, but for the past three years or so I’ve felt like I haven’t had a purpose or haven’t had a goal worth working for.

But now that’s gone. And I’m…I’m happy. For the first time since like 2009, I’m actually genuinely happy.

I don’t really know how to handle this.