Tag Archives: university of idaho

Goooooo Vandals! And…Yale?

Well this is awesome.

Marching band kids are the best, yo.



What the HELL, Moscow?

Possible (likely) quadruple homicide? That’s…terrifying.

(Yes, I know the actual murders happened like a week ago; things are finally starting to filter through the news enough that I feel like we can trust what’s being said about the situation.)

Creepy stuff. Please stay safe, Moscow friends.

My Weird-Ass Trudeau Dream

I’ve lived in Canada for over a decade in total now, so I’m OVERDUE when it comes to dreaming about the Prime Minister.

So here we go.

Me and a whole bunch of other people are hanging out in that ballroom on the second floor of the SUB at U of I (could there be a more random location for this? I think not). There’s some huge stage set up in the middle and it takes me a little bit of time before I realize that Justin Trudeau is just chilling in the room with us because he’s mostly been on the other side of the stage.

Then he grabs a microphone and announces that he wants to hold some sort of flash art contest in which participants will have about 15 minutes to make some sort of art related to a theme he gives us.

I have absolutely no inclination to participate in this, but my mom is there and she tells me she’s entered me into the contest so I have to make SOMETHING. I’m not too thrilled about this because I want to go home, but I comply and crap out some absolutely horrible piece of watercolor art in the last 30 seconds of the contest.

Trudeau goes around assessing all the artwork (there are like 100 people participating in this thing) and when he gets to mine he studies it for a minute and goes, “wow, that’s great! You go on to round two!”


Turns out that’s how the contest works. He picks his favorite [insert random number of] pieces and then those people go on to make another piece of art for another theme.

I still want to get this over with and go home, but as the contest goes on (and I keep moving on to the next rounds), I get really into it and want to make better and better art.

I’m in the 7th round and finishing a really good oil pastel drawing and I freaking wake up from the dream.

So did I win? WHO KNOWS! All I know is that Dream Trudeau really likes my Dream Art.



(Sorry, I’m excited.)

ENGL 391: Intermediate Poetry Writing (3:30 PM – 4:45 PM)

MATH 504: Fourier Analysis (1:30 PM – 2:20 PM)
GEOL 435: Glaciology and the Dynamic Frozen Earth (2:30 PM – 3:20 PM)

GEOL 404: Geology of the Pacific NW (3:30 PM – 5:00 PM)

IFIT: Advanced Wall Climbing (9:30 AM – 10:20 AM)
FCS 275: Experimental Foods Lab (12:30 PM – 2:30 PM)
CS 453: Advanced Robotics I (5:00 PM – 6:15 PM)



Heyyyyyyyyyy so let’s do this nonsense again.

Because we can always hope that the world won’t be broken by fall, right?

THE 471: Directing – 9:30-11:20

MATH 247: Transformational Geometry – 15:30-17:00

PHIL 443: Philosophy of Language – 15:30-18:00

IFIT 105: Wall Climbing – 9:30-10:45
GEOG 390: Cartographic Design & Geovisualization – 12:30-13:45
CS 453: Advanced Robotics 1 – 17:00-18:20

How many credits is that? I DON’T CARE I NEVER CARED HAHAHAHAHAH

Nostalgia Trip 2019

It was like 400 degrees in Moscow today (slight exaggeration), so I decided to walk around the city instead of go on the Moscow/Pullman trail (since there’s no shade and no water and a lot of heat and sun out there).

[Side note: it is quite difficult to walk 15 miles in Moscow. I did have to go on the trail for about three miles because I ran out of places to walk in the city. I could have stayed within city limits, yes, but it would have involved a lot more looping.]

After I’d wandered around the east side of town for a bit (why the hell is Mountain View still lacking a sidewalk that goes all the way from the highway to the pool? MADNESS), I decided to walk through campus. I haven’t walked through campus in quite a while, since any time I walk in Moscow, it’s either on the trail or in the UI rec center (which is still the best rec center at any university, fight me).

I was getting a nice, warm nostalgia bath as I wandered around amongst the buildings I’d spent so much time around/in. But then I went into the Ag Sci building and was hit with the mother of all nostalgia waves.

Lemme ‘splain. Both of my parents worked in the Ag Sci building for the majority of my life. When I was in elementary school and we had a day off for religious reasons or what have you, my mom would bring me into campus and I’d hang out in Ag Sci. I think I sat in on my dad’s classes a few times, too (just coloring in the back of the room, haha).

Once I started going to school at UI, my dorm was literally across the street from the Ag Sci building, so I’d always go visit my parents (particularly my mom) when I was done with classes and headed back to the dorm. I also used the Ag Sci computer lab all the time before they finally shut it down. Heck, I taught statistics in that big auditorium room (the same one my dad always taught in).

In short: I spent a lot of time in that building.

So walking through it today for the first time in quite a while (at least three years, maybe longer) was a super nostalgia trip.  Even just walking down a flight of stairs – holy crap.

Sorry, this blog has absolutely no purpose. I just wanted to mention the nostalgia. I know nobody cares.


UI schedule for next semester. Because that’s just what I do.


  • HIST 379: History of Science II: 1700 – Present
  • MATH 480: Partial Differential Equations
  • STAT 535: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics


  • CS 460: Database Management Systems Design
  • CS 479: Data Science

I miss undergrad.


I’m super late in doing this, but I finally remembered to make my fake UI class schedule for next semester.

Y’know, like I always do.


CS 470: Artificial Intelligence (9:30 – 10:20)
PHIL 325: Historical Figures in Philosophy (11:30 – 12:20)
STAT 516: Applied Regression Modeling (12:30 – 1:20)

ENGL 582: Techniques of Fiction (3:30 – 6:20)

PEB 106: Wall Climbing (9:30 – 10:45)
CS 479: Data Science (12:30 – 1:45)
GEOG 401: Climatology (2:00 – 3:15)

Will I ever stop doing this?

No. The answer is no.

Twas the night before blogmas

Who wants to make a fake Fall 2017 UI class schedule with me?

No one?


HIST 350: The Age of Enlightenment: European Culture & Ideas, 1680 – 1800 (11:30 – 12:20)
PEB 106: Cardio Blast (12:30 – 1:20)
CS 328: Introduction to Computer Game Development (1:30 – 2:20)
MATH 438: Mathematical Modeling (3:30 – 4:20)

THE 441: Foundations of Screenwriting (11:00 – 12:15)
THE 471: Directing (3:30 – 5:20)

Man, what’s happened to the UI’s philosophy department? It’s dead.

Also, this is getting harder and harder to do without repeating classes I’ve picked in previous fake schedules.



So it’s time for that semi-annual joy of joys event: making a fake UI schedule for the upcoming semester.
Because even when I’m no longer in school, I’m always in school in my mind.

Let’s do it!

PEB 106: Road & Trail Running (8:00 – 9:15)
CS 210: Programming Languages (9:30 – 10:20)
STAT 504: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (10:30 – 11:20)
MATH 536: Probability Theory (11:30 – 12:20)
PLSC 205: General Botany (1:30 – 2:20)
MATH 476: Combinatorics (3:30 – 4:20)

PLSC 205: General Botany Lab (9:30 – 12:20 T)
MUSA 121: Concert Band (12:30 – 1:45)
GEOG 401: Climatology (2:00 – 3:15)

This is a few more credits than you’re allowed per semester, but since when did I ever pay attention to that even when I was actually in school?

Fake It ‘Till You…Fake It, I Guess

Do you know what time of the year it is?


Let’s do it.

HIST 411: Colonial North America (10:30 – 11:20)
MATH 310: Ordinary Differential Equations (11:30 – 12:20)
BIOL 120: Human Anatomy (12:30 – 1:20)
MATH 579: Combinatorics (1:30 – 2:20)

CS 360: Database Systems (12:30 – 1:45)
GEOG 301: Meteorology (2:00 – 3:15)
MUSA 121: Concert Band (4:30 – 5:20)

BIOL 120: Human Anatomy Lab (8:30 – 11:20)

ENGL 582: Techniques of Fiction (5:00 – 7:50)




The Spring 2016 class schedule is out for the U of I. YAY! Time to make a fake schedule!
This schedule’s going to be filled with basically all the classes I find interesting rather than ones that I have the prerequisites for.

‘Cause why not.


MATH 386: Theory of Numbers (9:30 – 10:20)
PLSC 205: General Botany (1:30 – 12:20) (shut up, it sounds cool)

THE 440: Playwriting (10:30 – 1:20)

MUSA 321: Concert Band (12:30 – 1:45)
ENGL 492: Advanced Fiction Writing (2:00 – 3:15) (I actually did take this class, but this time it’s offered with Orozco and he’s fantastic, so I’d take it again)

PLSC 205L: General Botany Lab (9:30 – 12:20)

Also: Alex (Dr. Woo) will be teaching Analysis of Algorithms in the spring? OH MY GOD, that would be a fun class to take with him as the prof. Alex is badass.
(Not that it wasn’t a fun class when I took it with Dr. Nielsen—‘cause it was—but Alex has a totally different style.)

Claudia’s Complete Undergraduate Classes: The Comprehensive List that Nobody Asked For

This was inspired by a conversation Nate and I had about the classes we’d taken in college. These are just the undergraduate ones, mainly because I’ve blocked out as much of my UBC experience as I can without physically removing part of the memory section of my brain. But I remember all these semesters!

There is absolutely no purpose for this list, other than perhaps as a reference sheet for myself when I’m old and gray and feel like reminiscing about school.

So yeah.

Fall 2006 (20 credits)

  • CORE 116 (The Sacred Journey): The only reason I took this particular core class was so that I could get that one “international” credit or whatever the hell it was for my psych degree.
  • ENGL 102 (College Writing and Rhetoric): I got to skip 101 because of my SAT scores.
  • MATH 143 (Pre-Calculus Algebra and Analytic Geometry): NO. Screw this class.
  • MUSA 119 (Marching Band): Awesome times!
  • PSYC 101 (Introduction to Psychology): I met Sean in this class! This was also my *very first* college class, since it was the first one I went to on that first day.
  • THEF 100 (Introduction to Theatre): I wrote a play for this class. It was goddamn horrible. My prof liked it though; she said it was like a weird mix between MAD TV and Chekov.
  • THEF 105 (Basics of Performance): We held this class in the combat room in the old gym. Most of our time was spent pretending to be children playing children’s games.

Spring 2007 (20 credits)

  • BIOL 102 (Biology and Society): UGH, BIOLOGY. Had to take this for the psych degree. My prof was cool, though.
  • BIOL 102 L (Biology and Society Lab): Labs are stressful.
  • CORE 166 (The Sacred Journey): Yes, this was a TWO SEMESTER THING. Blaaaah.
  • ENLG 258 (Literature of Western Civilization): This is one of the most impactful classes I ever took. It introduced me to Voltaire and philosophy and how everything across all disciplines really do connect to a certain level. I’m so glad I took this class.
  • ENGL 292 (Beginning Fiction Writing): Yay! I barely got into this class; I was on the waitlist until like the day before classes started.
  • MUSA 121 (Concert Band): Was this the he-brides semester? I think it was.
  • PSYC 310 (Psychology of Personality): Interesting class. My second one with Sean!
  • STAT 251 (Statistical Methods): I was terrified of this class. I had no idea I would be teaching it in five years’ time.

Summer 2007 (6 credits)

  • ENGL 208 (Personal and Exploratory Writing): This would have been a fun class, except for the fact that I was in a major writing slump at the end of the spring semester.
  • PSYC 499 (Directed Study): I had to read a book. That was pretty much it.

Fall 2007 (22 credits)

  • GEOG 100 (Physical Geography): I learned about clouds! This was also the first professor I had who couldn’t write tests. I think all 150+ of us failed the first one. He got better, though!
  • GEOG 100 L (Physical Geography Lab): I repeat: labs are stressful.
  • MATH 160 (Survey of Calculus): Also known as “business calculus.” Hated it. Why do you have a class like this at 8 in the morning? Where is the justice in the world?
  • MUSA 319 (Marching Band)
  • PHIL 320 (History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy): My first philosophy class! No Leibniz yet, though.
  • PSYC 218 (Introduction to Research in the Behavioral Sciences): Dr. Bustamante. That is all.
  • PSYC 320 (Introduction to Social Psychology): This class was surprisingly difficult, believe it or not. Probably because I no longer cared about any other aspect of psych after the glory that was Tests and Measurements.
  • PSYC 430 (Tests and Measurements): YES YES YES YESYESYESYESYES. This was the class that solidified my desire to do quant psych. I would’ve married this class if I could have.

Spring 2008 (25 credits) [God, why did I do this?]

  • MUSA 321 (Concert Band)
  • PHIL 202 (Introduction to Symbolic Logic): This was a really difficult class for me at the time, but Dr. O’Rourke was awesome and helped me learn a lot.
  • PHIL 321 (History of Modern Philosophy): I discover Leibniz and the world is forever changed.
  • PSYC 305 (Developmental Psychology): Meh. I didn’t really care about this class too much.
  • PSYC 456 (Psychology of Emotion): Haha, another Sean class. We had lots of fun trying to decipher the tests.
  • PSYC 330 (Human Sexuality): Very chill and laid back, which is good for an 8:30 AM class.
  • PSYC 499 (I/O Psychology Research): My first research experience! Got to run participants and do stats.
  • STAT 401 (Statistical Analysis): I was also terrified of this class because we had to use SAS and I had no idea what that was. I still have the book we used and the topics are SO EASY now.
  • STAT 422 (Sample Survey Methods): Also terrifying. My first class with Dr. Williams, though, who is awesome.

Summer 2008 (6 credits)

  • PHIL 307 (Buddhism): This was a LOT of work over the summer, but fun.
  • PSYC 311 (Abnormal Psychology): I wish I would have taken this in a classroom setting rather than online.

Fall 2008 (22 credits)

  • MUSA 319 (Marching Band)
  • PHIL 103 (Ethics): We read Watchmen, which makes this whole class worth it.
  • PHIL 351 (Philosophy of Science): I really liked the material in this class, but was at 8 in the morning. Who can think at 8 AM? Not me!
  • PHIL 442 (Philosophy of Mind): Dr. O’Rourke! Very interesting class. Lots of heated debates.
  • PSYC 390 (Psychology of Learning): Online class. Super easy.
  • PSYC 421 (Cognitive Development): There were only like six of us in this class and the prof took a lot of pity on me because he knew I was trying to graduate early and was really stressed out about it.
  • PSYC 499 (I/O Psychology Research)
  • STAT 514 (Nonparametric Statistics): I was the only non-graduate student in this class. I think I needed more math, though.

Spring 2009 (22 credits)

  • ENGL 392 (Intermediate Fiction Writing): This class was taught by Dr. Orozco, who is super cool and really into running writing workshops.
  • MATH 330 (Linear Algebra): No.
  • MUSA 321 (Concert Band)
  • PHIL 240 (Belief and Reality): I was very fortunate that this class was offered when it was; normally it’s just offered in the fall, so I wouldn’t have been able to complete my philosophy degree if that had been the case this year.
  • PHIL 447 (Theory of Knowledge): More Dr. O’Rourke! Less debate, though.
  • PHIL 490 (Senior Seminar): This was a three-hour Thursday only class. Rough.
  • PSYC 499 (I/O Psychology Research)
  • STAT 519 (Multivariate Analysis): YAY, my introduction to R and factor analysis and PCA and all the fun things you can do with multivariate data. Dr Lee rules.


Fall 2012 (12 credits)

  • ENGL 293 (Beginning Nonfiction Writing): Wrote my Leibniz/Newton story in here. This was also the first class in which I made friends during my second round of undergrad.
  • MATH 170 (Calculus I): I was nervous about calculus after my business calc experience in 2007, but this class was SO MUCH BETTER. My prof was amazing.
  • MUSA 321 (Concert Band): Concert band was not the same without the old group of dorks.
  • STAT 426 (SAS Programming): I’ve forgotten pretty much everything about SAS since I use R so exclusively and so often, haha.

Spring 2013 (15 credits)

  • CS 120 (Computer Science I): Fun and useful class. I wish I had a reason to use C++ more frequently so that I don’t forget how it works.
  • ENGL 393 (Intermediate Nonfiction Writing): The class in which I finally got all the Vancouver out of my system by writing a 50-ish page story about my time there.
  • MATH 175 (Calculus II): This class was pretty rough, but also very enjoyable. I somehow managed to get a 100% on our second test, which doesn’t happen with me and math tests. Ever.
  • MATH 176 (Discrete Mathematics): My first class with Dr. Abo! This was a super interesting and not too difficult class. This was also the first class in which I was explicitly taught summation notation (though I already knew what it was, of course, ‘cause of stats).
  • MUSA 321 (Concert Band)

Summer 2013 (3 Credits)

  • MATH 275 (Calculus III): Best summer class ever. I loved multivariate calc mainly because we got to write the integral symbol so often.

Fall 2013 (13 Credits)

  • ENGL 492 (Advanced Fiction Writing): Easily my favorite writing class, partially because of my classmates and partially because I was able to write two of my best short stories in it.
  • MATH 215 (Introduction to Higher Mathematics): OH MY GOD this was a fun class. Everyone was a total freaking nerd (including our prof) and it was fantastic. I was really nervous about this one, but it was actually pretty easy.
  • MATH 330 (Linear Algebra): Yes, I took linear algebra a second time. I had to make up for that B the first time. Also, Dr. Abo taught it this time around and it was so much better and made so much more sense. It helped that half the hooligans from MATH 215 were in this class as well.
  • MUSA 321 (Concert Band)
  • STAT 451 (Probability Theory): This was quite difficult when I was in it, but looking back on the textbook and comparing it to grad school stats, it’s not that bad at all.

Spring 2014 (13 credits)

  • MATH 395 (Analysis of Algorithms): Very laid-back and interesting class. Sorting algorithms FTW!
  • MATH 420 (Complex Variables): I have such an appreciation for imaginary numbers after this class, man. It makes me feel cool.
  • MUSA 321 (Concert Band)
  • STAT 452 (Mathematical Statistics): I have no idea how I did as well in this class as I did. Luck and fear, probably.
  • STAT 453 (Stochastic Methods): This was EASILY the most difficult class I’ve ever taken (apart from Algebra II in high school, but that doesn’t count). I got a B in this class and I was just glad it wasn’t lower, let’s put it that way.

That’s 72 classes in a total of five years. That’s a good number of classes.
(Yes, I would do it all again.)

Yes, I’m going to keep doing these until the U of I no longer exists

The UI schedule for fall is out! You know what this means…


Because why not.

There’s only one stats class posted for the fall that I haven’t already taken, and most of the math classes are super upper division stuff that I don’t think I could ever do, so let’s make it an artsy-fartsy semester, eh?

GERM 101: Elementary German I (9:30 -10:20)

STAT 507: Experimental Design (12:30 – 1:45)

ART 111: Drawing I (10:30 – 12:20)
ART 261: Ceramics I (2:30 – 5:20)

GERM 101L: Elementary German I Lab (9:30 – 10:20)

That’s only 13 credits! There’s not a very good offering in the fall.

Best Part of the Year



Okay, so…good news! I don’t have to take Stochastic Methods: U of C Version! I get to take two classes I REALLY am excited for!

Next semester’s classes include:

STAT 517: Practice of Statistics
This is technically for senior undergrads, but we can take up to two 500-level courses as grad students and have them count. This one is taught by my supervisor, Dr. Chen, and he recommended I take it, so there ya go. Apparently this is like a “real world stats” class intended for students going out into the work force as statisticians. Says the official description: “The emphasis is on how to address real world scientific and social issues by applying the various statistical methods acquired in the earlier years in a unified and appropriate way. This involves method selection, data handling, statistical computing, consulting, report writing and oral presentation, team work, and ethics.” Apart from the teamwork aspect, YAY.

STAT 621B: Research Seminar
This is a year-long course, so I’m already in it and know what it involves. It’s actually a cross-listed seminar required for all the statistics, pure math, and applied math students, and we all have to give a talk on a research topic of interest. This semester all the math people are going and it’s actually been really interesting stuff so far. I can’t wait ‘till I get to tell them about MEASURING MODEL FIT!

STAT 625: Multivariate Analysis
I’ve had like forty* multivariate analysis classes, but according to Dr. Chen, this one will focus more on the theoretical side rather than the applied side. Which will be super cool. If we get to do factor analysis, I’m going to pee my pants from joy.

U of I schedule is out!!!! Time to make my fake schedule for Spring 2015:

MATH 386: Theory of Numbers (9:30 – 10:20)
HIST 350: The Age of Enlightenment (11:30 – 12:20)
STAT 516: Applied Regression Modeling (12:30 – 1:20)
MUSA 317: University Chorus (2:30 – 3:20)

ENGL 492: Advanced Fiction Writing (5:00 – 6:20) (I don’t care that I’ve already taken this)

ART 241: Sculpture 1 (8:30 – 11:20)
PHIL 325: Existentialism (12:30 – 1:45)

Why does UI start offering the badass classes AS SOON AS I LEAVE? A lot of other good ones overlapped with these though (Concert Band, for one, which is why I’ve got University Chorus on there. I haven’t sung since elementary school but WHO’S GONNA STOP ME?!), so it would be hard to do this for real.

*Two. I’ve had two multivariate analysis classes.

Now Showing:

I’m writing a musical. It’s called “Fuck You, U of I” and features such show-stopping hits as:

  • “The ‘I’ Stands for ‘Incompetence’”
  • “This Class is Required to Graduate but is Only Offered Once a Decade”
  • “We Have No Money, so Let’s Renovate the Kibbie Dome!”
  • “Oh, We Promised You a Job? Sorry, You Out of Luck, Bro!”
  • “Fuck Bitches, Acquire Debt”
  • “Oops, We Lost Your Tuition Check!”
  • The Ballad of the Athletes on Academic Probation (Alternate Title: “Blame the Profs!”)
  • “We Have No Money, so Let’s Renovate the Kibbie Dome!” (Redux)

Every damn year with this place, man. Every. Damn. Year.


So I taught my last class at the U of I (for now). I’m super freaking sad about it, too. I’d definitely stick around, but:

a) the department can’t give me a permanent lecturing position at this time
b) I’ve decided that teaching stats is pretty much the most perfect job for me (apart from working at Leibniz’ archives). In order to get a real chance at a more permanent position, I need to get a PhD in stats.

Hence, Calgary. So hopefully I’ll be teaching again (relatively) soon.

But since I’ve started working here in 2012, I figured I’ve taught about 550 students. Hopefully at least a few of them have decided that stats aren’t too bad after all.

Still sad, though.

Good One, U of I

Hahaha, I hate April Fools, but this was pretty phenomenal, U of I.

It showed up on the front page without the big “April Fools’ 2014” on the main banner. The only hint was at the bottom: “Did you know Vandals have a fierce sense of humor? Have a very happy April Fools’ Day.”

Happy bday, UI!

The U of I is 125 years old today!

About three days ago all these giant person-sized black boxes started appearing all around campus…they actually looked kind of creepy until they finally put bows/ribbons/decorations on them to make them actually look like presents.

Also, no band today! It’s weird just teaching at 8 AM and then being done for the day.

I should probably do homework though.


So I was scrolling through someone’s Tumblr this afternoon and I came upon this gif:


Is that the Kibbie Dome? I mean, I know it’s kind of “generic indoor sports arena,” but that really looks like the Kibbie Dome steps.

If so, that’s hilarious. The blog on which I found this has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything remotely related to the U of I…I think the person is in Florida. And it’s mainly an Achievement Hunter blog, not a gif or “funny pics” blog.

Haha, it made my night.


So I just spent my evening recreating the back of the old Kibbie Dome in Minecraft.




I know it looks a little narrower than the actual Kibbie Dome…that’s because even though I copied the tiles exactly (there may be a few mistakes ‘cause I suck), tiles in the actual Kibbie dome are rectangular but the Minecraft blocks are square.

(I didn’t do the actual building ‘cause that would have taken forever. Plus it’s just a big dome of white, so it would also be pretty boring to construct.)

The Graffiti of Ag Sci Room 106

As I mentioned on a previous blog, I’m teaching next fall. But rather than my section being held in TLC 40 like pretty much every STAT 251 class ever, I’m going to be in Ag Sci 106.

Even though my dad’s taught in there since like the dawn of time, I’ve never actually been in there. So that’s what I did today.



These chairs look like they’re from a different era.


As I was walking around on the stage in front, I noticed that while most of the desks had writing/graffiti on them…


…Some of them had super intricate designs that were really quite impressive. Check it:






I didn’t find any graffiti about my dad (he’s been teaching in that room since the ‘80s), but I didn’t really look, either.

A post! ApostapostapostapostaPOST!


FIRST: my mom got a job, my mom got a job!! Here at the U of I! Now she can leave the insanity of Tucson and come back to the place she calls home. SUPER HAPPY ABOUT THAT.

SECOND: I got a job, too! In addition to teaching in the second half of summer, I’ll be working as a data analyst for the College of Ag from May through July. Now I can finally get some real experience with real data (and lots of it!).

Better brush up on my SAS.



The stats department has a special computer lab exclusively for stats grad students and faculty/staff. I was in there this afternoon re-making lecture notes when I noticed that the posters they’ve got on the wall are still wrapped in their original plastic and are just stuck to the wall with tape.

image image(1)

That’s hysterical.

Dear Brain: at least TRY to chill out when I’m asleep, okay?

So last night I had a dream about C++. Our professor had changed our final exam to a final essay/report. I got the brilliant idea to create a program to write my paper for me. So that’s what I did, and I turned the paper in with total confidence that I’d get an A. Then I got it back and got like a 20% because I forgot to write my program to print the citations for all the sources I used in the paper. Cue total panic mode.

Hooray dream-induced panic attacks!


Haha, the Harlem Shake is actually kind of hilarious.

Here’s Western Ontario with their classy rockin’ (I’ve been in that hallway!)

That guy in the bottom left corner with the big finger, hahaha.

And then there’s UI.

Oh, UI.