Tag Archives: tv

Yo Nerds

I have nothing important today and this is hilarious, so here ya go.

Frasier Collab

So as you’ve probably noticed from some of the posts on this blog, I love the idea of animation collabs (examples: this one from the Clock Crew, When I Was Done Dying, the “steamed hams” clip from The Simpsons).

I also love “Frasier.”

So I obviously really enjoyed this:

The voice acting is great, too.

They need to do more episodes, haha.


Finally got to watch it tonight!

It was good! Very well-animated, very dramatic, very dark. Good music as always.

I think the Doomstar Requiem is still my favorite (it’s a rock opera, I mean, come on), but this was a very fitting ending to the story.

Also, there was totally some Skwistok fanservice in there.

Brendon Small is totally cool about fanservice.

Now I want to re-watch the whole show, haha.

Army of the Doomstar

It’s coming…


I’m going to watch it as soon as it’s out. I’m so freaking excited.

Army of the Doomstar

Oh my god FINALLY

*Old Rose voice* It’s been 84 years…

I’m so freaking excited. Doomstar Requiem was great; I imagine this will be just as good or better.

Yes, I still have a lingering Metalocalypse obsession. Deal with it.


The hot mess that is Riverdale has a new season that is, most likely, a hot mess.

Apparently the town gets transported back to the 1950s? I don’t even know.

But I guess if Cheryl can absorb everyone’s superpowers and then use her Phoenix power to BLOW UP A COMET, anything’s possible.

(Yes, that happened.)


This song was the audio for some random TikTok I stumbled upon today and it immediately released a weird wave of nostalgia from my mid-childhood, back when I’d spend the weekend at my dad’s condo and I’d watch all the weird shit Cartoon Network had on after 9 PM (including Adult Swim, when that became a thing).


This show was over my head at the time, but MAN I remember that intro.

Barak Obama is SCAAAAAAAARED of me!

This little rap from the Dean was stuck in my head today, so I’m going to share it with y’all:

That is all.

Oh my GOD

It’s been a while since I’ve watched any Metalocalypse and I forgot how absolutely insane that show is, hahaha.

I don’t know if these clips are more hilarious with or without context.

Another Simpsons Follow-Up

So last month I mentioned a few lines from The Simpsons that I think about fairly frequently, right?

Well, here are two from Futurama.

“Grunka, lunka, dunkity, darmed guards…”


My only regret is…that I have…boneitis!”

A Simpsons Follow-Up

So remember a few days ago when I posted a Simpsons line that’s frequently in my head? Another one is from that episode where Apu stopped working at the Kwik-E-Mart and he and the Simpsons sang the “Who Needs the Kwik-E-Mart?” song and Homer screws up the rhyme.

“Apu: Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart?
Marge: Their floors are sticky-mart
Lisa: They made dad sicky-mart
Bart: Let’s hurl a bricky-mart
Homer: The Kwik-E-Mart is real –

Homer’s line is another one that is in my head quite often.


What is one Simpsons line that you quote frequently in your head?

Here’s one of mine.

There are others, but this is one of the top ones.

That is all.

I found Lonesome Dove on YouTube and OMG

It’s incredibly true to the book, which means it’s great. The water moccasin scene was terrifying, just like it was in the book. I’m just to the point where Lorena gets captured by Blue Duck, but I’m excited to watch the rest of it.


Riverdale, man

So Riverdale has, somehow, gotten even weirder.* They’re now in like some sort of alternate universe (?) town called Rivervale, which I thought would just be a one-episode thing but it’s been going on for a few episodes now. Rivervale Cheryl sacrificed Rivervale Archie, so he’s dead, but that’s not even the weirdest thing.

Like, let me describe this dream I had last night just to give you an idea of how weird things have gotten. In the dream, all the characters are fighting one another one-on-one. Jughead is fighting Reggie, and in the middle of this flaming metal arena, Jughead looks menacingly at Reggie and mutters, “say hello to Elizabeth for me.” And Reggie’s like, “who’s Elizabeth?” Then Jughead looks down at this raw chicken that’s just sitting on the ground, pulls a whip out of god knows where, and whips the raw chicken. This makes the chicken explode, launching Reggie across the arena and into the wall. And in answer to Reggie’s question, Jughead nods at the half-exploded raw chicken and says, “her.”

And when I woke up, I had to really think about whether that was all a dream or if that was actually part of the episode I’d watched yesterday.

It’s that weird now.

Edit: and now the LITERAL DEVIL is in Rivervale because PFFFFFT FUCK IT

Edit again from like six episodes later: WHAT IN THE HELLING HELL IS THIS SHOW ANYMORE

*Yes, I’m still watching Riverdale because I have trash taste. Deal.


Gravity Falls. I’ve never watched it (apart from like little clips), but two things that bug me about it:

ONE: Why does Dipper sound like he’s 40 years old? Like, the two girls in the below clip sound appropriately aged. Why does Dipper sound like he’s about to take out a second mortgage on his condo?

TWO: Why doesn’t Bill Cipher sound like Plankton from Spongebob? He should sound like Plankton from Spongebob.

Am I judging a cartoon on very superficial components without ever watching it? Yes.

Fight me.

(This blog is brought to you by 1.5 hours of sleep and a REALLY weird bag of cheese.)

Collect n’ Display

My dad collects stuff.

He always has.

Christmas ornaments, VHS tapes, DVD sets, Happy Meal toys, you name it.

So it’s no surprise that when seasons of The Simpsons started to come out on DVD way back in *looks up release date of the first season and gets lost on Wikipedia for two hours* 2001, he started to collect them season by season. Then we got to Season 6 and the DVD box looked like this:

Yes, that is a 3D plastic Homer head. I think it had a super flimsy clear sleeve to make it more DVD-box-shaped, but I don’t remember what happened to that.

Anyway, I remember thinking that people might be upset at the sudden structural change to the DVD box. When I read the little insert inside that had a blurb from Matt Groening, he actually mentioned that they sold “regular” versions of the case (where it was just your traditional DVD box shape and material) for people who were “obsessive about that sort of thing” (not a direct quote, but it was something like that). Which is hilarious.

Anyway, here’s a whole video on the controversy surrounding this unique box.

Fun times.


So remember a few weeks ago when I mentioned I was obsessed with The Backyardigans?

I’m still obsessed with The Backyardigans.

BUT I’ve also found a video discussing the “Castaways” song and how much effort was put into making it a bossa nova groove. It is SUPER interesting.

Now I’m going to have that song stuck in my head for days, haha.

Community Table Read

This is absolutely hilarious. Pedro Pascal fits in with them so perfectly and it’s fantastic how he can’t get through the sperm dialogue without laughing.


We had this on VHS. I loved the Baby-Sitters Club books when I was little.

SO 90’s, dude.

ALSO, this is one of those examples I mentioned a while back of something where I remember the intonation/rhythm of everyone’s dialogue (and I remember the music, of course) but I don’t remember exactly what they were saying. This is how a lot of my memories of early childhood movies/TV work. I can still anticipate every single change in intonation or rhythm because I remember that so well, but the actual words haven’t stuck.

Are anyone else’s memories like that?

Thanks, TikTok

Because everything has been so horrible the past few months, I’ve turned to TikTok as a source of “I don’t wanna deal with life so let me watch short videos instead” coping mechanism.

Don’t make fun of me. I need something.

Anyway, there’s this audio that’s been going around on TikTok called “Into The Thick Of It!” I had no idea where it came from but it sounded intriguing, so I looked it up. Turns out it’s from an episode of a kid’s show called “The Backyardigans.”

The Backyardigans ran from 2004 to 2013, a timeframe that definitely missed my childhood years. So I don’t remember the show, but apparently it’s known for its songs and music. All of its episodes are on YouTube, so I decided to check out a few.

Now I’m addicted, haha. It’s lighthearted and adorable, which is really what I need right now. Also, the music and songs ARE really good. Austin (the kangaroo) has the cutest freaking voice.

So if you need a chill kid’s show for whatever reason, give it a watch!

WandaVision (some spoilers?)

So has anyone else watched WandaVision? Did anyone else absolutely love the premise? I did, holy crap. I thought it was such a unique, unusual plot and so very different from everything else Marvel has done.

Well, except for the end. I think I would have preferred it if it didn’t go back to “oh yeah, there’s the Marvel fight scenes” in the last episode and would have stayed “different” instead, but I guess they had to tie Wanda back into the rest of the MCU somehow, and that was probably the best way to do it.

Anyway, if you have Disney+ and you haven’t watched WandaVision yet, I highly recommend it. Super cool and weird and the homages to the sitcoms of different decades was really well done. Don’t forget to watch the “making of” episode, either. There are so many cool little details that the implemented to make each episode feel authentic to the sitcom/era they were trying to replicate.

BobSponge PantsSquare

Hahaha, so apparently there’s a legit mockumentary series on SpongeBob SquarePants and it looks fantastic.

If you’ve got Amazon Prime, give it a watch (I don’t, unfortunately.)

I watched a LOT of SpongeBob when I was younger.


Do you remember those nights when you got to stay up late after your parents went to bed? Do you remember when Cartoon Network went off the air (prior to Adult Swim being a thing) and having to find something else on TV to entertain yourself with?

If so, I’m sure you remember this:

This immediately brought me back to Saturday nights at my dad’s old condo. It was infomercials, Early Edition, or Baywatch once my dad went to bed.

Kid Stuff

So I don’t know why this is, but every once and a while I think about a show I used to watch when I was a kid (six or seven years old? We lived in Troy at the time, so somewhere around that age) in which a bunch of kids get permission from a TV station to do their own news show type-thingy.

In my several years of searching for this show, I have never been able to find any clips of it – mainly because I didn’t remember what it was called and the only two things I have a distinct memory of the intro (at least parts of it) and one clip where there were kids dressed in snazzy sequin coats singing “Rockin’ Robin.”

But I finally, finally had some success with my searches today!

The show was called Kidsongs, and here is the intro:

God, this made me want to go into TV and/or radio hosting so badly. I’m sure my mom remembers that summer where I was doing the fake radio station stuff AND the summer(s) where I had the camcorder. My poor mom.

Edit: holy crap, it’s the “Rockin’ Robin” thing:

Those jackets are snazzy as all hell.


So we’ve seen my top five books. We’ve seen my top five movies. Now let’s make another list that no one cares about by looking at my top five TV shows!

Quick note: #1 and #2 are light years ahead of the others.

Let’s do it.

#5: Community
When Nate and I first moved in together, we decided to write down the names of TV shows we wanted to watch on little pieces of paper, fold the papers up, and put them in a jar with the idea of randomly selecting one of the shows to watch all the way through whenever we had the time to watch TV (which, very quickly, ended up being the baseball off-season months). One of the first (or first?) shows we picked out of the jar was Community. Neither one of us had seen it or really knew anything about it, but we’d both heard good things about it. And it turns out that it was one of the funniest, best shows we’ve both ever seen. It was very unexpectedly hilarious. We also got my mom into it, so there’s that.

The Dean is the absolute best part of this show, but Chang is fantastic as well.

#4: Futurama

I have not met a single person who said that they didn’t like Futurama. Hell, even Rob – who hated everything else under the sun – liked Futurama. Like…what can even be said about Futurama?

#3: Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy
This was such a weird, colorful cartoon. I watched a lot of it at my dad’s house on the weekends, so a big part of the reason it’s on this list is because of nostalgia. But it’s also just a great cartoon.

#2: Metalocalypse
Anyone who knows me knows I love Metalocalypse. It’s a show that seems completely not my style, but I jive with it. It’s got ridiculous humor. Sean and I used to quote it all the time.

#1: Chicago Hope
So who’s surprised that Metalocalypse is not my #1? Yeah, me too. But here’s the thing. YesTV, for whatever reason, has been showing Chicago Hope every day at 4 PM, which means that I was able to watch it on my off day during the semester (when classes were still in person) and able to watch it every day once we moved to online learning. I had forgotten just how much I loved this show. I saw it first while I was still in high school. It was on the Discovery Health Channel and I always watched it when I came home from school. I hadn’t really gotten to see it (except for a few scattered episodes that are on YouTube), but now that I’ve been able to watch it again, yay, I love it.