Category Archives: Surveys



What’s your favorite color gummy bear?
They all taste the same to me, but I like the green ones.

What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex’s body?

Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
I have made up/re-written a LOT of songs, but never one specifically for someone I know.

Ever had a song sang about/for you?

Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
No, thank god.

Do you know how to dance?
I can flail around like an idiot, if that counts.

Where do you sing the most, in the car or the shower?
I sing in the car when I’m with my mom. I used to sing in the shower, but now Nate’s always home and I’m shy about it.

What is your favorite thing that is green?

What did your last text message say?

What is your middle name?

What is the way to your heart?
Be weird. Be cool with me being weird. Have an obsession. Be kind to animals.

What do you smell like?
I literally have no idea.

What’s in your pocket?
I have no pockets!

Anything in your mouth?
I have no mouth!

Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
No, surprisingly. Though the only thing I ever really did on the Wii was those little survey thingies.

Do you have freckles?
In the summer, yes.

How many languages can you say “Hello” in?

What’s the last movie you saw in the theater?
Man, I have no idea. Something pre-Covid.

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?

Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
Same bra.

Name a song that you know all the words to:
Just one? Blinding Lights.

Are you in love with someone right now?

What’s the last thing you watched on TV?
Like, actual cable TV? I think I watched part of an episode of Jeopardy when Nate was off having his last surgery.

What’s the last video game you played?

Can you do the alphabet in sign language?

Do you have an uncle named Joe?

What word do you use when people pass gas?
Do you wear glasses?

What can you hear right now?
I’m making penne and broccoli; I can hear the water boiling.

Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
About the same.

Ever been overseas?

What are your plans for today?
The day’s almost over, bro.

How long have you had Facebook?
Since 2006.

What was your favorite childhood show?

Are you close to your siblings?
No sibbies.

What was your first job?
Working at Wendy’s.

Do you bite your nails?
I chew the HELL out of my nails. To the point where they’re so short they hurt.

Do you like your feet?

Do you sleep well at night?
I lay down. I go dead asleep. I wake up at some point. So yeah.

Has anyone ever given you the silent treatment?
I’m sure.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever had in your mouth?
For how long of a period are we talking, here, because that DRAMATICALLY changes my answer.

Are you friends with anyone named Earl?

Are you vain?
Aren’t we all to some degree?

Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife?
Not seriously.

What would you do if the last person you kissed showed up at your house with a bunch or roses and a hand written poem for you?
Wonder when he left to go get said roses.

Do you ever watch The Simpsons?

Have you ever sent an embarrassing moment of yours into a mag to be printed?
Haha, nope.

What IS your most embarrassing moment?
There are so many to pick from, friends.

Do you think you’re more cute or sexy?
Oh god. Neither.

Do you own any mini skirts?

What’s the middle name of the last person you spoke to?

Would you like to live in a hotel, or your own house?

Are you good at knowing when people are lying?
Depends on how well I know them.

Do you draw little hearts and stuff with eyeliner next to your eyes?

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever lost?
My giganto keychain that had like 13 Tamagotchis on it. Well, I’m sure I’ve lost something more expensive than that, but I can’t think of anything else right now, haha.

Has your mom ever lied to you?

Do you have a deep voice?
I would say it’s about average.

When’s the last time someone made breakfast for you?
Can’t remember.

Do you do something new with your hair practically every day?
My hair does something new with itself every day.

Name a song you’re addicted to:
Call On Me – Eric Prydz.

Has anyone ever licked your foot?

Is there a Sonic where you live?
The hedgehog?

Do you smile with your teeth?

What did you eat for lunch today?
A pita.

What do you like on your pizza?
Olives. A crap ton of them.

Do you know anyone who lives in Newfoundland?

How ‘bout Alberta?

Anyone in Canada at all?
Many people.

If you could trade houses with a friend, who would it be?

Are you a good person to come to for advice?

Have I done this one? HAVE I?!?!?!?!

(I don’t know, so let’s do it now.)

1. How has covid affected you?
I now have a better understand of just how stupid and selfish people are. There’s more, of course, but that’s the main takeaway right now.

2. What is a comfort show of yours ?
Frasier. My mom and I watch it every time I come back to the States.

3. Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in?
Have…have you read this blog? I’ve got some pretty personal past stuff on here if you’re willing to hunt a bit for it. Go on, try it!

4. Favourite fast food joint?
McDonald’s. I’m basic, I know.

5. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason?
Not for a “reason” in the respect that we often think of it. I think the universe is deterministic, but not driven by a specific reason. We just happen to be pieces of the universe that are presently on this planet and conscious of it. It’s cool, but there’s no reason behind it. In a very short time, we’ll all be something else in the universe…which is even cooler, in my opinion.

7. Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions?
Indeed. That’s why I wonder sometimes if I’m just redoing a survey I’ve already done.

8. What were you doing 10 years ago?
March 2014? I was in my final semester of my math degree. I think I’d heard from U of C by then, too.

9. Do you call out Karen’s when they’re harassing a cashier?
I don’t think I’ve ever had the opportunity, actually.

10. Animal crossing , yay or nay?
Never played it.

11. Why do you like to do surveys?
Fun. Also, I like to throw in random nonsense and see if anyone can distinguish it from the non-nonsense.

12. Did you ever have a MySpace ?

13. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship?
If the people in the relationship are both legitimately cool with it, no.

14. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no , would you create one? If yes what’s your content?
I do. My “main” one is the one I use for putting up my class videos, but I have a personal one with all my dumb home video nonsense on it.

15. Are you a math person?
Nope. Which is why I teach it. Long story.

16. What’s the worse thing someone has said to you?
Nothing worse than what I’ve said to myself.

17. Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad?
I thought that said BEHEADED. Heh. Good thing it doesn’t, huh? RIGHT???

18. Would you ever date someone online?

19. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone?
No to both.

20. When do you think things will be normal again?

21. Do you watch anime?

22. Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over ?

23. How old did/do you turn this year ?

24. Do you like tiktok?
TikTok has too many cat videos for me to dislike it.

25. Do you ever miss vine?
We have TikTok now!

26. How are you doing, seriously?
Don’t even ask.

27. Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t?

28. Do you make jokes to cope with your problems?
I do things that are much more self-destructive.

29. Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend?

30. Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar?
Not that I’m aware of.

31. Long or short surveys?

32. If you’re in school, are you doing it on zoom or in class?
I teach now! Though I guess technically I’m working on that French certificate, which involves Zoom-based classes, so…

33. Would you ever have a pet rat?
Not while having a pet cat.

34. Favourite memory with your best friend?
I don’t have any friends.

35. Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube?
Disaster documentaries, people ranting about stuff, science stuff, makeup reviews, song covers/remixes.

36. Are you allergic to anything serious?
Nothing too serious.

37. Dream job?
My current one.

38. Do you think dreams mean anything?
I do indeed.

39. Fav clothing brand?
I don’t think I have a specific one. Whatever fits me.

40. Do you miss anyone?
My mom.

I think I’ve done this survey before but who cares I’m doing it again because no one else would ever notice

what is your favorite condiment to go with french fries?

what is a field of study that is of your interest?
Like all of them, haha.

do you like to eat stir fry?
Sure. My own or Mongolian BBQ, if that counts.

what do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone?
Making awkward, unbreaking eye contact for like five minutes before realizing that’s creepy. Not knowing what to do with my arms. Talking.

does it bother you when someone cuts you off while walking?
Bro, you have NO IDEA. Especially if they see me coming, can tell that I’m walking faster than they’re going to, and still decide to get in front of me like a fart bag.

what color is your mp3?
I’m assuming you mean “mp3 player,” bro. It’s pink.

have you ever laid in a hammock?

what time of day do you feel mostly at peace?
Peace is an illusion.

how has the weather been treating you lately?
Eh. It’s been okay.

is there a song or lyrics currently superglued in your head?
Not at the moment, no.

have you ever lost a pet in a tragic way? how did you cope?
We’re not talking about this one.

what type of curtains do you like?
Uh…the kind that…cover the windows…?

what can you go a day without doing?

what can’t you go a day without doing?
Being a disappointment.

what is your ideal weekend like?
A long run. Staying up late. Walking with Nate. Doing art.

who do you spend most of your time with?

are you into graphic novels?

do you have a favorite classical composer?

what type of quality is a must have in a friend?
Being a weirdo.

are you any good at reading someones body language?

where is the farthest you have traveled?

do people tend to get the wrong idea about you? or is it the other way around?
I have no idea. You should ask them.

have you ever ate a zucchini?
My mom made me zoodles once. They were great.

what type of art would you hang up in your room?
Anything colorful.

what goes good with a nice cold glass of milk?
Cold milk on its own is just fine.

what fruit is too sweet to you?
I don’t know if I’ve ever described something as “too sweet.”

can you whistle an entire song?

how do you spend those last couple of minutes before falling into sleep?

Y’all sick of the surveys? TOO BAD


01. What is your favorite type of muffin?
Poppy seed!

02. What is the last type of salad that you ate?
The salad that I make. It’s got lettuce (obvs), carrots, radishes, cauliflower, and broccoli. Super tasty.

03. What is the background on your computer?
An integral sign. Because of course it is. Leibniz is life.

04. What do you usually put on your waffles?
Waffles sound SO GOOD RIGHT NOW
Butter and just a little bit of syrup.

05. How are you feeling right this moment?

06. Do you ever stop and look up at the sky?
I’m always looking for cool clouds to spot, so yes.

07. Are you currently craving anything?
Waffles, thanks to you, survey.

08. What are three simple things that you appreciate?
Frisson-inducing music. A good run. Stupid jokes.

09. What book are you currently reading?
Gulliver’s Travels.

10. What did you buy the last time you went shopping?

11. What do your currently have on your shelf/shelves?
We have so many shelves in our condo, haha. I have trinkets and books on mine.

12. What is a random thing you remember from your childhood?
I remember the after school program thing my mom sent me to in the summer when I was in elementary school. We’d walk down to Gormley Park to go swimming sometimes and GE and I would pretend we were coos who were searching for water during a drought. Then we’d get back to school and have chips on paper napkins.

13. What is the last expensive item you bought?
I actually don’t remember.

14. Would you rather be a successful writer or artist?

15. Have you ever completed a game of Monopoly?
Yeah. My mom and I used to play fairly frequently.

16. Do you ever highlight or underline words and sentences while reading a book?
Fiction, no. Textbooks, yes. A lot.

17. Would you rather have a cottage on the beach or in a forest?

18. Which brand of chips is your favorite?
Uh…whoever makes Fritos. Lays?

19. What is a small thing that annoys you?
We’ve been over this: people who don’t know how to walk courteously. OH MY GOD GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU SLOW FART

20. Ice cream, gelato, sorbet, popsicles, snow cones, frozen yogurt, or frozen custard? Have you tried any other frozen desserts?
Ice cream is always great. We had a frozen yogurt place in Moscow for a while, but I can’t remember what it was called. Wayne and I went there to “study,” haha.


Survey Says
Just pick the first word that you think of when you associate yourself with that category. Don’t overthink it.

If I was a/an _____, I’d be ______

TV show: ATHF
Song: FloriDada
Book: Anything by Pynchon, let’s be honest
City: San Diego
Verb: Run
Color: Red
Animal: Platypus
Planet: Uranus
Emotion: Rage
Article of clothing: Socks
Flavor: Salty
Food: Cheese
Plant: Cactus
Mythological animal: Dragon
Letter: H
Inanimate object: An uncooked macaroni noodle
Onomatopoeia: Crackle
School Subject: Drama

I’m shocked I never had a LiveJournal

I’m a tween at heart. I love these kinds of surveys.

I am…
a girl
a boy
in a relationship
in love
in middle school
in high school
in college/uni

Classes I Had in (High) School
economics | computer science | English | chemistry | interior design | fashion | Greek | Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Hebrew | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latin | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Dutch | math | geology | history | biology | gymnastics | physics | music | swimming | art

Apps in My Phone
Bitmoji | Youtube | Facebook | Instagram | Snapchat | Messenger | WhatsApp | KIK | Google maps | Netflix | Spotify | Uber | Pinterest | Google play | Gmail | Google search | Twitter | Tumblr | WeHeartIt | Wish | Amazon | iTunes | Skype | | Color Switch

What I’m Wearing Right Now
long-sleeved t-shirt
sport clothing

You Own:
[ ] straightener
[ ] curling iron
[ ] mousse
[ ] hairspray
[ ] gel
[ ] other sprays
[ ] bobby pins
[ ] round barrel brush
[ ] blow dryer
[X] mirror
[X] you have dyed your hair
[ ] you have or had highlights
Total: 1

[X] black eyeliner
[X] other color eyeliner
[X] eye shadow
[X] mascara
[ ] fake eyelashes
[ ] eyelash curler
[ ] eye shimmer
[ ] colored contacts
[ ] stunna shades
[X] eye makeup remover
Total so far: 6

[ ] clear lip gloss
[ ] red or pink gloss
[X] lipstick
[X] Chapstick
[ ] lip plumper
[ ] electric toothbrush
[ ] teeth whitener
[ ] lip liner
[ ] more than 15 lip glosses
[X] toothpaste
Total so far: 9

Complexion/Overall face
[X] blush
[ ] moisturizer
[ ] face wash
[ ] bronzer
[X] makeup remover
[ ] face wipes
[X] powder
[X] cover-up
Total so far: 13

[X] nail polish
[X] filer
[X] nail clipper
[ ] nail buffer
[ ] cuticle remover
[ ] nail hardener
[ ] nail brush
[ ] fake nails
[ ] nail scissors
Total so far: 16

Overall Total: 16
Times by 2: 32
I am 32% obsessed with my look

1- I can do Australian accents
2- I know where Madagascar is
3- Je peux parler français
4- I can’t speak French 
5- I am partially Russian
6- I like Swiss cheese
7- I have lived/am living outside the States
8- I have tasted REAL Chinese food 
9- I have attempted to learn Japanese
10- I know what the South African word ‘Tskudu’ means
11- I know someone who speaks fluent Norwegian
12- I can say ‘I love you’ in more than five languages besides English
13- I have in the past fallen for the story, “Haggis is a three-legged rodent”
14- I have always been aware that Haggis is actually sheep gut
15- I can read the Cyrillic alphabet
16- I understand slang from other countries
17- I have tasted Belgian chocolate
18- I have a penpal who doesn’t speak English
19- I have songs on my iPod/MP3 that aren’t in English
20- I know what ‘croque-monsieur’ is
21- I know where Helsinki is
22- Minä puhun suomi
23- I don’t have a clue what language that’s in
24- I have been lost in a foreign country (hello, downtown Vancouver)
25- French wine is the best
26- I can cuss in multiple languages
27- I understand the Greek alphabet
28- I think Swedish is a pretty language
29- I have never heard spoken Swedish
30- I can play bagpipes
31- I think Scottish accents are cute
32- I have been to Hong Kong
33- I think anime would be better if it was in Japanese with English subtitles
34- The majority of my friends are not from my home country
35- I often think it would be cool to speak Polish
36- I don’t have a clue where Thailand is
37- I understand the term, “fucking British weather”
38- People speaking in foreign languages unnerve me
39- I can speak other languages besides English fluently
40- English is not my first language

Focus on Nothing

Do you weigh less than 130 pounds?
Yup. But I’m also super short, so.

Do you straighten your hair every day?
I don’t think I’ve ever straightened my hair.

What kind of car do you drive?
I don’t drive.

Does the last person to put their arms around you mean anything?
Yup! He’s my husband.

What’s your favorite kind of ice cream?

Do you wear earrings daily?
When I’m working, yes.

Do you prefer purple or green grapes?
Green, though I’m not the biggest grape fan.

When’s the last time you got your eyebrows waxed?

Have you ever been in a tanning bed?
Nope. And I have no desire to.

Did your last kiss mean anything to you?
Yup! This was also my husband, haha.

How’s your hair right now?
Horrible, as always.

Have you ever wanted to go to Australia?

What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
McDonald’s (chain) and Cougar Country (local)

When’s the last time you washed your hands?
Like an hour ago when I got home.

Who were you with the last time you were drunk and where were you?
I’ve never been drunk. But the last time I had alcohol was in…2010? I had a little shot of whiskey with Sean, Aaron, and Lanky when visiting them.

What is one thing within the last year that if it had gone differently you feel might have changed things now?
That is a very oddly-worded question, haha. I think if I hadn’t done ASHA I would have missed out on a big opportunity to expand my teaching skills beyond just math/stats. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s been good work.

Have you ever witnessed someone getting the shit beat out of them courtesy of karma?

What is something that you associate with summer?
Increasingly high levels of fear and anxiety over climate change.

Give me the capital of the state you’re in now, please.

Have you ever ran around outside completely naked?
Not completely naked…

When you’re hungry, does your stomach hurt?
Only if I’m REALLY hungry.

Would you say that you have a nice smile?
Ew, no.

Have you ever walked in on your parents doing something kinky?

Do you use mouthwash?

What color do you paint your toenails?
Bold of you to assume I have toenails.

Can you be trusted with secrets?

Pill to make you braver or one to make you smarter?

When was the last time you used a bar of soap?
Whenever the hell I showered last.

The year’s almost done. LET’S CRAM IN ANOTHER SURVEY


1. You’re about to cook dinner for some guests. What appetizer do you start with, what will be the main course, and what dessert will you serve?
Are we talking about stuff that I can make myself? If so:
Appetizer: cheese and crackers (SHUT UP IT COUNTS)
Main: penne with broccoli and feta
Dessert: those layer cookies in my Master Recipe List

2. What articles of clothing have you been wanting to buy/did you buy recently?
I actually haven’t bought too many clothes lately apart from my running shoes.

3. What is a positive or inspirational quote that you really like?
I have no idea, haha.

4. What would a perfect yard look like for you?
A non-grass yard (like rocks or sand) or a yard full of native plants. I’d like to conserve as much water as possible OR help the environment out with some good plants. It’d be nice to have a little fire pit in there somewhere for making hot dogs, etc.

5. What is a topic that you have just recently become interested in?
How recent is recent? I’ve gotten insanely interested in running in the past several years, but I’ve become even more interested in distance running since then.

8. Can you name something that makes you feel nostalgic from each of the following: a scent, a sight, a sound, a taste, and a feeling?
Scent: NOPE
Sight: the playground at St. Mary’s
Sound: a marching band
Taste: Corn Nuts (I used to eat tons of these while playing Quake and various other games back in 4th grade when we lived on Tamarack St. Just a very specific memory.)

9. What is a video that you’ve seen recently that has made you laugh?
This freaking thing. I watch this more than I should.

10. What is a meme or picture you’ve seen recently that has made you laugh?
I’ve been organizing all my documents, pictures, videos, etc. to do a big end-of-the-year backup of all my stuff, and this stupid thing never fails to make me laugh uncontrollably.

11. What are some small things that make you feel incredibly happy?
A good run. Frisson-inducing songs. Doing anything creative.

12. Do you have any goals for the near future?
I do indeed. Get tenure. Run the Calgary Marathon ultramarathon. Keep working on my story. Visit my mom.

13. What is one small thing your significant other does that makes you happy? If you are single, what is one small thing a friend does to make you happy?
I love it when Nate nerds out about things he enjoys. Comic books, baseball, history…I like seeing him enthusiastic about his interests. It makes me very happy.

14. If you could have a dollar for every time something happened, what would it be?
If I had a dollar for every time I cried, I’d be a rich little sad fart.

15. What is something that you wish more people in your life were interested in (a topic, a hobby, etc.)?
Nothing specific, I don’t think. Though I do like it when people have a strong interest in something in general. People showing enthusiasm in a topic/hobby/whatev really makes me happy.

16. What is a feel-good song that you’ve been listening to lately?
Does Eric Prydz’ “Call On Me” count? That’s still one of my favorite songs and I’ve been listening to it a lot more recently.

17. Without naming the TV show, can you give some hints to describe a show you enjoy?
Five man-children in a metal band and their shenanigans. And the people plotting their demise.

18. If you were to adopt a new pet today, what would you name it?

19. What are some things you enjoy seeing pictures of?
Leibniz (though I guess those would be drawn/painted portraits rather than pictures…but still). Clouds. Cats.

21. Have you ever bought something recommended by an ad before? What was it, and were you happy with your purchase?
I think I found Outdoor Voices’ exercise dress via an ad. I have a few and they’re very comfortable, so yes, I’m happy with those purchases.

22. What games, if any, do you play on your phone?
Does Duolingo count as a game? I also play sudoku.

23. What do you have on your bookmarks bar?
A lot of things, haha. D2L, CNN,, Twitter, links to the semester’s WeBWorK pages, a running site…those are the first several ones up there.

24. What is a website that you visit frequently that isn’t a form of social media?
D2L, haha.

I did not participate in this…

But let’s pretend I did!

It’s the Runner’s World Running Survey 2023. LET’S GOOOOOOO

I have indicated what my response would be by putting a red circle over the appropriate response in each infographic.

I’m circling both for this one, as my first actual serious attempts at running were when I lived in Vancouver (so when I was 22/23), but then I stopped and started again in 2020 when I was 32.

I’m in the majority here.

I’m not in the majority here, haha.

Yeah, it’s a problem.

Another majority.

Don’t bother me when I’m running. Running is my “me time.”


The Frito Bandito is wanted on five counts of murder

This is an odd survey.
I am an odd survey taker.
Match made in heaven.

Which finger on your right hand is your favorite?
Ring finger.

If you had to choose between drums and guitar, which would you choose?

Would you rather write or read?

Do you like tea?
Only green tea.

If so, do you like raspberry tea?
ONLY GREEN TEA! Survey, don’t you pay attention?

Are you a wild and an untamed thing?
ONLY IN BED I can be. Give me Red Bull and you’ll see things you wish you’d never seen before.

How long have you been a member of Tumblr/LJ?
How dare you reveal that I got this off of Tumblr?!?
(Since 2012.)

If you mixed the letters in your name around, could it create another word?
Not a single word, no.

What are your thoughts on gay people?

Do you know how to use proper grammar?

Do you obsess over grammar?
Hahaha, have you read this blog?

Do you like the Beatles?

How about My Chemical Romance?
I know one single MCR song and yes, it’s the one you’re thinking of.

Brad Paisley?
I don’t know any Brad Paisley songs off the top of my head.

What do you think of Dr. Frank N. Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show?
I’ve never seen Rocky Horror Picture Show and have no desire to.

Do you play any unique or interesting instruments?
Oboe is relatively unique/interesting.

How many songs do you have on your iPod/music player (if you have one)?
Like 6,000-something.

When did you drink something last?
A few seconds ago.

What did you eat last?
See above.

What are your thoughts on Mario Bros.?
Plumbing is a harder profession than I thought.

Do you have a job?

Do you still go to school? If so, what grade?
I’m finally out of school!

What do you think of rainbow duct tape?
Anything rainbow make me happy.

Do you write on your pants?
Not on purpose.

Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

How about on a plane?

Are you married?

What was the exact time you woke up this morning?
Uh…like 8:30 or something.

What are your thoughts on death?
I welcome it.

Do you own any drumsticks? This includes chicken, ice cream and wooden ones.
Just for Rock Band.

What is your favorite instrument?
Clarinet if woodwinds, cello if strings.

Can you play this instrument?
Yes to the first, no to the second.

What year was your favorite?
Of ALL the years that have ever existed? 1646, because it brought us Leibniz.

Do you like Cheez-its?
Hell yeah.

Last question: How old do you want to be when you die?
Today years old.

Life is Weird

And on a slightly related note, here’s that end-of-year survey I always do.

What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before?
Ran a marathon!

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
There will soon be a blog post regarding this!

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did anyone close to you die?
A person I knew from high school died back at the start of the year. We weren’t super close or anything, but we were aware of each other.

What countries did you visit?
The US!

What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?

What date from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The day I got Canadian citizenship. That was an important life milestone that I’ve been (very passively) working towards for the past 5+ years.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Running my first marathon. Running my first ultramarathon.

What was your biggest failure?
Existing (I think I say this every year).

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Haha, yeah, I busted up my sartorius muscle back at the end of June. It hurt SUPER BADLY and took quite a while to heal up. Now, I’d say 98% of the time, I don’t feel any pain/discomfort from it.

What was the best thing you bought?
My new iPad and Apple Pencil.

Where did most of your money go?
Reiterating from last year: to stuff I didn’t really need.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Longer distance running, haha. Running in general. I mean, I was enthused about it before this year, but this year was when I think it finally became something that just brings me so much happiness.

What song will always remind you of 2023?
Probably anything from Taylor Swift’s “Midnights” album, just because this was The Year of the Swift and her music was everywhere.

What do you wish you’d done less of?
Nothing. I had too many days/nights that I could have taken advantage of my free time and done something useful with it. Never again.

How will you be spending Christmas?
I’m going to run in the morning (probably on the treadmill, as it’s finally getting cold), then we’re going to open presents. Wee!

Did you fall in love in 2023?

How many one-night stands?

What was your favourite TV program?
It’s still Chicago Med in terms of what I’m currently watching. I watch a lot of Riverdale, though, too, because I’m trash.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

What was the best book you read?
OOOOOOOOO I HAVE AN ANSWER but I’m going to blog about this soon!

What was your greatest musical discovery?
That freaking orchestral cover of “Call on Me” is the greatest.

What was your favourite film of this year?
I don’t think I have one.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 35. As usual, I didn’t do anything special.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably satisfying?
MAN, I HAVE A LIST. I can’t pick one thing.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023?
I’ve been consciously trying to match better, which is a weird thing to say. I try to pick two or three main colors to feature and then match one to my earring color and one to my eyeshadow color. If I’m lucky, I can match my shoes as well. I know it doesn’t matter, but it matters to me.

What kept you sane?
Sanity is not my strong suit.

Which celebrity/public figure(s) did you fancy the most?

Who did you miss?
My mom, as always.

Who was the best new person you met?
I haven’t met anyone new.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023:
Whenever you think a semester can’t get worse, it can.

Sinny Sin Sin!

Let’s be blasphemous.

Sin 1: Lust
1. Who was the last person you checked out? Did they check you out too?
I couldn’t tell you the last time I purposefully, consciously checked someone out (at least in “real life”). That’s not one of my priorities.

2. Who was the last person you desired, but they didn’t feel the same?
Hahahaha. I don’t know the last one, but the most…prevalent one in my life was Lead. So…5th grade through 12th grade.

3. Ever cheated on a significant other? If so, have you learned from it?
This is a more complicated question than it should be. There were…circumstances and a lack of communication. It’s a long story. 2008 was an absolute disaster zone, let’s just leave it at that.

4. Do you watch porn?
Ew. No.

5. Do you masturbate?
Ew. No.

6. Best physical features on your preferred sex?
I’m apparently really influenced by nose shape. I love “weird” noses. Noses that stand out for some reason or another or are the most prominent feature due to their size and/or shape. Think Pedro Pascal. He’s got the best nose, nnnf.

7. Who are some celebrities that you think are totally hot?
Didn’t I answer this question in a previous survey?

8. Did you ever lust after a best friend’s significant other? How did it turn out?

10. Ever pursued someone, even though they were taken?

Sin 2: Gluttony
1. When did you last eat at a restaurant? What restaurant was it?
Hahaha, MAN, it’s been a while. The last time I ate in a restaurant was pre-Covid, so…December 2019? I’ve been in some fast food places to pick up food since then, though.

2. When did you last have fast food? Where did you get it?
Whenever my mom was last up here, we either went to Dairy Queen or McDonald’s. I think it was McDonald’s. If so, I got fries and a cheeseburger.

3. What was the biggest meal you had all day?
I’m currently making my one meal for the day, so nothing so far.

4. Do you have too many clothes? How often do you go shopping?
Oh my GOD I have an issue with clothes. I definitely have too many and buy too many. I can go months without buying anything and then want to buy ALL THE THINGS in the span of like three days.

5. What’s something you have a LOT of?

6. Do you eat a lot?
More than I should.

7. What was the last thing you splurged (spent a lot of money) on?
Do Kinvaras count?

8. What do you spend most of your money on (besides bills and anything necessary like that)?
See above.

9. Last time you ate candy? What was it?
I goddamn love candy, friends. It was a handful of those mini Reese’s cups.

10. Last thing you ate too much of?
Again, see above.

Sin 3: Greed
1. Do you share things? How often?
I share when I can. I’m not often in the position to, though, because a) I have no actual friends to share things with and b) I try to stay away from people in general, so I’m not often given the opportunity.

2. Someone asks you for a piece of your cookie. You break it in half, but the pieces aren’t equal. Who gets the bigger piece?
The other dude.

3. When you see change on the ground, do you pick it up?
Yes. Once I found $50!

4. How often do you lend money to people?
Again, I’m not often asked, but I’d lend it to anyone I trust.

5. Do you loooove money?
Not obsessively, but it’s nice to have!

6. If someone offers to pay for you, do you decline or readily accept?
Depends on who it is, what they’re offering to pay for, and how expensive it is.

7. Which of your friends is the wealthiest?
I don’t have any friends.

8. Would you take a high-paying job that you didn’t really like just for the money and benefits?
That sounds miserable.

9. Ever stole from anyone? What about stole from a store? What happened?
Never intentionally.

10. Do you ever have enough money?

Sin 4: Sloth
1. Last thing you procrastinated on?
Some prep stuff for class.

2. When you’re at a strip mall and the next store you want to go to is at the other side, do you drive over there instead of take a short walk?

3. What’s a typical day off of school and/or work like for you?
I try to be productive, but I’m usually so burnt out that it’s tough. It’s also been a while since I’ve had a true “day off.”

4. What’s one talent you have that you don’t really work on, even though you have the ability to be good at it?
Anything art-related. I feel like I could get decent at drawing/painting if I just took (or had) the time.

5. How many hours of television do you watch a day?
Like one? Two?

6. What about the amount of time you spend on the internet a day?
HAHAHA a lot.

7. How many hours of sleep do you get a day? Do you sleep in late?
I’m one of those weirdos that doesn’t need too much sleep. Or at least, I’m one of those weirdos who can break up their sleep time into smaller chunks rather than sleep all at once. Four hours seems to be pretty standard, though I can function on three. I have to get up relatively early to walk/run in the mornings.

8. Do you drive to places that are less than three blocks away?

9. When was the last time you exercised?

10. Ever copied and pasted your homework from a website on the internet?

Sin 5: Wrath
1. If you could kill one person and get away with it, would you do it?

2. Is there anyone you honestly and truly can say that you hate?
Just myself.

3. Is there anyone you want revenge on, whether you want to get them back big-time or just play a little prank on them for hurting your feelings?

4. Are you fighting with any friends right now? Why?
Zero friends.

5. Last time you were really angry? What happened?
I’m always angry.
(That’s my secret, Captain)

6. When you’re angry, what do you do to calm yourself down?
I have a really hard time calming down. I have to burn out on the anger in order to calm down.

7. “Hate is just the fear of loving someone.” true or false?

8. What’s the best revenge you ever got on someone?
I have no idea.

9. Was there any hard feelings after your last break-up? On whose end was it on?
Nope! It was mutual and we were still bros afterward.

10. Ever been cheated on? How did that make you feel?
Yes. I kind of figured it was happening as we were apart for a few months, but I tried not to think about it.

Sin 6: Envy
1. Is there anyone you’re jealous of? Name a person and tell us why.
[Are we conflating jealousy and envy on this survey? Really? Alrighty.]
Yes, there is someone I am actively jealous of right now, but I’d rather not go into it.

2. List three physical features some other people have that you’re envious of (no need to get specific and name people; you can just say something like “brown eyes” or “having perfect eyebrows”).
1) hair that is actually manageable, 2) people that actually have room between their lowest ribs and the top of their pelvic bone and thus actually can have a defined waist, 3) people who have a nice face. Even an average face.

3. List three personality features that other people have that you’re envious of.
1) genius, 2) charismatic, and 3) witty

4. Are you a jealous significant other?
To an extent, yes.

5. Could you date someone who was really jealous?
We’d have a jealous-off and probably just murder each other. So no.

6. What celebrity’s looks do you envy the most?
I always thought Michelle Trachtenberg was gorgeous. Scarlett Johansson, too (I love her lips).

7. Do you think anyone is envious of you? In your opinion, what characteristics (physical and mental) do you possess that you think someone might be envious of?
I have nothing others could be envious about except for the “comfortable” things (that is, I’ve got a stable job, I’m not wanting for money, and I’m in a good relationship).

8. What are a few things you wish you were good at?
I wish I was a better writer. A better artist. A better singer.

9. Did you ever date someone, break up, and then see them dating someone very attractive a few days later? Were you jealous of that person?

10. When looking at a love interest’s exes, do you often find yourself jealous of their good-looking exes?
I’ve never done this, mainly because I’ve always assumed that said exes were all so much better looking than me anyway and I didn’t want to go down that hellish rabbit hole of comparison.

Sin 7: Pride
1. What’s something you brag about a lot (be honest–we all brag sometimes)?
I probably brag about my walking/running too much.

2. What physical features do you take the most pride in?
Uh…I have nice eyelashes?

4. Be honest… when someone is telling you something, do you often change the subject so it’s about you and your accomplishments instead?
I do this all the time. I think I always assumed this was how you were supposed to show you were interested in what the other person was saying (relay your own story/experience about whatever they were talking about), but now it always sounds super narcissistic to me. I try to make a conscious effort to not make it about me.

5. Do you like talking about your achievements?
It gets awkward.

6. Do your parents tend to brag about how well you came out?
My mom certainly does, haha. Even though I’m not anything like I should be.

7. Do you strive to be better than others? Do you think competing with others is healthy?
I try, but I know I’m worse than everyone else.

8. What do you do better than most people?
Fail, haha.

9. Do you believe in taking pride in things you can’t control (ex. being proud of your heritage, being proud of your skin color, being proud of your natural artistic ability)?
Sure. People are often proud of their families and that’s something you can’t really control, right?

10. Who are you competing with right now (it could be anything–classmates for a grade, co-workers for a position, other girl for a guy, etc.)?

I feel like I’ve done this survey before…

I probably have. There is only a finite number of surveys out there and I have an infinitely unquenchable thirst for said surveys, so…

Uhhhhhhhhh Red Bull, Reese’s, and like a mini bag of Cheez-Its or something. Rockin’.

I’d probably be something weird like a platypus. I’m totally platypus-like, right? DON’T TOUCH MY EGGS


(Man, remember when we used to be able to go to restaurants?)
Nate and I (used to) go to Denny’s on our anniversary. I’d always get a cheesy omelet, hash browns, and crispy bacon. That sounds so freaking good right now.

I’m in the process of reading Andersonville, but the last book I completed was War and Peace.

Do you think I can remember that? I barely remember what I did five minutes ago.

I don’t have a favorite, haha. They’re underwear. They fit (kinda). They keep my butt in check.

Apart from Pepper scratches and bruises and the like, it was when I strained my sartorius back in July. It’s still not 100% back to normal, but it is way better than it was when I first hurt it and probably better than I thought it would be at this point in the year.

A button that, when pressed, would send me immediately to where I wanted to be. That would make walking so much better!


Just a little rainbow thingy.

I don’t drink soda.

I don’t drink pudding.

I am NOT subjecting anyone to my toenails, so manicure.


Zero, haha.



1. E is for EMAIL: When is the last time your personal email inbox was completely empty?
HA. Never.

2. E is for EAR: Do you consider your hearing to be better than average, average or worse than average?
It used to be WAY better than average. Like, I had to wear earplugs in band (and got made fun of incessantly for it, too). I attribute it to my body compensating for missing another one of my senses. But I’ve beaten the life out of my eardrums with music over the years, so I’d say my hearing is probably average now.

3. E is for EARLY: Are you generally early to appointments, late or right on time?
I try to be early by at least five minutes.

4. E is for EDUCATION: Which grade of school (or year of college) did you find most difficult and why?
Tenth grade sucked, but that was mainly for non-school reasons. Though that year I had to take biology (which I hated) and Algebra II (which I REALLY hated) AND I had a zero-hour class, so it was difficult due to those features as well.

5. E is for EGG: How do you normally eat your eggs?
Scrambled with a little bit of cheese, milk, and pepper.

6. E is for ESSAY: What was the longest blog post you’ve written?
Probably this one.



First, go to this nifty online random-letter generator. Set the “number of random letter sequences to generate” to 1. Set the “length of each random letter sequence” to 1. Leave the “letters to choose from” how it is and click the button. You’ll get a rather non-dramatic one letter. Use that letter to begin all your answers to the 5 questions below. Alternately, if you find that boring, you could set the “length of each random letter sequence” to 5, thereby giving you five letters, a different one for each question.

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions)?
My letters are F I L R S. Let’s do it!

What article of clothing, whose name begins with the letter, have you never worn?
F – Fur coat
I – Infinity scarf
L – Leather pants
R – Romper
S – Shawl

What book, whose title begins with the letter, are you looking forward to reading?
F Finnegans Wake (Joyce) (I’m actually terrified of this book, but it’s the only “F” I have left on my list, haha)
I Invisible Man (Ellison)
L Les Miserables (Hugo)
R The Red Badge of Courage (Crane)
SScoop (Waugh)

What mode of transportation, whose name begins with the letter, seems like it would be fun?
F – Ferry
I – …Ice skating?
L – Leaping (that’s a mode of transportation, fight me)
R – Rocket
S – Scooter

What form of exercise, whose name begins with the letter, have you recently engaged in?
F – Fast walking
I – (I have no idea, haha)
L – Lunges (in physical therapy)
R – Running!
S – Squats (also physical therapy)

What fictional character, whose name begins with the letter, would be good company on a long trip?
F – Fogg (as in Phileas)
I – Iron Man!
L – Lumiere (I LIKE HIM A LOT, OKAY?)
R – Rex (either the dino from Toy Story or the dino from We’re Back!…both are good)
S – Starbuck

I feel like CRAP so here ya go

Another low-effort blog by Claudia. Quality not guaranteed.

1. How has your life most benefited from the Internet? Whether it’s meeting people, cutting business overhead, finding rare collectibles, or simply sharing funny cat pictures, share how the web has made life easier.
There’s less direct (face-to-face) interaction with people. I’m all about that.

2. How do you deal with negative comments on your blog?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a negative comment on my blog. It’s not popular enough, haha.

3. There’s never enough time, is there? What would you do with an extra three hours today?
Today? Just dink around. Maybe work on my story. On a typical non off-day, though? Walk or run.

4. The getaway car is waiting outside – where is it taking you?

5. Who was your “arch enemy” in high school? Do you have any enemies today?
I didn’t really have an arch enemy in high school. I had groups that I didn’t get along with, but we mostly stayed away from each other. I had enemies in elementary school, though…
I don’t think I have any enemies currently.

6. You’re giving the keynote address to the graduating seniors of a high school today. What’s your advice to them?
Don’t have kids. Seriously. These seniors are going to have a miserable go at it due to all the damage we’ve already done to the planet. Can you imagine what their kids would have to go through? Adopt instead.

7. Thinking of words of wisdom: What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received?
I can’t think of any recent bad advice, but I remember when I was a kid/teen that any time I’d get upset around my dad, he’d just say “don’t cry.” Like…as if that was some advice he was giving me. Gee thanks, dad, I feel better now! Haha.

8. Tell us about the best summer vacation you EVER had.
I don’t know if I have a single one that stands out as the best, but I used to attend Linda’s Art Camp when I was a kid/early teen. We’d do all sorts of art (clay, acrylic, watercolor, sculpture, batik, plaster, oil painting, etc.) from noon until 5 every day for two weeks. It was absolutely glorious and was something I ALWAYS looked forward to. Hell, I’d go now if she still offered it. I wouldn’t care that I’d be the oldest one there by like two decades.

9. What do you have to have with you when you travel? Why?
Apart from the practical things, I always want at least one of my backups with me. That is, one of my external hard drives or flash drives. Just in case.

10. Would you accept $1,000,000 tax free, if it meant you had to leave the country and never come back?
Could I take my family with me?

11. Do you believe the world will be a better, or worse, place 100 years from now?
It’s going to be so much worse. Or maybe better if humans are gone by then. But I bet they’ll still be hanging on.

12. Do you expect to buy a new winter coat this year?
Nope! Did that last year.

13. If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so?


You’re mad, I tell you, MAD!

(Approximately half of this is answered seriously. The other half is answered either nonsensically or hyperbolically. TAKE YOUR BETS ON WHICH ONES FALL INTO WHICH CATEGORY!)

1.] What age is your youngest aunt?
I have absolutely no idea. I barely know how old I am.

2.] Do you miss someone right now?
My mom.

3.] What can you see North West to you?
North West the person?

4.] Do you like bowling?

5.] Can you pronounce Italian words?
Not well.

6.] Do you prefer black or beige colored jackets?
Black, if I had to choose between these two options.

7.] Do you own a hoodie?
Who doesn’t?

8.] Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire?
Only if they are eventually being put into s’mores.

9.] Do you like cheesy puffs?
Only if they are eventually being put into s’mores.

10.] What’s your name without vowels?
Cld. It looks Welsh, haha.

11.] How many layers of clothing are you wearing?
What counts as a layer?

12.] When was the last time you got a take away? What did you have?
Uhhhhhhhhhh McDonald’s?

13.] If you could climb any mountain or range which would you choose?
K2: When One K Can’t Cut It

14.] Do you alphabetically arrange anything in your room? What?
No, surprisingly. My books are ordered by height because I’m a monster.

15.] Have you ever visited fat-pie [dot] [com]?
That sounds the shadiest of shades.

16.] Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits?
Fruit blows.

17.] Do you like Flo Rida? Which song of his?
My House is good.

18.] How are your dancing skills?

19.] What is your favorite number?

20.] Describe your best friend to me?
Non-existent. Or Sean.

21.] What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
I don’t drink.

22.] Do you do any sports or have you done any sport professionally?
I did T-Ball as a wee lad.

23.] What is your ringtone?
I actually have no idea.

24.] Do you like chilli flavoured chips/crisps?

25.] Do you curl or straighten your hair?

26.] What’s the nicest smell of shampoo?

27.] What smell turns you on? How about turns you off?

28.] Who’s your favorite comedian?
Brian Regan.

29.] RnB or Reggae?

30.] What brand of batteries do you usually get?
Whatever ones make the electronics go blingy-blingy and activate the happy chemicals.

31.] Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids?  
I don’t have any friends.

32.] What is in your medicine cabinet?
I don’t have any medicine cabinets.

33.] What’s your favorite aspect of the natural world?  

34.] What’s your favorite man made thing?  

35.] Can you whistle properly?  
How do you whistle unproperly?

36.] What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world?  
Happy Birthday and its variants?

37.] Where’s the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located?
There’s a McDonald’s on Mars (isn’t that a song? If it’s not, it should be)

38.] What states surround your state? Or are you not land locked?
HA, joke’s on you, I’m not even in a state.
Except in a state of constant panic.

39.] Do you own binoculars or monoculars? What do you use them for?  
I do not.

40.] Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze?  

41.] What’s your favorite chocolate bar?  
Mr. Goodbar.

42.] Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats? 
If there is the slightest motion, I’m asleep instantly. Ask Nate.
Or I’m puking, one of the two.

43.] Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations?
Same place forever, please.

44.] What will you not tolerate in a person?  
Hating cats. Don’t like them? Then I don’t like you.

46.] How was God made, if he exists?
Maybe god is the universe.

47.] Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo?  

48.] What age were you when you learned how to swim?
I have no idea.

49.] What shows or characters scared you as a child?
That freaking red thing that chased Bugs Bunny around. Gossamer. Jesus Christ.

50.] Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am?  
I stay up most of the night.

51.] What’s something unusual currently in your fridge?  
A head.
Of cauliflower.

52.] How about your freezer?
A head.

53.] What could you be doing now that is more productive?  

54.] Give me some lyrics from the song that’s stuck in your head?
I’ve got freaking Happy Birthday in my head now, THANKS, SURVEY

55.] What’s your favorite type of firework?
The ones…that…go boom?

When One Surveys, One Truly Lives


chipotle order?
Uh, water. Haha. I don’t think I’d like anything else.

thoughts on veganism?
If you’re into it, you’re into it. It doesn’t matter to me.

a specific color that gives you the ick?
I HATE red-orange. Orange is one of my favorite colors and red is very nice, but mix ‘em and I want to puke.

mythical creature you think/believe is real?
The Pope.

favorite form of potato?
Either mashed or French fried.

do you use a watch?
I do indeed!

what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Squid are cool.

do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Usually, yes.

do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
Bruh, I wash my face with body soap when I’m in the shower. That’s my skincare routine (or lack thereof).

on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
On a plane I’m usually just trying not to puke, so having something to drink would be a bad idea.

anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
My surprisingly early-emerging existential despair
I think I still have some of the journals I wrote during 1st grade.

brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?

do you think you’re dehydrated?
Probably. I run a lot and don’t drink very much.

rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
From best to worst: Drowning, freezing, burning.

thoughts on mint chocolate chip?

an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
We’re not going there.

your boba/tea order?
Water again, haha.

the veggie you dislike the most?
Celery is made of ass.

favorite disney princess movie?

a number that weirds you out?
Four has some weird vibes to it. It’s shady.

do you have an emotional support water bottle?
I drink out of various year-old plastic water bottles because microplastics are tasty.

do you wear jewelry?
Just earrings.

which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
Freedom English!

would you say you have good taste in music?
Depends on who you’re asking.

how’s your spice tolerance?
In the negatives.

what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
Anything with color but that’s also comfortable.

last meal on earth?
Mongolian BBQ!

preferred pasta noodle?

I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be SCREECHING WITH RAGE

Today was ASS and I must cleanse my soul with a survey.

What was the most unsettling film you’ve seen?
“Earthlings.” I still have nightmares.

When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t?
MAN WE’RE NOT GOING THERE TODAY, OKAY? Evil Grandma is dead and must remain dead in my mind as well.

Which celebrity or band has the worst fan base?
Swifties can be…scary.

What are you interested in that most people aren’t?
The history of calculus.

If you were given a PhD degree, but had no more knowledge of the subject of the degree besides what you have now, what degree would you want to be given to you?
But…but I want the knowledge.

What smartphone feature would you actually be excited for a company to implement?
I’d like there to be some way for the facial recognition thingy to recognize you with a mask on. Or at least make it so that if it detects a mask, it automatically goes to the passcode option to unlock your phone.

What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
I don’t quote a lot of movies out loud, but phrases from Mystery Men pop into my head more frequently than you’d think they should.

Do you think that children born today will have better or worse lives than their parents?
Worse. We’ve murdered the planet and they’re going to get the brunt of it. It’s too bad people don’t realize that because they KEEP POOPING OUT KIDS

What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?
I can recite huge swaths of Brian Regan’s stand-up, so anything from him.

When was the last time you felt you had a new lease on life?
Maybe when I moved up here to Calgary?

What’s the funniest actual name you’ve heard of someone having?
Erik Erikson’s got to be up there.

Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money?
Any charity that deals with animals. Especially cats.

What was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now?
Everything from my childhood is cool now. Nostalgia bait is a thing, especially for my generation.

If you were a ghost and could possess people, what would you make them do?
Ew, I wouldn’t want to possess anyone.

What game have you spent the most hours playing?
Either Quake or Half Life. The Sims is up there, too.

What’s the most comfortable bed or chair you’ve ever been in?
Nate’s parents had this SUPER SOFT mattress on their bed in the basement of their old house. You’d lay on it and it would just envelope you.

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?

If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose?
I’d love to see the Parthenon. Does that count?

If animals could talk, which animal would be the most annoying?

What’s the most addicted to a game you’ve ever been?
I was SUPER into modding The Sims back when I first started college. I would spend hours downloading new skins, textures, general game mods, etc. and then only play for like five minutes, haha.

What’s the coldest you’ve ever been?
There was that time I went walking in -22 weather (plus wind chill) and I got superficial frostbite on my nose. I had to go into the one open public bathroom and shiver for about half an hour before I felt like I could keep going.
Or that time I was so cold that I thought my toe fell off in my shoe due to frostbite and I didn’t know what to do other than keep going, as it wasn’t going to fall off any further, haha.
Maybe those were the same walk, I can’t remember.

Which protagonist from a book or movie would make the worst roommate?
Augie March.

Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?
I try not to, seeing as I can’t smell, but I’m far less careful with expiration dates than said lack of smell would suggest.

What’s the most depressing meal you’ve eaten?
Probably my breakfasts during my time at UBC. I’d get a frozen Eggo waffle and put it in a baggie. By the time I got to campus it was mostly thawed and I’d just eat it then.

What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
Blackfish was interesting.

What was the last song you sang along to?
Peace of Mind!

Which of your vices or bad habits would be the hardest to give up?
We’re not going there today, either.

Am I avoiding work by doing a survey? Yes. Yes I am.

1. What’s the coolest item you’ve found at a garage sale, flea market, etc.?
Man, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve gone to a garage sale. I think we found a funky hot pink chair at a garage sale when I was a kid.

2. Describe how your day went yesterday.
Meh. It was a day. I was busy as usual.

3. Do you have issues with people entering your personal space? What do you do when your personal space is violated?
I do NOT like people in my personal space, probably because I have a bad history of people going in my spaces when they shouldn’t be. I just want some area that I can call mine and that no one goes into when I’m not there and/or when I don’t give them permission; I don’t know why that’s so hard. My grandma (the evil one) used to snoop around in my bedroom when I was a teen. Peter also used to go down into the basement at my dad’s house (which is where I lived when I was getting my math degree/teaching at the U of I) and snoop around down there. Stay the hell out; that’s my space.
I don’t currently have my own private space (apart from my office I guess) and that drives me nuts. I have an area of the house that’s sort of become mine, but it’s the dining room, basically, so it’s exposed and does not involve any real privacy.
I reiterate: I do NOT like people in my personal space.

4. What is the one meal recipe you think you’ve mastered?
My broccoli/penne/feta thing. I’ve been making it consistently since 2009 when I lived in Vancouver.

5. If you could take back something you did to someone, what would it be?
I would have taken back how nice and submissive I was to Jessica when she was trying to destroy my relationship with Rob. I would have absolutely gone off on her; I really don’t know how I didn’t.
Yeah, I’m petty like that.

6. Would you describe yourself as spiritual, religious, or something else?
I’m atheist. None of that “spiritual but not religious” nonsense, either.

7. Did you ever receive detention in school? What sort of kid were you in school – bookworm, smart kid, troublemaker, quiet … etc.
I had detention once in 8th grade when I was making fun of perfect squares. Other than that, though, I was relatively quiet and (until high school at least) a very hard worker.

8. When’s the last time you ran a mile? How often do you exercise?
Exactly a mile? It’s been a while. At least a mile? Yesterday! I exercise every day because it’s the only thing that keeps me sane.

9. What would you say to your 16-year-old self, and why?
“You are garbage and will always be garbage.” Why lie, after all?

10. What are you avoiding?

I’m procrastinating like hell on a few things I need to do to get ready for teaching. I also still have some French homework to do.

11. Describe a “Hah! I told you so” moment you had recently.
I actually can’t think of one off the top of my head right now.

12. What’s more important, where you live or what you do for a living? Why?
For me? It’s what I do for a living. I love teaching math/stats and could probably do it anywhere.

13. Swear words: Are you pro or con? Why?
I swear a LOT, haha.

14. Paper or plastic? Do you prefer to pack your own groceries?
I get plastic at places that still have plastic bags available because the bags work great for Pepper’s litter trash can (and the trashcan in the bathroom) and prevents us from, you know, outright buying plastic trash bags. But a lot of places up here don’t offer plastic anymore, so I prefer to use my reusable Safeway bag. And yes, I prefer to pack my own groceries.

15. Do you have a shoe fetish? How often do you buy new shoes? Do you ever get rid of a pair of shoes?
I’ve never understood the shoe fetish thing. But I do buy a lot of Kinvaras because I burn through a pair (500 miles) about every 4-5 weeks.


(It’s not a surprise, it’s just me being obnoxious)

What type of music do you like?
Does it produce frisson? Then I’ll listen to it.

Have you ever been skinnydipping?
Ew, no.

How many pillows do you sleep with?
I sleep on a couch most nights, so technically I use a couch pillow. Does that count?

What position do you often sleep in?
On my back or on my left side.

What do you wear to bed?
An old Bloomsday shirt. Undies.

Could you ever go out with someone just ’cause they’re rich?
Only if the date was to get to know him better. Like, I get set up with a guy and all I know about him is that he’s rich, I’d go out with him because I’d like to know more about him. But no, I wouldn’t go out with someone just because they’re rich.

Have you ever contemplated suing someone?

Do you believe in karma?
I believe the universe balances itself out.

Do you believe in revenge?
To an extent, yes.

Who is the most intelligent person you know?
Lead. Easily. That dude was (is?) ridiculous.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for someone?

Do you throw bread for the ducks?
When I was a kid my dad used to take me down to Lewiston to feed the ducks, but I don’t think I’ve ever done it on my own.

Where do you like to go to on a first date?
Anywhere but a movie or show. I want to be able to talk to you, not sit next to you in silence while we consume media.

It’s been like two weeks, LET’S DO A SURVEY

1. What would you pick as a major, if you could go back to college and do it again? 
Do you know how often I think about this? Did you know that one of my plans was to try to convince the president of the U of I to let me remain as a perpetual undergrad to “bring publicity to the school”?
Did you forget I actually DID go back to college because I’m that kind of person?
(I’d probably get an English degree.)

2. Who is the one celebrity with whom you would most like to have an in depth conversation? 

3. If you could make a living doing ANYthing, what would that be? 
Walking/running. And I’d be damn good at it.

4. What’s your all-time very favorite dessert? 
I like candy in general, but if we’re talking actual desserts that one might order at a restaurant, I’d say German chocolate cake.

5. How many pairs of jeans do you own?
Like three.

6. What is your favorite flower, and why? 
Sunflowers. I have no idea what they smell like, but they’re giganto and pretty.

7. What book has most changed your life? 
I don’t know.

8. What is your least favorite vegetable?
Of the vegetables I’ve tried, celery is the nastiest.

9. If you could take a nonstop first class flight to any destination, where would you pick to land? 
South pole. Fight me.

10. If your 15 minutes of fame included a stint on American Idol, what song would be your trademark solo? 
I would LOVE to sing a Coldplay song, but unfortunately they’re not in my register. So if I wanted to sound “good,” I’d pick “Achilles, Come Down.”

11. If you could pick one former friend (who has remained elusive in this wild Facebook world) to reunite with, who would you unearth? 
Anastasia Pennington. My best friend in elementary school before she moved away.

12. You have been awarded the time off from work and an all-expenses paid week anywhere in the United States. The catch is that it must be somewhere you have not been before. Where do you choose to visit? 

13. Name three of your guilty pleasures. 
Self-loathing. TiKToK scrolling. Riverdale.

14. The best kind of cookie is: 
Those seven-layer cookies my mom makes. So freaking good.

15. What do you value most in other people? 
Kindness towards animals (especially cats). That’s one of the many reasons I love Nate.

16. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something you thought was a bad thing was actually a blessing in disguise? 
Probably the whole UBC garbage. It got me the teaching position at the U of I, which got me the teaching position here.

17. What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited? 
Not sure.

19. Name three things you are thankful for right now. 
My ability (physically, financially, time-wise, etc.) to walk/run as much as I do, my family, and the fact that my existence is fairly stable.

20. Have you ever participated in a three-legged race? 
Not that I remember?

21. When you are at an event that plays the National Anthem, do you place your hand over your heart?


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Let’s goooooooooooo

What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before?
Applied for tenure renewal? SUPER EXCITING, I KNOW

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
There will soon be a blog post regarding this!

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did anyone close to you die?
Not this year.

What countries did you visit?
I finally went back to the states! YAAAAAY

What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?
More certainty about my future, but I don’t think that will happen until 2024.

What date from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I can’t think of a single date.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting better with running. Teaching ASHA.

What was your biggest failure?
Just being me.

Did you suffer illness or injury?

What was the best thing you bought?
My new iPhone and AirPods!

Where did most of your money go?
To stuff I didn’t really need.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Going back to Moscow for the first time since 2019. I really, really, really missed going down there to hang out with my mom.

What song will always remind you of 2022?
“Achilles Come Down” by Gang of Youths.

What do you wish you’d done less of?

How will you be spending Christmas?
Christmas already happened for us!

Did you fall in love in 2022?

How many one-night stands?

What was your favourite TV program?
Still on Chicago Med.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

What was the best book you read?
I’m going to blog about this soon!

What was your greatest musical discovery?
There weren’t any huge ones this year, surprisingly. Though Muse’s “Euphoria” is fantastic.

What was your favourite film of this year?

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I didn’t do anything special. I turned 34.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably satisfying?
Tenure! Haha. Again, 2024.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022?
Loud. Colorful. Obnoxious.

What kept you sane?

Which celebrity/public figure(s) did you fancy the most?

Who did you miss?
My mom.

Who was the best new person you met?
Rob is pretty Coolio.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022:
People are irresponsible, selfish, and dumb. OH WAIT I ALREADY KNEW THAT


[insert survey joke here]

1. What are your plans for January? 
Re-start my walking miles for the new year. Start marathon training. Teach. Not die in the cold.

2. What do you want to see happen in 2023? 
I’d LOVE it if Covid just disappeared. Can you do it for me, 2023?

3. What would you give a 5 star rating? 
Uhhhhhhhhh summer? It was nice to finally go back to Moscow for a bit and hang out with my mom there, even if the trip did get cut short a bit.

4. Do you have writing goals for 2023? 
I do! I’m going to try to do at least one major edit/proofread of Ghost Town Realty.

5. How do you feel about memoirs? 
That’s basically what this blog is, haha.

6. If you could join any musical group who would you choose? 

7. What are your favorite genres across all media? 
Can “classics” count as a genre? If not, documentaries. Though I don’t know how much documentaries reach beyond the medium of television.

8. What candle scents are your favorite? 

9. How well can you mimic other accents or voices? 
I’m not too bad at this, actually. I can do the turrets from Portal pretty well. And the transit announcer from the start of Half Life. And Barney Rubble’s laugh. And Lois Griffin. And Comic Book Guy. And Ralf Wiggum. And probably others I can’t recall right now.

10. What books are on your TBR list in 2023? 
Anything on this list that hasn’t been read yet!

11. When do you decide it’s time to upgrade/buy something new? 
When it gets too worn out to function well enough for my needs.

12. Why is your favorite color your favorite color? 
Because orange is simultaneously very soothing (at least to me) and something that makes you feel more energetic and happy.

13. Who understands you the best? 
Probably my mom.

14. Do you write letters? 
I genuinely can’t remember the last time I wrote a letter.

15. How do you keep going when times are hard?
I don’t.