Tag Archives: youtube

This is old news now, I guess, but…

Achievement Hunter, the group of hilarious let’s play nerds who basically kept me virtual company throughout my math degree at the U of I, is disbanding/shutting down.

I originally discovered them through Tumblr; or, more specifically, I discovered Michael Jones/Rage Quit through this video while working at Pima (I watched a lot of videos via Tumblr on that job, haha):

I didn’t know what Rooster Teeth or Achievement Hunter were for a while after that, but after watching enough Rage Quit vids on YouTube, another one of their Let’s Plays with more than just Michael in it got recommended to me. I think this was the first video I saw with Geoff, Ray, and Gavin:

Then I was hooked. I got my mom hooked on them too, haha.

Anyway in honor of the tons of laughs I got from them over the years, here are some of my favorite videos of theirs:

And all the Rage Quits I listed here.

Houston, We Have a Big Bird

This is exactly the type of video that YouTube is for.

Sounds click-baity, but isn’t at all. Contains some weird facts about history plus info about a disaster. What more could you want?

(You know I love disasters.)
(Especially space disasters.)

Also, the comments are a mix of serious reactions from people who saw the explosion live and reactions of people speculating how much weirder it would have been if the recovery operation involved pulling a massacred Big Bird out of the wreckage. With some overlap between those two things, too.

Oh my GOD

I am vehemently opposed to the use of artificial intelligence, at least in the casual capacity it’s been used as of late. What’s that quote? “There’s no AI, just other people’s data.” I refuse to willingly give my data over to AI to make it “smarter” and I refuse to willingly take advantage of other people’s data by producing things via AI said people probably didn’t give consent to the use of their data in that form. ChatGPT, art-generating stuff…nope.

So I’m a bit conflicted on this, because while I didn’t produce it myself, it is AI and I’m willingly consuming it while knowing it’s AI. But I didn’t seek it out on purpose. But I am listening to it.

And I like it. It is the catchiest goddamn thing I’ve heard in a while and I cannot get it out of my head.

“Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on glue”

I mean. Come on.

Ugh, the BASS

I love the original* so much, and anything that adds more bass to it gets a pass from me.

I say it with every song I listen to, I know, but damn this sounds good on the Sennheisers.

*Technically the original song was called Valerie by Steve Winwood, but Eric Prydz sampled it and the result was so awesome that Winwood actually changed the chorus of his song to match Prydz’ version better.


A good portion of my blogs are about music, huh? I mean, I guess everyone loves music (unless you’re a COMMIE), so maybe that’s fine.

It’s better than like half of the other crap I blather on about here.


I don’t remember how I found this song, but this was one of the very first songs I ever remember burning to a CD. So I must have discovered it sometime around…I dunno…10th grade? 9th grade? I actually don’t know when I had my first CD player.*

Regardless of where it came from and when I discovered it, it activates some weird part of my brain. It’s not triggering a memory or a feeling or a place. It’s…it’s like it’s reminding me of a different life if that makes any sense. Especially the way that “Vienna” is sung.


I figured I’d put it on here to see if this triggers any other sort of weird brain stuff in others or if that’s just me.

*I actually wasn’t really into music until high school, either, which is INSANE.

Ronn Lucas

This guy is insanely talented. The delay part is great.

Okay, this is cute.

[Edit: this was originally published as two videos, but now they’ve put out a single one with the whole story, so I’ve replaced the originals with that one]

Personified planets doing stuff together? I’m into it!

I saw a small clip of this on TikTok and was intrigued, so I looked it up on YouTube. Turns out this is the most recent video of a whole big series about the planets. I gotta check them all out now.

Edit 2: yeah, this is my new obsession now.

Goooooo Vandals! And…Yale?

Well this is awesome.

Marching band kids are the best, yo.




Any video that combines legit flag critique and legit humor gets an A+ from me.

Nunavut’s flag is cool. But I actively hate BC’s flag. It…it bugs me.

Flashback (even further this time):

You know what I miss sometimes? Going down to visit my grandparents in California. Their house was huge and interesting and had all sorts of funky things in it and I always enjoyed exploring it (and the yard) every time I went down there with my dad.

My dad would sleep in his old room and I’d stay in my Aunt Vicky’s room, which was right next to his. She had the coolest little desk and windows and dresser in there and my grandma put a tiny little stereo/CD player in there for me so I could play some CDs when I slept.

Anyway, one of the CDs she had in there was this one:

I didn’t really know who Andrea Bocelli was when I was a kid, but I LOVED this CD. The first song on there always reminds me of that house.

Pretty much every song I have links to a certain memory, but this is one of the stronger ones.


So one of my favorite movies as a preteen was Mystery Men, as I’m sure some of you know. My mom, GE, his parents, and I went to see it in the theatre when it came out in 1999 and I watched it on like continuous repeat after I had my appendectomy during the summer of 2000 (my mom can vouch for this, haha).

We of course had a VHS copy of it back then, which has since been replaced by a DVD. However, the DVD does not have the little “extras” clips/interviews that were at the end of the VHS tape.

But fear not! The DVD may not have them, but the internet certainly does:

Anyone else freaking love this movie?

“Disco is NOT dead! Disco is LIFE!”

Hahaha, I remember these!

My mom? A PC person.
My dad? A Mac person.

I remember going to his office on campus and he’d have one or two of those original iMac computers (the ones with the big backs and transparent color cases) in there for his grad students to use. He also had one at his condo and we had a tangerine iBook clamshell.

Lotsa Mac, is what I’m saying.

Back in…junior high?…he gave me one of the old iMacs and I would set up a little cushion fort in the living room around the coffee table (where the iMac was) and just play and type and do random stuff on that computer.

One of the things I’d do was play with the MacInTalk voices because they were fun and I was 12.

Anyone else remember these?

That “Hey you! Yeah, you! Who do you think I’m talking to, the mouse?” whispered phrase still lives in my head today.

Hey, Chrome?

Can someone tell me the purpose of this? Why would anyone ever need this option?

“Man, I’m bored. I wish I knew which internet thingy to look at today. PFFT SCREW IT LET’S LOOK AT ‘EM ALL!”

What’s even worse is that it’s easier than it should be to accidentally click this option. You get to that drop-down menu by right-clicking on the “Bookmarks” button. So if you accidentally right click and then move your mouse down slightly while correcting your mistake to left click, you’re screwed.

At least I would be. 200+ suddenly opened tabs?

[intrusive thoughts intensify]

Okay, I guess there is an “oops, did you really mean to click that option, you stupid fart?” failsafe.


[Chrome just froze on me. It didn’t do anything else, haha.]

No One Nose

AYYYYYYYYYYY it’s Anosmia Awareness Day.

Go hug a non-smeller.

And watch this review of a really weird-ass water bottle.

This sounds absolutely horrible. Why are y’all with working noses so weird?

AI is Terrifying

This is frightening, y’all.

Is it perfect? No. But that’s because it’s really just beginning. It’ll get better and better and it’ll get harder and harder to distinguish this stuff from reality.

As I’ve said before, the future is bleak.

Bitty Bitty Chang Chang

Does anybody remember Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Does anybody remember how absolutely unhinged that movie was?

(It was actually a movie I really enjoyed as a kid because of its absolute ridiculousness.)
(Also Dick Van Dyke is awesome no matter what he’s doing.)
(Also the name “Caractacus Potts” is wicked cool.)
(Oh, sorry: “Caractatacarus Potts…inventor!”)
(Why is this whole blog post a bunch of parentheticals? I need to STOP)

Anyway, I was reminded of this movie because this wonderful video popped up on YouTube for me:

I was actually more terrified of Lord Scrumptious than the Child Catcher. Just because he always looked like he was about to blow a gasket.

He’s having NONE OF YOUR NONSENSE, Dick Van Dyke.

A Vehicle for Death


There was a Tweet I read not so long ago about a guy who got into a car accident in his big-ass SUV and was saying how grateful he was that he had a big-ass SUV to “protect himself and his family.” Never mind the other guy whose car got totally wasted by said big-ass SUV…or any pedestrians that may get caught up in its grill and chewed up and spit out because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.



Every day I think about this video and hate myself for not making it to a Coldplay concert that was literally in the neighboring province.

Next time, Chris Martin, I promise.

Yo Nerds

I have nothing important today and this is hilarious, so here ya go.



I always thought they were there to make the window defroster work better, haha.


BRO so a few weeks ago – for whatever reason – I was reminded of an old game that I used to have on CD way back when I was like in third grade or something. I don’t remember the name of the CD, but it was basically just a bunch of different card games (war, crazy 8’s, hearts, etc.) that you could play against animated characters.

And today I was going through one of my old home movie tapes and there was a few seconds of me holding up a bunch of CD cases. One of them was the game I was thinking of!

It was called Wild Cards!


Edit: A walk-through!

The voices of those characters are etched in my head. Especially Jack saying “hit me!”

Carbs Aplenty


I hate how carbs have been vilified. Carbs are wonderful. They power your brain. They help you run. They’re TASTY.

What is with people and beverage containers?

Seriously. It’s a thing.

We laugh and roll our eyes, but if you’re from my generation, you can’t deny that a big portion of your coolness factor in high school was the color combo of your Nalgene bottle and cap and how utterly covered in stickers that thing was.

(I had no stickers on mine. I was not cool.)

Also, you know that if social media had been a thing back then, it would be exactly as bad as it is with the Stanleys.


Here is a wonderful demonstration of the exponential property of the Richter Scale.

I had no idea the scale technically went negative, so that’s pretty cool.

Ah, Hell With It

This won’t be the first time I’ve humiliated myself on this blog, and it certainly won’t be the last.

So let’s get to it!

Remember back in the summer when I was off the wall enthused by all those home movies that we finally got converted to digital form?

And remember how I posted like three of them and then you never heard about them again?

Yyyyyeahhhhhhhhhh, that’s ‘cause I got busy.

But I’m still working through them! So in the spirit of “better late than never,” here’s the next installment.

Back in the summer between fifth grade and sixth grade (I think?) I took my mom’s camcorder, a brand new blank tape, and filled said tape with a whole bunch of nonsense that I dubbed “The Fifth Grade Movie.”

It’s basically me being super hyperactive in my room and filming a bunch of shorts, improvised songs, commercials, and interviews.

A few notes:

  • I am an only child. This whole video is proof of why I’m an only child.
  • This is how an only child entertains themselves. A least in my case.
  • I call everything “Tony” because this was during the time that I was obsessed with the “Hey Tony!” Frosted Flakes commercials. Don’t ask questions.
  • This is not me acting for the camera. I was just like this. Ask my classmates.
  • Yes, my room is very, very messy.
  • I sure screeched a hell of a lot, didn’t I?
  • I have no idea how my mom put up with me.

You are under no obligation to watch this. In fact, just skip it for sanity’s sake.