Tag Archives: coldplay


Every day I think about this video and hate myself for not making it to a Coldplay concert that was literally in the neighboring province.

Next time, Chris Martin, I promise.

Am I sobbing uncontrollably listening to Coldplay with my Sennheisers because I can’t go to the Coldplay concert in Vancouver tomorrow?

Yes. Yes I am.


We’re not going to the Coldplay concert.

Nate’s not feeling well, I’m super busy, and Covid.

And yes, I’m bitter about it.

That’s all I want to say.


Hi, sorry, what is THIS?

I could wear something that was possibly touched by Chris Martin?


I like this one, though I never wear bracelets. Maybe I’d just store it somewhere special.

Notorious O.M.G.

AYOOOOOOOOOO so there’s a tweet going around (or at least there was) that was prompting people to state their favorite song from each of Coldplay’s albums.


  • Parachutes: Shiver
  • AROBTTH: Clocks (I think this was the first Coldplay song I ever owned)
  • X&Y: Fix You
  • Viva La Vida: Viva La Vida
  • Mylo Xyloto: Paradise (but a VERY CLOSE SECOND is Us Against The World. That is such a painfully beautiful song)
  • Ghost Stories: O
  • AHFOD: Everglow
  • Everyday Life: When I Need A Friend
  • MOTS: Human Heart

Chris Martin’s Birthday

It’s Chris Martin’s birthday today!

So have a beautiful live performance of Human Heart, because that song is absolutely heartbreaking and magical. Like pretty much every other Coldplay song.

Oops, we did it again!

So first item of interest: MORE COLDPLAY TICKETS! Got up early to treadmill so I could run over to my compy as soon as the queue option became available. Got tickets for the newly-created Saturday show, which will be a lot easier for us to get to than the Friday one. Now all I have to do is sell the Friday tickets and we’re good.

The second item of interest: while waiting for and purchasing said Coldplay tickets, I started to feel a little crappy. Nothing too bad – just some shivers and some general blah. I thought I was just excited for Coldplay, and when I said this to Nate he joked that maybe I was feeling bad because we’d run the humidifier overnight and, given our poor track record of keeping it clean, maybe it was infested with whatever bacteria/mold that made us sick the last two times.

But no way, right? Surely we had been taking better care of the humidifier after TWO incidents of the same sickness from previous gross tanks. Plus, this time we hadn’t let the water sit in it for an entire summer. So there was no chance there was another crop of bacteria in there, right?


I go to school and feel like absolute ass all day (and ended up puking with a mask on, that’s a fun experience). Then I get home and Nate tells me that he was also feeling the same sickness he’d felt the last times we’d screwed up the humidifier. His was delayed because he’d been in the bedroom/back room all day, whereas I’d slept in and exercised in the same room as the humidifier.

So yeah. We did it again.


What the hell is wrong with us?

I think I’m going to start calling the humidifier-induced sickness “Fauxvid,” since the symptoms are so similar to COVID.

We’re responsible adults, we are.



I got up early to get my miles in so I could be in the ticket queue as early as possible. I’ve never bought tickets for anything like this before, so I was nervous about the process. But we got tickets!

I have no idea if the location will be ideal or not, but the floor tickets were already sold out once I got the option to pick (I don’t know if I’d do the floor anyway; I’m short and fighting my way to the very edge of the stage sounds stressful if they just let us all in at once), but I think based on how I’ve seen their show setup in other venues, this should be good.





Tickets are on sale Friday. I’m going to be as close to the front of the virtual line as is possible.

I LOVE Coldplay. I have always wanted to see them in person. This is AWESOME.

Guess who got a migraine for Christmas?


(I’m so freaking special!)

I also got a book about Coldplay and one of their concerts on DVD! Thanks, Nate!


So Coldplay streamed their concert on YouTube tonight and my wonderful husband put up with my “ZOMG COLDPLAY!!!!!!!1!” insanity and we watched it live.


I love everything about Chris Martin’s voice and I love how much enthusiasm they all have.

Going to a Coldplay concert would be a dream, yo. I would lose my mind and probably cry the whole way through.



Gonna get. Gonna listen.

Edit: GOD I LOVE THIS GROUP. Favorite songs from this album:

  • Humankind (love the energy)
  • Human Heart (soooooo pretty)
  • People of the Pride (very Muse-esque)
  • My Universe (BTS is great)


An Eventful Day

So there was a lot of stuff going on today! Let’s run through it.

First, today was the first day where I felt like it was light enough to get up early (5:30-ish) and run in the morning rather than the afternoon. I’ll have to start doing this in earnest next week, since running before class will be a necessity as it gets warmer.

Second, COVID vaccination registration opened up for the 30+ crowd today at 8 AM, so while Nate and I were sitting in the car during Jazzy’s vet appointment (to check her eye pressure – it’s still in the normal range!) I decided to get in the queue to pick an appointment time. And the number of people waiting in line ahead of me?

But I actually had to wait less than the estimated time and got an appointment for May 20. WOO!

And finally: a new Coldplay song? LET’S GOOOOO!

GOD, his voice…

UGH, Coldplay

I would so love to go to one of their concerts. Look at how amazing this looks. All the people singing and crying. Chris Martin being Chris Martin

I would lose my mind if I heard this song live. I couldn’t handle it.


A cover of a Coldplay song with brass (and saxes)? Sign me up.

This sounds so freaking cool.

Sorry, that’s all I’ve got today.

Good Lord, Coldplay.

This song. This song.

How do you make Chris Martin sound any better than he does on his own? Back him up with a freaking choir.

This gives me serious chills. It’s so beautiful.

Edit: this one is good, too. Probably my second favorite.


*opens iTunes*


Is that a new Coldplay album I see!?


I can only download one of these songs per day and it’s GOING TO HURT MY SOUL I NEED ALL OF THEM NOW.


This is beautiful and I want it played at my funeral.

Parts that made me cry: 0:00-6:30 (not even kidding; every single one of these songs is attached to an important memory/time in my life)

I love Coldplay, yo. Love them.



Can I inject this song into my veins?


God, I love his voice.


I. Fucking. Love. Coldplay.

This is beautiful, oh my god.

If they ever go on tour again and are anywhere near Calgary, I will get a ticket. I don’t care about price.

Claudia vs. The Impossible Task: Ranking Her Favorite Coldplay Songs


I have acquired a lot of music over the past seven-ish years due to my daily song goal thingy. Because of this, my taste in music has really expanded. However, I can say with great certainty that Coldplay is definitely one of my favorite groups. Chris Martin has the best voice, and I love their style, regardless of how much it’s changed over the years.

So I figured I would try to do something that is very difficult for me: ranking my top 5 Coldplay songs.

Let’s Do the Dew™.

#5: Viva La Vida
I heard this song in an HP commercial in 2008 and had to have it. This is the song that got me into Coldplay. How can you not love this song? It’s got the driving, persistent beat, the strings, and Chris Martin’s voice. And like a great deal of Coldplay’s songs, it’s a mix of melancholy and pure energy.

#4: Us Against the World
One of my favorite things about Chris Martin is when he sings notes that are a little bit too low for his vocal range. His voice does this wobbly bit that’s just…I don’t know. Really raw. This song has him hitting a few low notes, causing the wobbly (2:10, for example). And the instrumental portion at 3:04. The chords. Holy poops. I live for good, heartbreaking chords.

#3: Fix You
This song hurts. I cry every time I listen to it (which makes singing it in Rock Band really hard, haha). Like a lot of the songs I really love, there’s one moment in it that just demolishes me emotionally, and that’s the way Chris’ voice breaks a bit on the “guide” of the first “lights will guide you home” (1:15)

#2: O (Fly On)
Okay, this is going to sound really dumb, but this is my “Leibniz song.” This song makes me think of Leibniz.* This makes me think of all the ways he saw beauty, interconnections, and good in the world. This makes me imagine that he still exists in the sense that the particles that comprised him are scattered out there, experiencing, acting, being. Also, the line “so fly on, right through / maybe one day I’ll fly next to you” has such a comforting yet yearning sentiment to it that it just makes this song that much better. We’re all a lot more connected then we think.

#1: Paradise
This song was released unto the world during one of the most confusing, emotional, and difficult parts of my life (2011). I had quit grad school at UBC and had moved across the continent to London, Ontario to try to find happiness. But I was alone, confused, and miserable. I went back to Moscow for a while to live in my dad’s basement. I was still alone, still confused, and still miserable. I was looking for a job. For stability. For purpose. I didn’t find any of it. But every night on my way home from my walk, I would go and sit on a swing in Rotary Park and listen to this song on repeat, looking up at the stars, hoping that the universe knew what it was doing and that this instability was only a temporary thing. I would cry. I would fight the feelings of insignificance. Every time I hear this song I think of that period in my life and how utterly unimportant I felt during it. It is a very emotionally charged song for me, even more so than the other songs listed. Which is why it’s my number one.

Now I’m crying. THANKS, COLDPLAY.

*I fantasize about meeting him a lot. A lot. Lemme tell ya.


Hahaha, this is pretty great.

That’s all I’ve got, sorry.


Seriously. This is one of my new favorite songs. (Probably not a five-star, but pretty close!)

Have another:

That nonsense is live, holy hell.

Dammit, Coldplay…

This freaking group, man. This song is beautifullllllll.

There’s something really familiar about it for some reason, but I don’t know why.


The Cowardly Average-Sized Toaster Oven is the Brave Little Toaster’s Forgotten Half-Brother

Woah, Coldplay. Woah.

Crank this up and sit in a dark room.
This reminds me of Muse’s Madness in the “this is by one of my favorite groups but doesn’t sound at all like them but it’s even more magnificent because of that” sense.
Apparently there are a lot of mixed feelings about this song, but I really like it. Give it a listen and decide for yourself.

Also: it’s Anosmia Awareness Day today! Go hug a non-smeller and check out this blog run by someone who has anosmia.