Tag Archives: teaching

Yeah, No Thanks

Article (not sure if you can access it without permissions, though)

But here’s the abstract:

Dressing formally or informally as an academic may be a trade-off when it comes to managing impressions towards students, but the extant body of literature remains limited with only mixed results. This research is the first focussed investigation to examine the effects of academic dress formality on the ‘big two’ of impression formation, perceptions of warmth and competence. In a series of three controlled laboratory experiments (total N = 1361), we find dress formality to increase perceptions of competence but to decrease perceptions of warmth, which leads to ‘downstream’ effects on students’ evaluations of instructors and behavioural intentions to enrol in a course. Furthermore, we demonstrate that perceptions of competence may be subject to other information cues (success communication and discipline norms) that can mitigate negative effects associated with dress informality. Implications for higher education practitioners are provided.

Yeah, I’m never going to change the way I dress. I don’t care how “incompetent” it makes me look. I’ve always worn weird and colorful clothing. It’s part of who I am. And I will not sacrifice that part of my identity to “look the part” of an academic. It’s not like I’m showing too much skin or wearing offensive graphic tees or wearing jewelry that clinks together and makes noise when I lecture.

I wear color. I keep it bold but simple. I usually stick with two main colors (pants and shirt) and match one to my earrings and the other to my eyeshadow.

Oh yeah, I’m not toning down the eyeshadow, either.

Students can think what they want of me. I like to think I earn “looking competent” by, I don’t know, being competent. If they can’t get past the way someone’s dressed, that’s their problem.

Also, I’ve never had anyone comment on my apparel other than to say that the colors help brighten their day or that they like the way I always match or that they like that I don’t wear “blacks and grays.”

So fight me.

On Wednesdays we wear THE BLOOD OF OUR ENEMIES


So next semester I was slated to teach STAT 323, STAT 327, and ASHA 222, right? Well, we have a new hire in the department, and because she’s already taught 323 and is thus familiar with it, to help ease her transition into the department, I’ve been moved off 323 and will be teaching SCIE 301 instead.

I’ve taught 301 before, but it was only once AND it was during the initial Covid semester (Winter 2020) when we had to move online halfway through the semester and everything was chaos.

But I’m excited to teach it again! It also works a lot better with my schedule than 323 did. Now I’ll have two back-to-back classes on Tuesdays/Thursdays and one class in the afternoon on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays.

Plus French.

Can’t forget French!

Semester OVER!


Time to be free for a few months (or like a month and a half) before I have to start doing stuff again.



I HATE the feeling of chalk on my hands. I fortunately haven’t had to use it very much due to how I lecture (I put partially completed notes up on the doc cam and fill them in with pen…sweet, sweet, glorious pen), but when I was a TA most of the lab rooms just had regular chalkboards and I had to deal with that.

It gets EVERYWHERE. Maybe this Japanese chalk is different, but I would get out of lab just COVERED in chalk dust. Hell, the notebooks I used when I TA’d are still coated in chalk film.


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I submitted my tenure track renewal package today. If it gets approved, I’ll have an extra two years to apply for tenure beyond next August.

I don’t plan on delaying my tenure application past next August, but you never know what weird stuff could happen to require a delay.

So it’s a “just in case” sort of thing.


Last Day of Classes!

I’m freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

At least until the actual fall semester starts, haha. Having spring off was REALLY nice, though. I’m not sure which of the two shorter semesters is better for teaching. Spring is nice because then you have a really long break until Fall, but Summer is nice because then you get a break right after the Winter semester and there is NO ONE on campus in the Summer.


You know what’s better than a migraine?

Being five miles out on a walk and getting that sweet, sweet scintillating scotoma aura in the middle of your vision and you have to deal with partial vision loss for 30 minutes and then the migraine itself for another several hours and then that fuzzy, out-of-it post-migraine feeling after that.


On a completely unrelated note, my job title has apparently changed. I am no longer a “lecturer” but am instead an “assistant professor (teaching).” Which sounds WAY cooler, so I’ll take it.

If I actually get tenure when I apply for it I’ll become an associate professor.



So back around the middle of last semester, I met with Dr. Ware in sort of the annual “all tenure track employees should meet with their Department Head to make sure they’re making reasonable progress” sort of meeting. At that meeting, he mentioned that he’d been approached by the people running the Art and Science Honors Academy (ASHA) about having someone from the Math/Stats department get involved in the program. ASHA is, according to Dr. Ware, designed for undergraduate students who show an interest in both the arts and the sciences. All of the courses offered in the program involve some mix of information from the arts side and the science side.

Of course, this sounded absolutely fascinating and I intimated that I’d love to teach something like that.

Well, I got contacted today by the ASHA people and they said they’d like for me to teach their intro class if I still wanted to. The intro class, unlike the higher level classes, is a full-year course that is often co-taught, preferably with one instructor coming from the Faculty of Arts and the other coming from the Faculty of Science. They also said they’d never had anyone from the Math/Stats Department involved in this before.

So I readily agreed! There are no further details other than that right now – I don’t know who I’ll be teaching with or what exactly we’ll be teaching – but I’m super excited for this chance. Based on what I’ve read about this program, it sounds like something I would have absolutely LOVED as an undergraduate.


Up to the Date

Life update (kinda).

I just got off a Zoom meeting with our department head and it sounds like the best course of action for me this year is to apply for tenure renewal. I AM eligible to apply for tenure (though I’d be doing it a year early), but tenure renewal was suggested instead because:

a) if approved, it would add an extra three (?) years on my tenure track timeline, which means that if anything were to happen that would prevent me from applying for tenure next year (the last year I’m allowed to do so), I’d have an extra three years to apply without any sort of penalty.

b) I MAY be doing a brand new class next year, and it would be a class that would look really good on my application due to its uniqueness

c) the application for tenure renewal is exactly the same for tenure – cover letter, CV, and teaching dossier (the only difference is that when applying for tenure you have to also provide referees) – so it’s kind of like a “practice run” for the actual tenure application.

So yeah. I think I’m going to do that.

It’s the FIN-AL LEC-TURE (da-na-naaaa-na, da-na-na-na-naaaa)


Has it been an exceptionally stressful one? Yes and no. Yes because we switched from being online to in person IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEMESTER LIKE WHAT THE F and no because it wasn’t really any busier than most of my semesters.

Last semester, however, was brutal. And all the semesters since COVID have had their share of extra work. So I think I’m just really, really burnt out.

PLUS I haven’t been able to go back to Moscow since December 2019, and going down to Moscow is a very physical stress relieving activity.

So yeah. I’m glad I’m not teaching in the spring semester, ‘cause I need a few months to just chill back out and get ready for the summer and semesters beyond.


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Got Class?

Heeeeey, so we got our (tentative) teaching assignments for the upcoming academic year and it looks like I’m teaching a new class! It’ll be MATH 275: Calculus for Engineers and Scientists.

Yes, I’ve taught calc before, but not this specific class. So I’m counting it as new. Exciting!

I’m also coordinating STAT 213, which will be my first time coordinating in person.

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Protected: Well that was the worst return to in-person classes ever.

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Protected: DA-DA-DADADA *screeching*

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Ooooooooh so we just got an email saying that the remainder of this semester’s final exams will all be converted to online delivery. I think there was a COVID case in a big chem final room and now everyone’s freaking out because it’s probably omicron and super-spreadable.

I wonder what this means for next semester?


Pika Pika!

So two of my students in calculus gave me this bad boy as a present today:

A Pikachu!

…or IS it?



I think all profs can relate to this, especially at the end of the year.


No, we are not back online.


Sorry, I’m really nervous about being around that many people.

Back Online?

OH SHIT are we going to be online for the upcoming semester?

(Please say yes)

Line On

UGH, okay, so we’re doing STAT 213 online for this semester. I think it’s the smart thing to do, even though I’m sure it will bring some degree of anger and disappointment.

Well, LIFE is a disappointment right now.

At least I can TRY to keep people safe.


I’m so nervous about having to go back in person for teaching, yo. I’m not ready for it. COVID is still EVERYWHERE and even if there is a mask mandate campus-wide, there’s still that risk.

I haven’t been around that many people since we ended in-person classes back in March 2020, so the thought of just being in those hallways is…scary.


Winter Semester = over.
Spring Semester = beginning.

I’m still teaching from home, but I’m teaching a class I’ve never taught before (STAT 321), so that’ll be interesting.

Hopefully it will go well.

It’ll be nice to have the summer off, at least.