Category Archives: Miscellaneous

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I Hate Myself! :D

That is all.

Unsettle Your Nettles

I don’t think I’ve ever felt unsafe walking anywhere in Calgary. Granted, I’ve never been downtown at night alone and have never walked through that weird little murder triangle neighborhood in Bowness, but I’ve never felt like I was in danger. Even on those early morning walks/runs at like 4 AM, the most unsettled I’d ever felt was in the dark bowels of Bowness Park – and that was more due to knowing there might be all sorts of random wild animals in there in the early morning than anything else.

But today I took a little jaunt through the neighborhood just south of North Hill Centre and I got the most creeped out feeling while in there. It was like I was being watched and that I was not supposed to be in that area.

I didn’t see anyone or anything like that…in fact, it was an eerily quiet neighborhood…but I got out of there pretty quickly. I’m usually right about those kinds of feelings, so I figured I should listen to it.


What normal people do when they’re sad and want to be happy again: listen to music, be with family/friends, go for a walk, watch a fun TV show, eat tasties.

What I do when I’m sad and want to be happy again: sign up for marathons


Anyway, I’m signed up to do Bloomsday, several marathons, a 50K, and the Calgary Marathon Ultra (60K) over the next several months, so LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO

(I wanna die)


HAHAHAHA okay okay okay okay listen.

So it was really windy and quite cold this morning so I ended up wearing my headphones to keep my ears warm on my run. I was on my way down to Bowness when I heard this ad for Homes by Avi, which is a house building company up here.

Now, they advertise quite a bit on the station that I listen to, so I wasn’t really paying too much attention to the ad. They were talking about how you could experience nature right in your backyard in one of the developments they’re building in – there were all of these nature sounds and stuff like crickets, birds, etc. – and then I swear to god at the end of the ad there was a big bear growl.

But I couldn’t be sure…that is, until I heard the ad again on my way back to the bottom of our hill.

And yes: gentle sounds of nature including crickets, hooting owls, loons, chirping birds all throughout the ad, until the end, where the announcer was like “come enjoy life with nature” and the ad ends with a HUGE FREAKING BEAR GROWL.

I had to stop running because I was laughing so hard.

Edit: I listened to the radio for THREE HOURS to catch that ad again. Here it is:

That is the FUNNIEST THING I’ve ever heard, oh my god. I wonder if some poor intern kid was told “just throw some animal sounds in there” and just put that bear at the end.



So this clip came up on Twitter for me today:

(I’ve never watched Bluey so I don’t really know the context, but from everything I’ve heard, Bluey is a great show and you can see that in this little clip.)

Anyway, it got me thinking about houses. As some of you know, I’ve moved around a lot. If I sat down and made a list of all the different times I’ve moved (that is, packed up my belongings and transported them all to a different living location), I suspect it would number in the twenties. Hell, between July 2011 and December 2011 I moved FIVE TIMES.


I think a consequence of moving so much has been that I’ve never really felt an attachment to any given house. Sure, I’ve missed living in some houses that I’ve spent time in, but I’ve never had an emotional attachment to any of them. I’ve never cried upon moving from a house, and I cry at everything.

I mean, I can understand why people get emotionally attached to their home, especially if they lived there for like 15 years. Maybe if Nate and I ever move from our condo, I’ll feel that emotional loss (we’ve been here nine years now). But I’ve just never experienced that.

Anyway. Just some thoughts.

This Packing Puff is Built Like a Grenade

This is hysterical.

That is all.

Today’s Running Question: Can I Beat the Storm?

Answer: Nope.

I could see the clouds encroaching, but I could not outrun them. Got blasted with wind and very cold rain for about five miles.

But the payoff was nice:

The GigaToenail has Fallen

OH MY GOD do you want to see a toenail so absolutely overgrown and destroyed by miles and miles of running that it looks like a fossil?


Yes, that is, in fact, a toenail. I can confirm it, as I just ripped it off the middle toe of my left foot.


That’s the underside of it. The top side doesn’t look much better, trust me…though maybe it does look more like a fossil than the underside.

(Thumb for scale.)

Now I’m down to one – count ‘em, ONE – wonky toenail on my left foot. Once that one falls off, my left foot is going to look more normal than it has in years.



The big toenail on my left foot fell off.

I actually wasn’t expecting it to; it was all black and gross but not anywhere near as black and gross as the other toenails on that foot, so it was quite a surprise when I felt it flap away from my toe when I caught it on the carpet.

Wanna see it?

I know you don’t, but here it is anyway.

I’m keeping all of these, by the way.

For science.



I took my final exam for French today and got a 95%. So not as good as my first three exams (all 100%), but two of the questions I got wrong were totally stupid mistakes and the other one was a genuine “I don’t know what this is,” so.


It’s opening day for baseball! Everything is better with baseball.

Edit: oh shit the Mets lost

Goooooo Vandals! And…Yale?

Well this is awesome.

Marching band kids are the best, yo.




I’ve now been using Duo for 600 days!

That’s pretty cool.

Here are some examples of the types of sentences I can read now.

Nope, Not Dead

So much to everyone’s disappointment (especially mine), the poop water from Saturday didn’t kill me and I’m still here.



Any video that combines legit flag critique and legit humor gets an A+ from me.

Nunavut’s flag is cool. But I actively hate BC’s flag. It…it bugs me.

A Vehicle for Death


There was a Tweet I read not so long ago about a guy who got into a car accident in his big-ass SUV and was saying how grateful he was that he had a big-ass SUV to “protect himself and his family.” Never mind the other guy whose car got totally wasted by said big-ass SUV…or any pedestrians that may get caught up in its grill and chewed up and spit out because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I want…

  • To know if I’m getting tenure or not
  • To go down to Moscow and visit my mom
  • My mom to come up here and visit us
  • The weather to get better so I can start training for my ultra
  • The reassurance that I can actually run this ultra (60K sounds so intimidating)

That is all.

Luck of the Bucks

I found $15 on my run this morning! It pays to exercise, haha.

I used to find cash ALL THE TIME when I was out walking. Like, I found a $50 once by a bus stop. I haven’t found as much cash since the start of COVID, but that’s probably just from people relying on using their cards more.

Still, though. Dolla dollas!


My second class of French started today!

There’s a much broader range of French experience in this class compared to the first one. Some students had French immersion in school; others of us took the intro French class and that’s all we’ve had so far.

It’s intimidating! But I’m ready to learn.


Oh my god.

So this was the temperature when I headed into campus this morning.

No, I didn’t walk in (though I thought about it, haha). Instead, I took the bus.

Here is the scene from the bus stop in front of our house. Doesn’t the air look frozen?

Anyway. Took the bus in but decided to actually take it down to Brentwood Mall ‘cause I needed groceries. It’s about 0.36 miles from the Fresh Co there to the math building, so I figured walking back to campus after getting groceries wouldn’t be too bad.


Have you ever been outside in feels like -53? It’s colder than anything I’d ever experienced, that’s for sure. Like, -40 is cold. But dropping it another 13 degrees? Ouch.


Needless to say, I took the bus home after I was done with work. I was actually surprised at how many students were in my afternoon class given how cold it was.

Edit: there’s ice on the inside of the Kines building doors. Freaking brr.

It’s Cold, Yo

Every year we get like two two-week periods of absolute hellish cold. Usually one of these periods overlaps perfectly with winter break (end of December-ish) and the other happens sometime around he start of Winter semester (mid-January).

We didn’t really have much of a cold snap in December, but HOLY HELL it’s cold right now.

We’re talking “feels like” temps in the -40s.

And it’s just going to get colder of the next few days!

What is with people and beverage containers?

Seriously. It’s a thing.

We laugh and roll our eyes, but if you’re from my generation, you can’t deny that a big portion of your coolness factor in high school was the color combo of your Nalgene bottle and cap and how utterly covered in stickers that thing was.

(I had no stickers on mine. I was not cool.)

Also, you know that if social media had been a thing back then, it would be exactly as bad as it is with the Stanleys.


So the toenails on my right foot are now starting to turn all black and gross and twisted. Will they get as bad as the toenails on my left foot?

Only time will tell!

Am I going to keep blogging about my insanely disgusting toes?

Only time will tell!

(Yes. Yes I will.)


Today was the final exam for MATH 275 (Engineering Calculus). Because of the large class size of 1,000+ students, the exam was held in the gym rooms where each room holds several hundred students in desks arranged in a big grid.

Because the gyms are so large and the wall clocks so small, a large clock (2 feet in diameter maybe?) is placed at the very front of the gym so that students can easily see what time it is as they write the two-hour exam.

This clock is an analog clock.

For the first time since starting work at the University of Calgary, I had some students who did not know how to read an analog clock.

A few came up to the front to sign out for the restroom. The sign-out sheet asks for the time they’re signing out (and the time they’re signing in). There were two students who looked at the big clock when filling out the sign-out time and were very clearly unsure of how to read it. I had to tell them the time. Another student looked at the clock and then immediately looked at their watch instead, which showed a digital clock face.

This seems like an odd skill to lose. Like, don’t most elementary/junior high/senior high schools have analog clocks in every classroom? Ours always did. Or maybe students just don’t ever look at those because they’ve got their phones and/or watches with a digital face.

I’m not passing judgement or anything, it’s just interesting.

Color Palette


Y’know what? I’m not mad at it.

I still have my standard favorites when it comes to colors (orange, lime green, yellow, red, mainly), but I think my enjoyment of non-standards has broadened over the past several years.

Like…I used to really dislike neon. I like bright colors and always have, but bright rich colors, not neon. But I really started to dig neon around the end of 2019 or so.

Same thing with pastels. I’m still not a huge fan, but I’ve grown very fond of mint and lavender (that’s why I wanted an iPhone 12 – I wanted that lavender color!).

So peach fuzz? Definitely not a color I would choose as a favorite or to wear, but I appreciate it.

The end.