Tag Archives: twitter


So this clip came up on Twitter for me today:

(I’ve never watched Bluey so I don’t really know the context, but from everything I’ve heard, Bluey is a great show and you can see that in this little clip.)

Anyway, it got me thinking about houses. As some of you know, I’ve moved around a lot. If I sat down and made a list of all the different times I’ve moved (that is, packed up my belongings and transported them all to a different living location), I suspect it would number in the twenties. Hell, between July 2011 and December 2011 I moved FIVE TIMES.


I think a consequence of moving so much has been that I’ve never really felt an attachment to any given house. Sure, I’ve missed living in some houses that I’ve spent time in, but I’ve never had an emotional attachment to any of them. I’ve never cried upon moving from a house, and I cry at everything.

I mean, I can understand why people get emotionally attached to their home, especially if they lived there for like 15 years. Maybe if Nate and I ever move from our condo, I’ll feel that emotional loss (we’ve been here nine years now). But I’ve just never experienced that.

Anyway. Just some thoughts.



It is “Twitter.” It will always be “Twitter.” FIGHT ME, MUSK

I am busy and cold and sad, so you get Twitter nonsense today.


[Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


It’s my wonderful husband’s birthday today, so what better day for the Twitter-based wrap-up of this year’s baseball season?













Tweetball 2022


So baseball is over for the season, which means it’s time for the (apparently annual) listing of amusing baseball-related Tweets.










I freaking love Mark Canha.





Do better, y’all!

(This is great, hahaha)


I’m doing this thing again because screw it.


So there’s this thing going around on Twitter asking people to list the five topics they can talk about for 30 minutes without any preparation.

So of course I have to join in by posting my answers on my blog.

Because I’m cool like that.


  • Topic 1: Leibniz
  • Topic 2: Statistics
  • Topic 3: The Kilogram
  • Topic 4: The History of Calculus
  • Topic 5: Determinism/Free Will

What are yours?


I think all profs can relate to this, especially at the end of the year.

Tweetball 2021

I’ve done this the past few years, so let’s call it a tradition now: posting my favorite baseball-related tweets of the year!




(God I love Max Scherzer)




(Talking about the Mets, of course)



(I reiterate: I love Max Scherzer)



Tweetball 2020

So like everything else this year, baseball got all screwed up by COVID. But there were still some Twitter highlights, at least. Here’s a list!

Originally tweeted by Cara Jeffrey (@cara_jeffrey) on May 1, 2020.

My Plans: 2020:

Originally tweeted by MetsKevin11 (@MetsKevin11) on May 19, 2020.

Mets fans only fans who get nervous with a 5 run lead in the 9th

Originally tweeted by Marc Luino (@GiraffeNeckMarc) on August 19, 2020.

The Mets just hit a walk-off at Yankee Stadium.

What a strange year.

Originally tweeted by Anthony DiComo (@AnthonyDiComo) on August 29, 2020.

It turns out all these “Schitt’s Creek” headlines are about the Emmys, not the Mets’ postseason chances.

Originally tweeted by Mike Puma (@NYPost_Mets) on September 21, 2020.

Last night: He’s day-to-day with a stomach bug
This afternoon: He’s receiving some fluids at Hospital for Special Surgeries
Tomorrow: 15-day IL
Sunday: Jed Lowrie

Originally tweeted by Blueshirts Breakaway (@BlueshirtsBreak) on October 2, 2020.

Win probability off the charts!

Originally tweeted by Tampa Bay Rays (@RaysBaseball) on October 25, 2020.

Turn Down for BUTT

Here’s some nonsense internet/Twitter/Tumblr stuff because everything sucks and these things at least make you think about something other than the virus for a few seconds.


This whole thing


K, I’m Out.

Same, blue bin. Same.

Another hailstorm? This blue bin was like “Nope. Bye y’all, good luck with the rest of this year.”🤣 #yyc #yycstorm #abstorm

@cityofcalgary, this should give the Waste & Recycling folks a good chuckle!

Originally tweeted by Mary Kirk (@iamMaryKirk) on July 23, 2020.

It’s the rye chip, you palateless sheep

So in a super scientific Twitter thread, people are debating the best Chex Mix piece and it’s getting heated about that rye chip.

  • Rye chip, followed closely by circle pretzel. Throw the mini breadsticks in the trash
  • if you said rye chip block me
  • Anyone who doesn’t say Rye Chip is a cop.
  • rye chip got weird ass flavor but in a good way
  • Idk about the best but the worst is definitely that hard ass rye chip
  • I can deal with them all, except that rye chip aka the red headed stepchild……
  • The rye chip was like that person who you didn’t like but you had him in the to not be mean to him
  • Rye chip can jump off a cliff
  • Rye chip is the skin of the gods. Children weep at the site of it, men bow down to it.
  • literally anyone who says anything other than rye chip deserves to step on a mfriggin LEGO BRICK

In case anyone’s curious, for me it’s:

  1. Rye chip
  2. Mini breadstick
  3. Corn Chex
  4. Square pretzel
  5. Wheat Chex
  6. Circle pretzel

Come at me.

Oh, Astros.

Freaking Astros. Why? Why did you cheat?


The Astros were probably my third favorite team. Springer, Altuve, Correa, Bregman – I liked all of them. Now I’m sad.

Edit: oh my god:

This season’s going to be rough for them.

Is it summer yet?

Hahaha, this is great.

It makes me miss my random Omegle conversations with strangers.


Hello, peeps.

So the Mets’ season officially ended yesterday. SADNESS!

As I’ve mentioned, Twitter is basically my baseball info hub, and most of my liked Tweets are baseball-related (the rest are math/stats-related, walking-related, or PRIMO MEME CONTENT).

So as a little tribute to the end of the regular season, I present the Mets’ 2019 season in Tweet form! Enjoy.






Bonus nonsense:




“That Can Be My Next Tweet” is hysterical

That Can Be My Next Tweet a website that generates tweets based on the tweets you’ve already made.



deGrom is totally my phone.

The sad thing is that these are about the same coherency as my actual tweets.


Cespedes had a “ranch incident” and broke his ankle, ‘cause he’s a Met and of course he did.

I shouldn’t have laughed so hard at this, but I did.

Oh, Twitter

Man, it’s been a while since I’ve seen something that made me just go “HAH” out loud. I love it.

A Thing I’d Never Thought I’d Say:

I prefer Twitter to Facebook now.


  • Of the 40-ish friends I have on Facebook, most of them are either using Facebook to be passive-aggressive to another person or are pooping out kids and posting exclusively about pooping out kids (or, in one bizarre case, passively-aggressively pooping out kids). I have no interest in any of those things.
  • On Twitter, I follow The Royal Society, Calgary Transit, a few pedestrian-promoting groups, some of the AH guys, Stats Canada, other stats groups/dudes, and a fair number of baseball pages/people. So y’know, things that are interesting and drama-free.

(Except for baseball. Sometimes baseball has all the drama.)

So yeah.


This is fantastic.


Sorry, I’m super busy and super stressed and super garbage.

More Ted

This is really interesting.


I think I’ve said this before on here, but I’ll say it again for clarity’s sake. The only thing Twitter is good for is sports updates. That’s the only thing. Everything else on it is dumb. I don’t want to see your oh-so-important garbage broken into 140-character chunks of text.


Get a blog, you plebs.

Anyway, here’s the real reason for this post. The Mets Twitter posted this little guy during the game last night and I’m still laughing.


It’s just the perfect representation of how their season is going.



Are fake potatoes imitaters?

This guy gets it. He gets it.

Haha, and I’m right there with the “using emojis ironically” thing. It’s so tempting because it’s like “what in the fuck random garbage nonsense can I portray with a poop, six buckets, a dime, a plus sign, and three more poops?” but then I have to back off and not actually start, because it’s a slippery slope, yo.

It’s like Twitter. At first you use it for garbage Tweets like so:


But then, after a while, you start—



…okay, never mind.