Tag Archives: cats


Whenever I’m sad (which is like all the time now), I take a look at the list of potential cat names that I’m saving for potential cats. The current list consists of the following:

  • Potato Bun Sidekick
  • Mr. Goodbutt
  • Zesty Cheese
  • Jabberwocky
  • Beany Meat Stew for You
  • Senator Nice Rear
  • Douglas Fatbanks
  • Captain Fatberg
  • Kiwiberry Ruckus
  • Disproportionate Fisk
  • No Name Pepperoni Chub
  • Poofy Crust
  • Sticky Colander
  • Cracker McSwatt

I’m sure Nate will try to veto some all of these names, but I shall prevail!


So Jazzy is finally free of the dreaded cone. I’ve never seen her so grateful to be able to clean her paws or scratch her ears. We were worried that she would go straight for her wound, but she didn’t. She’s such a good sweet girl.

Edit: pic!


We finally got the results of Jazzy’s eye biopsy and they said that they found cancer in it.

So that’s great.

Now we have to take her in to get an ultrasound and some x-rays to see if there’s more cancer in her. They said there’s a chance the cancer might be isolated in her eye because apparently that’s something that happens sometimes, but we can’t know for sure unless they check the rest of her.

As if she needs more medical nonsense to go through.

2021 is already PISSING ME OFF.

2020 Absolutely Sucks

COVID? Yes, of course that’s the main reason.

But another reason came for us today after we took Jazzy to the vet/ophthalmologist for a follow-up on her previous appointment. Her right eye is responding to the meds we’re giving her and her inter-ocular pressure is back within the normal range in that eye. But her left eye has not responded; in fact, the pressure is higher.

So they recommended that the best option for Jazzy is to have her left eye surgically removed. The pressure will eventually cause her to go blind and will cause a good amount of pain in the meantime.

She will have the eye removed next Tuesday.

I guess we should be looking at the good in this in the sense that the bloodwork they did on her came back completely normal, so there’s no underlying condition like leukemia or diabetes causing the eye issues, but it still completely sucks. They think the cause of it might just be from a virus she had when she was younger (probably in the crappy living conditions she was in before we got her) that triggered some sort of auto-immune response where her immune system started treating that eye as a foreign body.

We’ll have to keep special watch on her right eye to make sure it doesn’t happen to that one as well, though there was no visible sign of issues in her left eye until we first saw that blurriness on the 27th (I checked other Jazzy pics I had on my phone; there was no blurriness prior to that day).
I feel really guilty about not taking her to the emergency vet that first night we noticed it now, but I’m not sure if that would have actually made any difference (except maybe getting her some painkillers and some treatment faster) given that her left eye isn’t responding to the meds at all.

2020 blows.

The Jazz

So our sweet kitty is having eye issues. Back on November 27 (a Friday), I was playing with her by throwing her toy mouse at her as she sat in my chair, and I noticed in the sunlight that her left eye was blurry and her pupil was fairly dilated. Pic:

This was the first time I noticed it, so I told Nate about it when he got home and we decided to call our vet. Jazzy was just getting over pink eye in her right eye, which we had been giving her an ointment for. We figured that maybe whatever was going on with her left eye was its manifestation of pink eye as well. The vet said we could either take her to an emergency vet that was open 24/7 or we could try giving her the pink eye ointment in the left eye for a few days and see if that helped clear things up.

Speaking from hindsight, we should have probably taken her to the emergency vet. However, she was not acting any different than normal (like, not at all different. Still purring, flopping, playing, zooming around the house, eating, drinking, etc.) and wasn’t acting like she was in pain. We also were hesitant to take her to the emergency vet because a) she stresses like crazy when we put her in her carrier; b) the vet she would see would not be her usual vet and thus might stress her out more; c) at this point it was like 7 PM on a Friday evening and the emergency vet would probably just end up keeping her overnight or maybe even over the weekend – which would stress her out even more. So we went with the ointment.

But by that Monday, there didn’t appear to be much of a change in her eye, so we took her to our regular vet once we were able to get an appointment. She didn’t have the equipment to do a thorough eye exam, but again recommended the emergency vet because they did have an ophthalmologist that could take a look at her. So we took her there today.

They measured the pressure in both of her eyes and found it was elevated in both of them but more so in the left one. The ophthalmologist thought this increased pressure might be due to some inflammation they found in her eyes, so they gave us a bunch of eye drop meds (which she hates, oh my god) and we’re going to give her those until next Thursday when we take her back for a follow-up.

If she responds to the meds it’s likely they’ll just have us give her those for a while until things clear up, but if not, they talked about the possibility of having to remove her left eye, as the increased pressure causes pain and, if caused by glaucoma, will eventually cause her to go blind anyway.

So hopefully she’ll respond to the meds. It’s basically all we can do at this point.

Poor sweet girl.

Old Piccys

My mom sent me some old pictures she found while cleaning/organizing her stuff. And since my blog is nothing but random nonsense that no one else cares about but me, here are said pictures.

My grandpa in the military. He never seemed like the military type when I knew him, but there ya go.

Case and point: here’s my grandpa (and my mom) with books on their heads ‘cause I had a book on mine.

Apparently we had an actual factual pony when I was a kid. I have zero memories of this pony. This is, obviously, my mom and me.

My mom and a kitten!

Me with our cat Wooder sleeping on me.

“We ride at dawn!”

The end.

Slow Cats

Here is Jazzy murdering a toy mouse in slow motion. She loves when we throw them at her like that and she can pounce like a big wild cat.

Purring Makes Everything Better

I feel like absolute crap today, so here’s a video of Jazzy purring.

You’re welcome.


Hi there sorry but this is adorable.

That is all. The rest of the world sucks.

Look at this adorable girl

She loves to grind her teeth and chin on my toes. And purr incessantly while she does so.

That is all.


Dudes, look at the amount of fluff I just combed out of Jazzy.


That’s like a fourth of her size. We could make a mini-Jazzy out of it if we wanted.

Sorry, that’s all I’ve got for today! I was going to go running outside once I got home from teaching because it was so freaking nice and sunny and (relatively) warm, but about five minutes after I got home it REALLY started to get windy out there, so I guess it’s good I stayed home.

(Even though I always feel guilty when I don’t exercise, even when it’s my scheduled off-day.)

Dear Kitten:

Okay, this is cute as hell.


A Wild Calico Appears!

DUDES, this kitty looks a lot like Jazzy.

Doesn’t she? She’s even purring incessantly, which is one of Jazzy’s favorite things to do.

I love cats so freaking much, yo.

Pretty Girl

Here’s more Jazzy in the sun.


I’m not very fun or interesting, but at least my kitty is pretty.


Hey poopers. So I said this last year, but the second half of last year’s blogs


And I don’t expect anyone to go back and read any of the garbage from the previous year. So I’ll say this again here: if any of you out there want to get me a Christmas present, I ask that you please donate to a cat shelter or cat sanctuary instead?


Cats > Claudia. This is not debatable.

Poor Jazzy

Jazzy had her dental surgery today. They took out her top two canines, cleaned the rest of her teeth, and cleaned out the ear that always gives her itchy trouble. She had the kitty derp face when we picked her up, but she’s recovering surprisingly quickly. She is purring and flopping and jumping on the furniture tonight, which is a good sign.

Poor girl. I was really worried that she’d think we were going to leave her there forever (especially given her background), but they said she was pretty chill throughout the whole process and looked like she was feeling better pretty quickly once she got home. Good girl!


I’ve been having a really crappy week (and it’s only Tuesday), but then I watched some of JunsKitchen’s videos and felt a lot better. I posted a video of his a while back—he’s the guy who cooks while his cats watch—and he just seems like such a good, calm, cat-loving person that you can’t help but feel better after watching his videos.

Here’s where he makes sushi for his cats.

Here’s where he and his wife take his cats for a walk.

This is how cats should be treated, man.



That is all.

I almost forgot:

Nate and I met a super nice kitty on one of our walks a while back and we met him again today. Took a picture of him. His name’s Kevin.


(Am I a creep for posting a picture of some other person’s cat on my blog?)

We also murdered a caterpillar by proxy by drawing Kevin’s attention to it (he had no interest in it until we tried to move it off the sidewalk and it started doing it’s “get away from me predator” thrash, which immediately made Kevin claw the hell out of it), so there’s that.


Hahahaha, Nate sent me this picture of Jazzy today. She’s stalking across the barren wastelands of the coverless bed.


Ready to MURDER.

Jazzy Again

So Jazzy jumped into Franklin’s old birdcage tonight.

She just swooped in there through one of those doorways. I heard this loud “BANG” like she had jumped on top of the cage, but nope. Inside instead!


I go, “did you jump in that cage??” and she gave out such a confused little holler, haha. But then she jumped right back out.

What a sweetie.

Big Cats Rule

I am like 800 levels of sad, so here are a few videos of big cats getting snacks and treats.

Those tigers are beautiful.

Helpful Vancouver Vet

Like cats? Want to learn how to do “hard” things with cats, like brushing their teeth? Check out the videos by Helpful Vancouver Vet.

This guy, Dr. Uri Burstyn, is really good with cats. He’s got that “good cat guy” vibe.

He works at the ARBUTUS WEST ANIMAL CLINIC, so if you’re ever in Van and need a good vet…

Jazz Machine being Jazz Machine

Haha, I was looking through old pictures on the iPad and I found this one of Jazzy where she’s lounging not on one couch but both couches.


Cat level: Expert


Sometimes I swear I can hear Annabelle purrting in the other room.

Other times I can’t conjure the sound of her in my head and I worry that I’m forgetting her.