Tag Archives: tumblr


So I was showing Nate how Tumblr works tonight and realized that I hadn’t really posted anything of substance on there for quite some time. Tumblr used to be my main jam, too, especially from like 2012-2015 or so.

I went back through my posts and holy hell, there’s so much:

  • Sun/space stuff (but mostly sun)
  • Metalocalypse stuff
  • Clouds
  • Leibniz
  • Really dumb math/stats jokes
  • Achievement Hunter

*Fallout 3 narrator voice* Claudia. Claudia never changes.

Also, the one post I ever made that got any likes/reblogs.


This is old news now, I guess, but…

Achievement Hunter, the group of hilarious let’s play nerds who basically kept me virtual company throughout my math degree at the U of I, is disbanding/shutting down.

I originally discovered them through Tumblr; or, more specifically, I discovered Michael Jones/Rage Quit through this video while working at Pima (I watched a lot of videos via Tumblr on that job, haha):

I didn’t know what Rooster Teeth or Achievement Hunter were for a while after that, but after watching enough Rage Quit vids on YouTube, another one of their Let’s Plays with more than just Michael in it got recommended to me. I think this was the first video I saw with Geoff, Ray, and Gavin:

Then I was hooked. I got my mom hooked on them too, haha.

Anyway in honor of the tons of laughs I got from them over the years, here are some of my favorite videos of theirs:

And all the Rage Quits I listed here.

Random Tumblr Stuff

I’m bored. BORED, okay?!?



(It’s true)





All You Have To Do Is Stream? ?? ?? ? ?

YES. Yes yes yes.

So there’s a YouTuber that I used to watch fairly regularly who would always vlog herself at various stores (Walmart, Target, other big-box stores in the southeast US). She got a lot of criticism for many of the things she did, but one thing that seemed to particularly irk people was the fact that she bought DVDs.

No, they weren’t irked at how many she bought.
No, they weren’t irked at what type of movies/shows she bought.

They were just irked that she “still bought DVDs” in a time when you can stream pretty much anything you’d want to watch.

And in one sense, they’re right. You can stream pretty much anything nowadays.

But in another sense, this argument is actually quite stupid, because streaming services can, without notice, remove ANYTHING from their platforms, rendering you unable to watch [insert favorite show] or [insert favorite movie] AT ANY TIME.

Like…are we all just blind to how ridiculous that is? We pay for, say, Netflix, but we don’t own anything on it. So if [insert show here] is the whole reason you’re using Netflix and they suddenly remove it, what was the point of giving Netflix all of that money? It’s like renting instead of buying.

Which I guess some people are cool with.

But if I have a piece of media that I really like, I’m going to make damn sure I have my own physical (or downloadable/saveable digital) copy of it so that no streaming service can take it away from me.

This happened with Hulu and Chicago Hope. Hulu was the ONLY PLACE you could watch Chicago Hope, so I used to watch it religiously. Then, one day, they just removed it.

It hasn’t been back since and you CANNOT find it anywhere else.

This happens constantly on Netflix, too. You get invested in a show/movie and then suddenly you can’t watch it anymore because you just paid for the streaming, not the item itself. You don’t own it. It’s not yours.

Isn’t that…frustrating?

That’s why I don’t use streaming services for my music. If there’s a song I like, I’m not leaving my ability to listen to said song whenever/wherever up to chance. I’m getting a physical (digital) copy OF MY OWN. Spotify can eat dicks; I want to own my songs, not my ability to stream what it makes available to me.


Sorry, that Tumblr post just stated basically all my same opinions about streaming services that no one else seems to take issue with.


Turn Down for BUTT

Here’s some nonsense internet/Twitter/Tumblr stuff because everything sucks and these things at least make you think about something other than the virus for a few seconds.


This whole thing


I need to post more stuff on Tumblr.

Why? Because every time I go to my Tumblr page, this damn post is right there and I subsequently have to go watch this and get it stuck in my head for hours:

Remember AlbinoBlackSheep? Fun times.

Everybody knows…

I saw this very short little clip of a dude dancing and singing “everybody knows shit’s FUCKED” somewhere on Tumblr a little bit ago:

Had that little clip stuck in my head, so I had to find the full song. Now I have the full song stuck in my head.

New anthem of the US. You’re welcome.

Biostatistics Ryan Gosling

Haha, these are great.

I’m surprised Nate didn’t hear me laughing like an idiot at these at 4:00 in the morning.



The end.


So apparently I’ve been on Tumblr for five years now.


Can’t complain, though…that’s how I found Achievement Hunter!

So in celebration, have some of my liked/reblogged Tumblr posts.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

I’ve posted this before, but it’s Gavin being awful at Uno

This is still hilarious I don’t even care

Gemstone nail art! (I might have posted this, too…)

Mystery box

The shape of South America on different map projections


Hello, fellow humans!

Have some Tumblr crap, ‘cause I’m like in the weeks between “school panic” and “relaxing with my mom” right now, so not much is going on.

Except “I’m in the weeks between “school panic” and “relaxing with my mom” right now” panic.


Chrome extensions for disabilities

Freaking Idaho.


Oh, Gavin.

I miss Ray!



If you haven’t witnessed The Captioned Adventures of George Washington (by ladyhistory) on Tumblr, you’re missing out, yo.

That’s all.

This is Tumblr’s Fault

The internet.

The internet.

I have a couple Tumblr blogs that I “follow” (read: stalk but don’t actually follow Tumblr-style) and one of them has been consistently commenting “WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOSE” on every…I don’t know, 10th thing they post. It took me a little bit to figure out where this was coming from, but I found it: Vine, of course!

Here’s a compilation of “WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOSE” edits, with the original vine being the first video in the set.

It’s probably an annoying to most people but I just find it hysterical for some reason.

Edit: Hahahahaha, oh my god, this is the greatest.


So here’s something kinda cool: earlier today I wanted to find a drawing that I’d favorited on DeviantArt but didn’t want to go and log into my DA account itself, so instead what I did was Google “LadyLeibniz,” my DA username, so that I could just see my profile and find the drawing I wanted from my favorites list.

However, when I was looking at the search results, I found that a good number of my drawings have been posted on Tumblr and have quite a few notes—29, 156, 194, 621—snazzy! I had no idea my art had been Tumbld.

This also makes me appreciate even more those people who take time to properly credit the artists of pictures that they post to Tumblr. All of the ones I found had the title plus “by LadyLeibniz” (which, of course, is why I could find them by Googling) and most had links right back to my DA account.

Sorry, I just think that’s cool.


This is by far the best thing I’ve ever found on Tumblr (source).

How to draw Leibniz:


They Still Don’t Love You Like I Love You

ZOMG new favorite Tumblr.

Do you like maps? This is the site for you! Here are some good ones:


Hahaha, ouch.



Population of Wyoming by square mile; i.e., “No One Lives in Wyoming”



I want to live in Suddenly Bright Bosom.


Edit: Hahaha, Canada:


Here’s the link to a huge version of this map so you can read all the text.


(In Alice Cooper voice)


I’ve taken like 400 classes at UI and this is the first time I’ll have a final on a Friday.

In not-even-slightly-related news, I found this Tumblr about 15 minutes ago and am entirely in love with it.

For those of you who don’t frequent Tumblr…

Here’s this glorious video that’s currently making the rounds:

I needed something to brighten my day. This was it.

(Don’t read the description until it’s over.)


So early this morning I posted on my Tumblr a set of screenshots of Wolfram Alpha jokes.

And then this happened this afternoon:


Freaking Wolfram Alpha! Holy crap. Highlight of my day!


Most peoples’ Tumblrs: Dr. Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter.
My Tumblr: Math, Wolfram Alpha, Leibniz.

(I’m going to die alone, aren’t I?)

Miiiiiiight as well face it, you’re addicted to meth

Yes, I’m about to promote Tumblr blogs on my own non-Tumblr blog. Because honestly I’m still trying to mentally recover from last semester and I’m busy with calc + work + trying not to implode, so DEAL WITH IT.

If you dig minimalist posters of pretty much everything cool, you’ll dig this guy’s Tumblr.

This is the guy who did those cauliflower interpretations of major news events I posted quite awhile back.


For the 0% of you who follow me for my (now rare) R posts.

Basically the internet condensed into a single Tumblr.

Stupid Claudia Confessions

  1. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t hate myself for getting a B in Linear Algebra.
  2. That Destination XL commercial kinda makes me horny. HALF NAKED PUDGY MEN YES YES YES.
  3. I am ridiculously obsessed with this song all of a sudden. Not really sure why.
  4. My Tumblr is pretty much just math, statistics, and Achievement Hunter. I’m okay with that.
  5. This fanfic I’ve been working on for the past few years has gotten dark as hell. Not sure if that’s good or bad.
  6. Circle Packing sounds exceedingly dirty (even though it’s not).
  7. So does Wittgenstein’s Rod.
  8. I am now legitimately addicted to Minecraft. I blame Achievement Hunter’s Let’s Play Minecraft series. At least I’m not dreaming about it yet. (Edit: well, that statement’s untrue now.)
  9. I feel like I’m right on the edge of thinking of a badass tattoo design. Come on, brain, do something good for once.
  10. I confess that this last confession is just to get this list to an even 10 items.

Claudia’s Random Blog of Random Bloginess

The best part about being sleep-deprived and then spending the wee hours of the morning on Tumblr is waking up after finally getting some sleep and seeing some of the weird-ass crap you’ve reblogged/saved on your compy that you don’t remember.


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Guys guys guys.

Curiosity got the better of me today and I typed in “Brave Little Toaster” in Tumblr’s search box.

It effectively restored my faith in the claim that the internet is goddamn weird.

I don’t know what’s better (worse?), the screencaps or the cosplay.


Shameless self-promotion? DON’T MIND IF I DO

Uh-oh, guys.

I have a Tumblr.

Check it out at your own risk. Some of it is/will be reposts from here, but most of it will be stuff too frivolous for its own blog post.

Lots of YouTube videos, memes, Metalocalypse, and gifs forthcoming on it.

You’ve been warned.