Monthly Archives: October, 2012

Oh my goodness, internet.

These. Are. Fantastic.

For any poor soul not familiar with the term “YouTube Poop”, a rough definition from KnowYourMeme describes it as, “[a] video that has been made with appropriated footage and collage editing techniques for the purpose of either annoying or entertaining viewers in the increasingly indifferent world of Youtube.”

These are two of the greatest Poops I’ve ever seen.

“Never ever?”

I was literally on the floor laughing at the Six Flags and the raving. And “BAAAABAAAAAR!”

Haha, sorry. I thought these were fantastic. This is why I want to study the internet.

So tell me something:

Why in the hell was I not trained with these awesome videos?

I never knew the hidden sexual potential of that job.

I have such an urge to remix this.

Oh Wendy’s. You have achieved a whole new level of cool.

TWSB: Angles of Understanding

Geometry makes things so much clearer, doesn’t it?

Hey look, music

Well, I was going to do this on the 300th day of the year just to do it on an “even” day, but I totally forgot about it (It was the 26th of this month). So I’ll do it now.

Ignore this if you’re sick of hearing about my musical tastes.

As you know, I recently lost my music ratings and playcounts that have been adding up since 2006. Sad times! So I had to redo everything when I moved my music to Vaio III.

I’m really selective about which songs get five stars in iTunes. Regardless of the continual growth of my music library due to my 365 Songs project, I only allow myself to give 50 songs the rating of five stars.

So I figured I might as well put my newly-revamped top 50 list in case anyone out there was looking for some good (in my opinion) music. Songs are linked to a YouTube video for a watch/listen/both, if anyone cares to check any of these out.

You can lead a Claudia to WordPress but you can’t make her update her blog


I’m really sorry, guys. I just  mass-posted 32 pages worth of blog and probably annoyed the crap out of any subscribers. Totally understand if you want to unsubscribe.

Anyway. School + work + joy of teaching stats kind of took over my life. I’d write my blog for the day and then I’d be like “oh, internet!” and get distracted enough that by the time I realized I hadn’t actually posted yet I’d think “bah, too late, must sleep,” so I’d stick it in a Word document.

Flimsy excuse is flimsy.

I’ll try to be better, I promise!
Will a guy riding a Ritz cracker make up for it?

Forgive this, I had a Red Bull

So I’ve been thinking about that video I posted yesterday. I think the reason I liked it so much is because that video basically shows all the reasons why I believe in hylozoism. Something so incredibly vast and beyond comprehension like our universe cannot, in my opinion, be devoid of life itself. It doesn’t just contain bits of life like us and trees and turtles and dogs. It is life. Every infinitesimal bit of the universe holds “life” in my opinion. It may not be life in the way we’re able to see it like we’re able to see the life of a person or the life of an elephant, but I think that in order for atoms and electrical impulses and chemical reactions to come together to every so often create life as we define it, there must be something that’s present in all matter that holds some form of life on its own. It seems too implausible that only very specific combinations of the universe’s material can attain life and can only do so when amassed with just the right selections of other materials.

When the narrator talks about us “answering” the universe with respect to knowing what the universe is, in my opinion that’s a very potent expression of this idea. We are the universe. We are clumps of it that, for a VERY brief time, happen to take on an existence that is aware of itself, that is aware of the ridiculous distances between everything, even down to the relatively extreme distance between a nucleus of an atom and its cloud of electrons, but is also able to bridge this distance by acknowledging it. We know that our own little galaxy is vast beyond the human mind’s capability of understanding distance. We know that the relative distance between the nucleus of an oxygen atom and the inner most electrons is incredible. And yet we still function within the universe, a universe that allows for such extremes to exist but yet also allows for everything on all scales to work as a cohesive, living, thriving unit.

I see it as evidence that everything in the universe contains life when I see such extremes—the very large and the very small and the distance at both levels—working as one. How can we deny the universe a life of its own when we witness the effect of the smallest building blocks of our universe, quarks and leptons and whatnot, on the grandest events we’ve had privilege to witness: super novas and black holes and stars consuming one another? How can we say that the individual components of our universe exist as lifeless “things” when things so seemingly different have such a great effect on one another and the culmination of all these effects is existence itself?

That is how I define this “life.” The fact that things exist and the fact that they keep on existing shows that every component of our universe is responsive to every other component. And again, I don’t mean “responsive” necessarily in the way that humans respond to one another or the way a bee responds to pollen. The response could be chemical, it could be electrical, it could be in ways we can’t even witness because we don’t know what we’re looking for.

And we’re part of this! It’s common to look up at the vastness that is our universe and think of how insignificant we are. But we ARE significant! We are but for a brief moment a mass of “universe stuff” that happens to take the form of “human.” But in the blink of an eye, in the smallest fraction of a second on the time scale of the universe, we won’t be anymore! Maybe in 30 million years a part of me will be a part of a newly forming star. Maybe in 23 billion years a part of me will be a part of a meteor that splits a planet into fragments. Maybe in 80 billion centuries a part of me will be part of another thing that is also aware of the ridiculous distances between everything, from the galaxies to the components of an atom, and is able to bridge this distance by acknowledging it, just as I am as a human today. But regardless of what my parts become, they will retain this “life” that, in my opinion, is present in everything everywhere, always.

And that’s COOL.

Holy crap

This is beautiful. I was freaking bawling throughout this whole thing, I swear to god.

How can there possibly be hatred on this planet when we’re all so undeniably and fundamentally connected?

I am you. You are me. We are this.

(Edit: this is actually just a third or so of the longer, full vid, found here. It’s just that the rest goes into the old “religion vs. science” insanity and is not nearly as awesome as this first part in my opinion. But anyway.)

We’re SOOOOO close!

4701. What is your reaction to beggars and homeless on the streets?
It upsets me that we live in a world where people don’t have shelter.
Are they lazy?
Homeless people are, in many cases, people who have fallen victim to really crappy circumstances, NOT lazy.

4702. Does pure altruism exist?
Depends on how you define “pure”

4703. Is ‘You like me and I like it all’ an attitude you might have?

4704. Finish the words.
Ch: Chiasm
An: Annul
Ge: Gerund
So: Sonnet
Ne: Nepotism
Bo: Botox
Wi: WiFi
E: Elongate

4705. What’s your favorite science fiction movie?
Can “Tremors” count? “Tremors.”
Make it a double feature. What’s your second favorite?
Anything reviewed by MST3K.

4706. If you had a remote control for people who would you set on mute?
Everyone, but only for short periods.

4707. When have you felt like you were living in the twilight zone?
That time I watched The Twilight Zone

4708. Do you have penis envy?
Hi, Sigmund!
Do you have vagina envy?
Haha, I hope not.

4710. A child is born in Boston, Mass., to parents who were both born in Boston, Mass. The child is not a U.S. citizen. How is this possible?
That child’s born before 1776!

4711. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
Mt. Everest was the highest mountain on earth regardless of whether we knew about it or not (that is, it has been since tectonic rubbin’ and slidin’ caused it to be so).

4712. If you had to choose between being 3ft. tall or 9ft. tall which would you be?

4711. If you could know the answer to any 3 questions, what would they be?:
“How did the universe begin?”
“How will the universe end?”
“What does infinite time feel like?”

4712. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

4713. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?
Wouldn’t bother me. I’d rather be available food to animals/worms/microbes than take up space in a sealed box underground.

4714. Would you like to know the precise date of your future death?

4715. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it meant 1,000 starving children in Indonesia would eat and get medical care?
Hell yeah.

4716. Name a close friend of the opposite sex:
Imagine they are from another country, visiting yours. Their visa is almost expired and if they get sent back to their country they may never get another visa to leave again. Would you marry them if after two years you could divorce them and they would be allowed to stay in your country?
That would be the most hilarious situation ever.

4717. Do you always call/email in when you take a day off from schol or work?
I don’t take days off.

4718. A fatalist believes that the future is mapped out in a pattern. A causalist believes that every event is tied to a previous event. Neither believes in free will. An indeterminist believes in total free will. Which are you?
Free will is an illusion! The universe is deterministic! Free will is an illusion!

4719. Would you rather have a masters degree in ecconomics or creative writing?
Creative writing.

4718. Do you feel the need to defend the honor of your family and demand respect?

4719. What do you think about that no one else thinks about?
Stuff you’ll never know! I’m not telling.

4720. Which of the following best describes you:
A laid back person who enjoys watching sports and playing with computers.
An apathetic person who is open minded and passionate about music.
A fiesty person who lacks an attention span.
Avant garde and over confident.
I am none of these things. Except passionate about music.

4721. Why are so many letters silent in French?
Why pick on French? Why can’t English make up its mind about how to pronounce stuff? Why doesn’t English get cool little letter accents like other languages. HOW DOES SOMEONE WITH PARASIGMATISM EXPLAIN THEIR SPEECH IMPEDIMENT?!

4723. What, besides genetics and besides your environment and experiances, makes you what/who you are?

4725. What do you find:
impressive: the universe
unimpressive: Kim Kardashian

4726. How easily do you understand Shakesphere?
Fairly easily. Better than I used to.

4729. What’s your favorite girl scout cookie?
Trefoils are BADASS.
Is it made from real girl scouts?
Three per cookie.

4730. How do you open your car door when it freezes shut?
I have no car.

4731. Why is it that 95 percent of the letters in french words are not pronounced?
What’s with the French-bashing?

4732. What are you Dreading?
My hair! Hahaha, hilarity.

4733. When will your ship come in?
When it damn well pleases!

4734. Do you create your art for free?

4735. The Pope’s recent message to George Bush is ‘Go into Iraq and you go without God’. What do you think of this quote?
Rock it, Pope!

4736. Have/would you ever taken a botany (plants) course?
That would be cool.

4737. Are you using your own computere or someone else’s to take this survey?
Oh my god the spelling keeps deteriorating.
My own “computer.”

4742. Is it true what they say about Star Trek movies, that only evey other one is worth seeing?
I don’t know, I’ve never seen Star Trek.

4743. Someone once said, ‘Every possible outcome of something takes place in a parallel universe. So there is free will, but your choises only determine which of those parallel universes you live in.’ Your reaction?
I don’t think parallel universes necessitate free will. Maybe in each possible universe all the “choices” within that universe are already determined.

4745. Is there a difference between what is legal and what is ethical?
Sometimes, yes
Should there be?
Ethics are such a grey area. Legality probably shouldn’t be that grey.

4748. When looking at a clear night sky what constallations can you locate?
The Big Dipper’s over our house when we can see it, but that’s about it, haha.

4749. What movie has the worst ending ever?
“Dude, Where’s My Car?”, if by “ending” you mean “whole plot”
The best ending ever?
I really liked the director’s cut ending of “The Butterfly Effect.” I caught the end of the movie on TV a few weeks ago and was like “what is this nonsense?” before realizing that they were televising the edited ending.

4750. Are you feelin’ groovey?
Hell yeah.

4751. Oh the tangled web we weave when:
We pretend we’re spiders.

4752. Do you own anything velvet?

4753. Who have you been friends with the longest?
Technically? Aneel.
How long have you two been friends?
We were in the same preschool class.

4754. Who do you feel like you are in competition with?

4756. What subject are you so familliar with that you could you write an FAQ (frequently asked questions) list about it?
Fit indices used in structural equation modeling
What would one question on that list be?
“Do any of these damn indices work like they’re supposed to?”
What is the answer to that question?

4757. ‘Don’t use the rules.
They’re not for you – they’re for the fools
and you’re a fool if you don’t know that.
So use the rules you stupid fool’
How do you feel about these Clash lyrics?
Haha. Cute.

4759. Have you read any of Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty books?
If yes, what did you think of them?
Horses freak me out.

4760. Can you do any voices or impressions and if yes, what ones?
I can imitate Barney Rubble surprisingly well. Blame Nick for that discovery.

4761. Guys, is it true that gentlemen prefer blondes? Girls, do blondes really have more fun?
You should ask a blonde.

4762. Do you enjoy sneaking up on people?

4763. Do you often break plans?
I try not to.

4764. “Angry” and “hungry” are two words that end in “gry”. There are three words in the English language. What is the third word? Everyone knows what it means and everyone uses it every day. Look closely and I have already given you the third word. What is it?
Isn’t this a trick? Isn’t it “language”?

4765. Does anyone smoke in your home?

4766. Have you ever actually seen a pink elephant?
My life is pink elephant.

4767. The answer to 4764 is “language”. Did you get it?
HA I knew it.

4768. What was the most embaressing or crazy thing you ever dreamed?
I had that dream about Lady Gaga’s underwear that one time.

4769. Are you depraved (marked by corruption or evil; perverted)?
I’m a band geek, of course I’m perverted.

4770. Who or what comes to mind when youhear the words:
the dangerous objects factory?
A scissors factory. Don’t run!
the dude who says dude?
Isn’t that from a movie?
the man in black?
the catastrophe involving food?
My attempts at cooking.

4771. In blackjack, do you often double down?
That sounds dirty.

4772. Who’s the big winner?
Not me!

4773. Who do you care more about, your close friend in elementary school that you lost touh with or your first lover?
My old friend Anastasia.

4774. What’s your favorite part of a cat?
Its purr box!

4775. What was on the last cd you burned?
Haha, I can’t remember.

4776. If you wanted to learn a new language would you consider buying a Disney movie in that language to pick up pronunciation?
Sure, why not?
What Disney movie?

4777. Is there a modern plague? What?

4778. Are your baths and showers so hot that your skin gets red?
Haha, yeah.

4779. When you dry your body after a shower do you dry your parts in the same order each time, almost automatically, or do you dry your prts in a random order each time, thinking about it while you’re doing it?
There’s a time and a place to feel myself up, and it’s not when I’m freezing cold after a shower.

4780. Do you feel like those who are speak a language around you that you can’t understand are making fun of you?

4781. If you were blindfolded and your love/partner was placed in a line of fifty people could you pick him or her out only by:
I don’t have a “love/partner”, but let’s pretend it’s a certain someone, eh?
touching the face of each person?
feeling one elbow of each person?
smelling the breath of each person?
licking the neck of each person?
listening to the breathing of each person?
psychically sensing each person?

4782. Close your eyes and turn your head towards the room you are in. Open your eyes. Describe the first object you see without telling what it is:
A cerulean piece of cloth with a big yellow cross on it.

4783. What three questions will you never say NO to?
“Do you love statistics?”
“Want to wear this ostentatious [insert piece of clothing ere]?”
“Would you want to be able to smell?”

4784. Would you like to see an American in Paris?
Is that a movie? I’ve never seen it.

4785. Are you more of a couch or a scratching post?
I’m a Saturday.

4786. What is more important, imagination or knowledge?
Both are important!

4787. Would you consider modern life to be rubbish?
Life is what you make of it.

4788. What’s the most sinful food?
Iniquity O’s! Now frosted with Original Sinnimon.
Yeah, I went there.

4789. Name one thing about yourself that you are excessivly proud of:
The fact that I can spell ‘excessively.” Or my immune system. Can one be excessively proud of one’s immune system?

4790. If you went to Hell (imagining there is one) rank these punishments in order of the one you would most prefer to the one you would least prefer.
being broken on the wheel: 4
being put in freezing water: 1
being force fed rats and snakes: 6
being smothered by brimstone and fire: 2
being dismembered alive: 7
being boiled in oil: 5
being thrown into snake pits: 3

4791. What other windows or websites do you have open on your computer right now?
Oh man. iTunes, MSN Messenger talking to my mom, R, Tinn-R, four Word documents, two IE windows, one with seven tabs, one with three. Party all the time.

4792. What kind of student were you in kindergarten?
I was a good student. I was quiet, I think. I monopolized the blocks to build massive structures.

4793. What misjudgment do many people make about you?
That I’m like twelve years old. I’m 24, dammit!

4794. If you had been named according to your personality what would your name be?
I’d have the same name. “Claudia” means “lame”, you know.

4795. What is made for kids but you love it anyway?
Oh my god, those little motorized mini Jeep things that are made for like five year olds. I ALWAYS WANTED ONE. But they only hold like 80 pounds so now I’m too fat for them. Sad day.

4796. Do you believe that China shuld cease to occupy Tibet?

4798. Dedicate a song to someone now.
What song?
“Say Goodnight and Go”
To who?
That’s a secret. :)
What line from that song most makes you think about this person?
“And then I’m left in bits, recovering tectonic trembling/You get me every time”

4799. Can you live completely in the moment giving no thought to past or future?
Haha. No.

4800. Can you honestly say that nothing bothers you?
I’m me. Everything bothers me.


Oh, politics. Politics, politics, politics.


“My dog is on the roof! My dog is on the roof!”
I freaking lost it.

Don’t fear the future

So I met with my advisor today. After explaining that the reason I didn’t take half the classes I’d told him I’d take this semester was because I’ve got the best job EVER, he confirmed that my classes for next semester were good choices.

We also talked about what the heck I’m going to do for the next couple of years. While I’d like to get an actual factual math degree, we both agreed that the more practical (and equally awesome) plan should be for me to fill in my missing math knowledge (the calculus series, the two mathematical statistics classes) and then apply for a stats PhD somewhere. Unfortunately (fortunately? I don’t even know anymore), said PhD, if it were to occur, would not occur anywhere around here, ‘cause neither U of I nor WSU offers a PhD in statistics.

Of course, I’m going to try for the best programs in the country, which I might actually have a shot at considering my old (and TERRIBLE) GRE scores are going to be invalid by next October so I’ll have to retake that (after studying this time, of course).

BUT, I think I’ll have to be here two years, and in that time I think I can actually get a BS in math ANYWAY, so how cool? And I’m glad for the two years, anyway. I’m so sick of moving.

I’m excited. Time to look up schools!

Sung to the intro of Bohemian Rhapsody:

Is this some free time
Or just a fantasy?
Caught in a down time
I shall escape from reality.
I’m gonna play Quake
Or maybe some Fallout 3…

First time I’ve had free time since the start of the semester. Time to fire up the Xbox!

It’s an art!

It’s been awhile since I’ve drawn anything, what with my soul being consumed by school/work/happiness.

Not that I can’t draw when I’m happy, but you know what I mean.

It’s a bit of a different style for me. Not sure if I like it. Kind of rushed through it. Short sentences. Fajitas!

Well no sleep tonight, then

Oh my god.

Cap’n Crunch.

Oh my god.


Pardon the short blogs this week; I’ve been super busy getting everything done. But by tomorrow I’ll have NOTHING!

Which will be weird.


Guys. This deserves its own blog. Because that freaking beat is NNNNNNNNNFFF.

The spheres have it

Oh man, have you guys ever read Uncyclopedia’s “Mathematics” entry? Oh my god.

  • “Space, the final mathematical frontier. This is the study of Euclidean geometry. To seek out new angles and new dimensions. To boldly plot what has never been plotted before.”
  • “But most importantly, professional mathematicians never get any sex. Ever. So when your guidance counsellor suggests you consider a field in mathematics, you’ll be looking at a long, lonely road of division, subtracted from the mainstream of society. What this all adds up to… is that mathematicians never multiply.”
  • “Mathematical logic is concerned with setting mathematics within a rigorous axiomatic framework and whipping them until they cry out for their mothers.”
  • (One of the footnotes) “Being arithmetically correct is so mundane.”
  • And the “Basic Notation” table. Oh my god.

Edit: oh my god, the “Linear Algebra” page is all about spheres. I’m dying.


I miss my Pokemon cards. I should have kept them. Foolish Claudia!

I’m a psychic-psychic, which is awesome, ‘cause I love the psychic Pokemon. Can I be Alakazam? I always thought Alakazam was awesome.

Or Drowzee.

“Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams.”

I totally do that.

Also, look at this dude and tell me there’s not a resemblance:

Also, this is relevant to today.

Today, we blog!

1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Lateness. Or people who go in the “exit” door and go out through the “entrance” door. Read the signs, fools!

2. Where and when were you born?
Long, long ago in a galaxy far away.

3. Where did your parents meet?
Uh, at work? I’m not sure about the specifics.

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like in four words?
No sibbies.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom?
At my dad’s. But I’ve got the basement apartment to myself.

6. What is your occupation?
I teach stats, yo!

7. Write a full description of yourself.
There are really only three things you need to know about me: I love statistics, I love color, and I’m obnoxious.

8. To which social class do you belong?
Does it matter?

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
I’m allergic to an asthma medicine. Makes my throat close up, which was actually a rather hilarious and ironic result when I took the medicine to help with temporary asthma.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

11. What does your voice sound like?
Listen for yourself.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
I say “oh crap” a lot. I also giggle inanely, but I don’t know if that counts.

13. What do you have in your pockets?

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
Have you met me?

Oh, internet.

Internet, internet, internet.



More fun:



I feel freaking horrible today. Very, very lonely and without motivation for the first time this semester. I think I’m realizing that like 90% of my friends are in steady relationships with someone or other and I’m still alone.

I know, I know, shut up, Claudia.

But seriously. I wouldn’t mind some companionship; it’s been like three years.

[self-pity bitch-session complete; commence Fallout 3]

TWSB: Wake Up in the Mornin’ Feelin’ Like Vivaldi

Here’s a cool little science-y blog for y’all:

As each metronome reverses its direction at the top of its swing, the energy is transferred to the platform below and, through the platform, to the other metronomes. At first, these transferred energies are all out of sync and the different waveforms interfere with one another. This continues until balance is eventually created, meaning that the interference pattern is a standing wave and is causing the metronomes to be “locked” into sync with one another.

Even that little rebel on the right.

Cool, huh?
[haha, get the title? ‘Tik Tok’ like metronomes going “tick-tock? I’m not TOTALLY crazy*.]


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It’s that wonderous time of the year of hypothetical semester schedules!

I’ve forgotten the joys of next-semester’s-schedule planning. Yayayayayay.

MATH 175: Calculus II
PHYS 211: Engineering Physics I
CS 120: Computer Science I
STAT 516: Applied Regression Modeling
[Teaching STAT 251: Statistical Methods]

CS 120: Computer Science I Lab
MUSA 321: Concert Band

PHYS 211L: Engineering Physics I Lab
MUSA 321: Concert Band

It’ll be weird teaching 3 days a week. But I can’t WAIT.

Damn you, Muse.

Damn you.

I can’t stop listening to this. This is perfection. Five stars.



I’m going to get to teach again next semester!

I might get the TH class or I might get one of the MWF classes, but I don’t know yet. But YAY!

Now comes the incredibly difficult task of NOT creating a schedule for next semester until I know when I’m teaching.

Gonna go spaz now.

This one was missing a lot of questions

4601. What do you think of rappers who talk about raping and killing their mother?
I think that’s a pretty horrible topic for a song.

4602. Are you art?
Aren’t we all?

4603. Do you think that most writers musicians and artists make art or lve art?
That typo could either be “love” or “live.” I’ll say it means “live.” So I think that most live art.
What would you prefer them do?
Live it!

4604. Iraq is destroying its missles and the white house is still not happy. Why not?
Oh, Bush era. How I do not miss you.

4605. Do you find americans to be a very sterile and emotionless people?
Quite the opposite, actually.

4606. What do we talk about when we talk about love?
Love is subjective.

4607. Would you write a song about how horrible your mom is in order to sell more records?
Why would anyone want to hear that anyway?
Good question.
4608. Do you think that eminem is genuine or doing it all for show (even his mom says it’s all for show)?

I have no idea, but Eminem’s hilarious.
4609. Should juveniles be tried as adults if they commit murder?
In some cases, yes.
4610. Should there be laws to restrict breeding?
Should the laws include getting a high score on an iq test?
Should the laws include proving that you can/will be able to provide care and support for the child?/
Should the laws include a background check to determine whether you will be a fit parent?

4611. Would you/have you ever committed statutory rape (had sex with someone 17 or younger while you were 18 or older)?

4612. Do you believe that Mcdonald’s should be held responsible for it’s customer’s obesity?
Ha. No.

4613. Did you know that 1/2 of american adults read at an 8th grade level or below (I just saw it on foxnews)?
Did not know that.

What do you think of this?
Doesn’t surprise me.

4614. Do you drink tea with honey?

4615. Do bees and wasps terrify you?
Not “terrify,” but I don’t like them.

4616. How do you decide what to say and do when someone puts the spotlight on you?
I usually get too nervous to make any decisions.

4617. Are you more muddy or clean??

4618. If consciousness could speak what would it say?
“Go to sleep and let me rest!”

4619. Is Leslie a good name for a man?
I love that name for a dude.

4620. Why do men feel they have the right to look woman up and down?
Do they?

4621. Are you pristine?
Ha. No.

4621. Do you want to blind people with your wet-look lipgloss?

4622. How many years is too big of an age difference for a couple?
As long as there isn’t any sort of legal issue, then there is no such thing as “too big” of an age difference in my opinion.

4624. China and France are both opposed to war with Iraq. What do you think of this?
I’m with them.

4627. Who’s the sexiest ghostbuster?
I’ve never seen Ghostbusters.

4628. Are you a humanitarian?
I try to be.

4629. Have you ever seen the Tommy and Pamela Anderson honeymoon sex video?
Do you think it was meant to be private or a publicity stunt?
Who knows, who cares.

4630. Are you a cat expert?

4631. Go Go Gadget:

4632. What’s your idea of fun?
Doing stats. Walking. Being a spazz.

4633. At what age will you panic about feeling old?
Been there, done that.

4634. It’s you and ___ against the world.

4635. Are you the keymaster or the gatekeeper?
This sounds dirty.

4636. When is the end of the world going to be?

4638. Do you yell at the tv when the news disturbs you?

4639. Is society too sick to survive?
We’re getting there.

4640. Have you ever been involved in a ritual?
Ever been to Catholic school?

4641. What the hell do YOU want?????

4642. Have you seen finnian’s rainbow?

4643. Weezer’s best album is:
Make Believe
It’s got most of their good songs on it. Beverly Hills, man!

4644. Fast food of choice is for you:
I dig McDonald’s. I’m not going to lie. Their fries are da bomb.

4645. What song is in your head RIGHT NOW!!!??

4646. Is this a magic monet?
Of course it is.
I’m confused.

4647. A theme song you hate is:
I always found the theme song to The Secret Life of the American Teenager to be obnoxious as hell.

4648. What words can you come up with by anagraming your name?
“Claudia Marie Mahler” anagrams to “A Lame Child Aura.” Take from that what you will.

4649. Are you a magician?
Abra-cadabra, yo.

4650. What kind of waffles suit you best?
This is the most important question ever.

4651. It’s the olden days and your father is going to drive all the way from the big city. He wants to bring something back for you. What do you ask him for?
I have no idea.

4652. Have you ever watched Little House on the Prairie?

4653. How did Columbus discover America when people were already living here?
Discovery is relative.

4654. How far can you spit?
Uh…I’ve never measured.

4655. What drinks do you know how to mix?
Uh…I can stir powdered fiber into a water bottle? Hahaha, I know, I suck.

4656. What does the perfect engagement ring look like?
No idea.

4657. How do you feel about arranged marriages?
I’m not a fan of marriage in general, considering the failure rate.

4658. Do you talk to angels?
Not that I’m aware of.

4659. What are you worried bout?
Everything. It’s my nature.

4660. How often do you touch people in conversations?
Very rarely.

4661. Do you read in bed?
I haven’t in a long time.

4662. How many sick days in a row do you take off from school or work?
I’m never sick.

4663. There are three nursery schools. Nursery school one has children sit together around tables. It emphasizes group play. It has building blocks that are very large, so large that it takes two or more children to lift them, in order to teach working together. It is moderately decorated and encourages the imagination by providing less materials for the children. There is one teacher per classroom and the teacher likes to allow the children to work out their own problems.
Nursery school two has many materials for the children and is brightly colored and decorated. There are two teachers per class and the teachers activly intervene between the children. There are different stations (painting, blocks, etc) and the children are encouraged to make choices about what they like to do and don’t like to do.
Nursery school three emphasizes schedualed activities. The children sit in rows and must work alone, relying on themselves. Everything is very organized and structured. The children wear bright clothing, and are taught to memorize stories and songs. If the parents both work, this school offers whole care, which means the child can stay overnight a few days a week.
Which school would you send your (possibly hypothetical) children to?
The third one.

4664. Each of those nursery schools is in a different country. Which one is in the United States?
The second.
Which one is in Japan?
The first.
What country is the last nursery school in?
North Korea? Haha, I don’t know.

4665. What hour is your most creative time of day?
Mid-morning. 9, 10 or so.

4666. Does sleeping feel more satisfying when all of your work is done or when there’s something else you should be doing?
Sleep is for mortals.

4667. Here’s a dollar. Put three songs on the juke box.
Songs cost 33.33 cents each?
Uh…Sleepyhead, the Sleepyhead Cillo remix, and the Sleepyhead Jazzsteppa remix. Because.

4668. Do you refer to teenagers as ‘kids’ yet?

4669. What is one thing you thought was the end of the world when you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager name something you thought was the end of the world 5 years ago)?
Nothing, really.

4670. Are americans uptight about sex?
Are you?
Bah. Sex.

4671. What boredgames are in your closet?
We used to have one of those OLD Monopoly board games where all the pieces were actually metal and the houses/hotels were wood. I don’t know if we still have it or not. Our fat cat sat in the cardboard lid and busted it up.

4672. What movie quote sticks out in your mind (don’t tell what movie it’s from, let us guess)?
“Disco is NOT dead! Disco is LIFE!”

4673. What is the weirdest song you’ve Ever found yourself enjoying?

4674. Look in a history book. Who would you fuck?
Dudes, if you have to ask that, you haven’t been paying attention to anything I say.

4675. A man in the reserves is being called off to war. He wants to defend his country but he finds that his 1 year old child needs a heart transplant. In his shoes would you stay and care for your child or go and defend your country?
I would go if the child had a mother/caregiver/someone else to care for the little dude.

4676. Is gone with the wind
an accurate movie:
I’ve never seen the movie.
a good movie:
See above. The book was meh.

4678. Is alcohol the water of life?
Not last time I checked.

4679. Name a friend of the opposite sex:
He or she tells you that he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction:

4680. Name one of your same sex friends:
He or she tells you that he or she is gay. Your reaction:
Then he or she tells you he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction:
Woo! Though her marriage (her ACTUAL marriage) may interfere with any subsequent action.

4681. What was the difference between your reaction to the same sex and the different sex friend? NOTHING! I need a companion.

4682. Where could you go that would be so incredible you would no longer be able to come back to the life you live here and now?

4683. What is the main problem you have with yourself?
I’m an idiot.

4684. When did you wish you could disappear?

4685. Why is it that we call poor-average people crazy and rich people eccentric?
Because we suck.

4686. Is rain on your wedding day a good example of irony?
Only if your name is Alanis.
Can you think of a good example of irony?
Probably, but not right now.

4687. What have you recently changed your mind about?
What to do with the next few years of my life.

4688. What is one thing you won’t allow yourself to have?
An iPhone. Claudia + 24/7 internet access = disaster.

4689. What would you say if Brad Pitt married Rosie O’Donnell?
What about if Catherine Zeta Jones married Drew Carrey?

4690. Name something that there is no wrong way to do:
Eat a Reese’s.

4691. If you and your partner could choose which of you would carry the baby (yes even the male would be able to carry it) who would your vote be for?
Neither. We’d adopt!

4692. If men could get pregnant would abortion become much more acceptable do you think?
Most likely.

4693. When and where have you felt most comfortable being nude?
Never, nowhere.

4694. What subject do you know the most about?

4695. What is the longest time you have gone between orgasms?
A lifetime.

4696. What is the least amount of money you would have to have in order to consider yourself rich?

4697. What words have others used to describe you?
Weird, colorful, short, obsessive.

4698. What is the most extreme thing you would do/have done to alter your appearance?
I lobbed off like a foot of my hair a few years ago.
Why did you/would you do it?
Because my hair is an annoying ball of fuzz and disappointment.

4699. What is the least amount of money you would accept to never have sex again?
I’d probably do it for free, but let’s just say $1 million just in case anyone ever offered.

4700. What has been the hardest secret to keep?