Category Archives: Food

Itty Bitty Pasta Blog

If you can find this wherever you live, freaking get it. It’s tasty.

That’s all.

Recipe Redux


I am currently on a (several-months-long) journey to finally organize all my Chrome bookmarks. One of my sub-folders contains all my favorite recipes that I’ve found over the years. And while I’ve already posted my Recipe Master List a while back, I think some of these didn’t make that cut but are good* anyway. So here they are.


*Most of these I haven’t actually tried yet, hahaha, but THEY LOOK GOOD, OKAY


Okay so random thought: Pizza Hut still sells those breadstick things, right?

These bad boys:

And they still sell the garlic bread:

Does anyone remember when they used to sell cheesy garlic bread? It was that garlic bread above but with the best freaking melted mozzarella on top. They don’t sell that anymore and it sucks because that stuff was the BEST. ‘Twas my childhood. I ordered cheesy garlic bread more often than I ordered pizza back when my mom, dad, and I would go there on Thursdays.


Carbs Aplenty


I hate how carbs have been vilified. Carbs are wonderful. They power your brain. They help you run. They’re TASTY.


So I’ve been running from my office (rather than from home) the past several runs. When I do so, I always forget to grab my chocolate milk and throw it in the lounge fridge.

And when I ran from my office this morning, that’s exactly what I did. Forgot my choccy milk.

However, I’d bought a few energy waffles last time I was at Safeway because I wanted to try them (as an alternate to the Gu packets). Specifically, these:

So I tried one.

It was super tasty! It’s a lot softer than it looks and kind of melts into a gritty chew when you bite it. This one is honey flavor; I also have a few salted caramel flavored ones too (because the salted caramel has been my favorite Gu flavor so far).

So yeah, if you need some energies, give these a try!


Grilled cheese!

Am I the only one who doesn’t like the crunchy cheese bits? Like…cheese is supposed to be soft and melty. I don’t want that texture interrupted by crusty bits. Ick.

But I’m weird.

Oh my GOD


(Sorry, I just want ALL THE CARBS thanks to all the running, haha)

I want carbs.

I ALWAYS want carbs.

I’d blame the running, but I think I’ve always just wanted carbs, haha.

Anyway, have some carbs:

Also, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of blooming spices. Interesting.


That is all.

Captain Macaroni and Dr. Cheese

I love these kinds of things, yo.

Haha, I like how everyone could identify the Kraft Mac & Cheese. It’s iconic, after all. I’m surprised that they didn’t rip on the Velveeta, too. Some of these options look really good!

Pasta Every Day?

I mean, if you say so. I’m not going to argue with you.

(This book looks wonderful.)

New Tasty

So my new favorite food combo is baba ghanoush and cauliflower. Specifically, this baba ghanoush:

It’s SO FREAKING GOOD. I’ve been having practically a whole head of cauliflower and three tablespoons of baba every day. Super tasty. You should try it!

Edit: ugh, they changed it and now it has this absolutely vomit-inducing chunky texture. Am sad.

Taste Test

I agree with some of the comments that the test is “too easy” given that they can still differentiate the foods due to texture/feel, but it’s still interesting to hear their commentary about how diminished the tasting part is.

“I can’t taste the flavor. Oh, it’s just bitter.”

I really think this is why I have such a limited number of foods that I like and why I’m SO picky about texture. I don’t have as much to experience as others, so what I can experience is very impactful.

Interesting stuff.

SMELL YA LATER?????? ? ??? ?


This is a really great article that discusses both the sense of smell (and the loss of it) and how we as a species have kind of lost our connection to food due to how we treat it as a “product” and have removed the sensory experiences of it.

Salt of the Earth

So like any standard white person, my favorite “spice” is salt. Likely because of my anosmia, salt is really the one thing that can alter the taste of something for me.

One thing that I like to add some salt to is scrambled eggs. I often put cheese in them, but I can’t really taste the cheese itself. The only thing I can actually taste is added salt (because eggs, to me, don’t taste like anything).

Anyway, this morning I was really wanting some nice, salty scrambled eggs, and I was remembering back to one Christmas when my mom got me a Himalayan salt block. Himalayan salt blocks are chunks of smoothed pink Himalayan salt and are designed to be cooked with or used as a serving plate. The food that is cooked/served absorbs some of the salt and gets that nice salty flavor.

I never cooked with the one my mom got me, but I did put cooked scrambled eggs on it after cooking them separately and they were always so good. I know I carried that salt block with me for quite some time, but I think it eventually broke on one of my (many) moves around the continent and I’m pretty sure I don’t have it anymore.

But I’m tempted to get a new one!



They’re so soft and floury. If you’re ever in Canada (or anywhere else they sell these, haha), grab them. Nom them. Ascend.



Look at how ENORMOUS those noodles are, yo. Like, compare them to the regular-size rigatoni on the left.

(Okay, not really, but I could probably shove like two fingers in it)

I’d have to cook these for like an hour to get them to the mushiness I like.



This is super interesting, yo.

I’ve never had the Flamin’ Hot variety because I don’t like hot/spicy stuff, but I think even just regular Cheetos are pretty addictive. Love that powder.

It’s interesting what science (and greed) can do to our food.




I don’t know why, but I suddenly really wanted some Nutter Butters today.

And this is probably the first time I’ve even thought about Nutter Butters since, like, high school. My dad always used to have them in his condo and I would frequently have them as snacks. I wonder if you can even buy them up here?

First World Problems: My Raviolis Come From Two Different Packages

So I have this thing where I don’t like to combine food items from different packages. Like, if I have a package of spaghetti and I don’t have enough left in the package to make a batch, I will leave the remaining noodles in the package and open a new one, making the batch of spaghetti completely from the new package.

I currently have seventeen bags of spaghetti that have less than a serving of noodles in them because I don’t want to throw them away but I can’t use them because using them means I have to combine them.

They are perfectly good noodles. There is nothing wrong with them. But I just can’t combine them because they come from different packages.

It’s the same with ravioli.
It’s the same with parmesan.
It’s the same with feta.

Hell, it’s the same with broccoli and broccoli doesn’t even come from a package. If I have two heads of broccoli that I bought at two different times, I can’t combine them.

What in the actual HELL.

Anyone else have this stupid issue?

Oodles of Noodles

I love how chill and informative this is.

“Oh, I can see the guy inside!” That was super cute, haha.

I feel like I wouldn’t get the full enjoyment of this ‘cause I can’t taste garlic, but it looks good! I love how happy he looks when he tries it.

White Chocolate is Unnerving

That’s it. That’s the blog.

Take it to the Rax

Okay, so I’m pretty sure Rax wasn’t ever in the Pacific Northwest, but GOD these commercials look familiar. Anyone else?

I know we had a Hardee’s in Moscow when I was younger. I think.

As a lot of the comments say, Mr. Delicious would be the height of humor today.

Also, “Rax. You can eat here.” is 100% late Millennial/early Gen Z garbage humor.

Party time.