Tag Archives: ray narvaez jr.

This is old news now, I guess, but…

Achievement Hunter, the group of hilarious let’s play nerds who basically kept me virtual company throughout my math degree at the U of I, is disbanding/shutting down.

I originally discovered them through Tumblr; or, more specifically, I discovered Michael Jones/Rage Quit through this video while working at Pima (I watched a lot of videos via Tumblr on that job, haha):

I didn’t know what Rooster Teeth or Achievement Hunter were for a while after that, but after watching enough Rage Quit vids on YouTube, another one of their Let’s Plays with more than just Michael in it got recommended to me. I think this was the first video I saw with Geoff, Ray, and Gavin:

Then I was hooked. I got my mom hooked on them too, haha.

Anyway in honor of the tons of laughs I got from them over the years, here are some of my favorite videos of theirs:

And all the Rage Quits I listed here.


Hello, fellow humans!

Have some Tumblr crap, ‘cause I’m like in the weeks between “school panic” and “relaxing with my mom” right now, so not much is going on.

Except “I’m in the weeks between “school panic” and “relaxing with my mom” right now” panic.


Chrome extensions for disabilities

Freaking Idaho.


Oh, Gavin.

I miss Ray!



The last one.

I miss Ray.

The conversation at 4:46 is great.

Good Luck, Ray!


I will watch this at some point, but not right now.
Instead, I shall post the best Ray compilation vids (some of which I’ve posted here before) because that’s what I need right now.

Good luck, Ray!

*quietly from corner of room* Noooooo…

So last night I hinted at possible exciting news, right? Well, today I’ve got some bad news (though it’s much less personal than the possible exciting news).

Ray is leaving Achievement Hunter.

Okay, I guess it’s not bad bad; he’s not being fired or anything like that and he’s not disappearing on us. He’ll be doing live streams on Twitch and will be coming back to work on X-Ray and Vav and other AH stuff every once and awhile. He just said that he wants to do streaming full-time and he’s not able to do that while working at AH/RT.

But it still makes me sad! Ray’s definitely my favorite of the group and has been since almost the very beginning (Michael was my first favorite, because he was the one that got me into AH). However, I might have to take a short little break from AH for awhile after he leaves this Friday, just because it’ll be sad to watch them and not see/hear Ray. But I know I’ll be back watching again at some point because I can’t stay away from those dorks.. And I’ll have to watch Ray on Twitch as well. You should, too!


Good lord. This company.

Oh, also! The mystery of us all being dropped from Dr. Chen’s class? Solved. Apparently, the lab component of the class was something Dr. Chen didn’t want, so he had it removed from the system. Unfortunately, doing so also removed the entire class, so we’d all been dropped because the class no longer existed. Luckily, all we had to do was re-register.

So yeah. I’m sure you were all just dying of anticipation for the conclusion of that little mystery.

My anaconda don’t want Huns unless we got Mulan, son

I am DONE with this semester!

Well, almost. I gave my final presentation in 601 today, but I still have to turn in my paper by the 15th. No big deal, though, ‘cause it’s already about 97% written.

So have some Ray to celebrate, because Ray is awesome.