Tag Archives: marathon


It’s good to know I can still do a marathon even though I haven’t been able to get outside and run that distance in several weeks.

I hate being stuck inside.

OH, and I lost another toenail. Kinda. This is just like the top layer of one of my toenails, but that still counts, right?


(Also, absolutely no nausea today, so who the hell knows.)


Well I hit that resolution a lot faster than I thought I would.

I think I was so fast* this time because it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to run outside and my body was just so happy about it that it wanted to go zoom!

A pace faster than 9:00 sustained for 26 miles is really fast for me.

Now my legs are going to fall off, haha.


*By “fast” I mean “subjectively fast for me.” This would get me laughed out of contention for any real competitive marathon race.

Seattle Marathon Swag

Dudes, isn’t this a pretty medal?

One of these days I’ll run a race in person, I swear.

I’m just still scared of COVID.

(And can’t travel during the semester.)


My first marathon of the year!

I didn’t make it an official resolution or anything, but I’d like to run a marathon a week if possible. There are going to be weeks where it’s too cold to run outside or too smoky or too hot (and there’s no way I can run a whole marathon on the treadmill) so this is not a “EVERY WEEK OR ELSE” thing, but if I can, I’m going to try to do a marathon for my weekend long run each week.

Am I already going to miss a weekend next weekend because it’s supposed to be like -17? Probably. Haha.

Also, this sign:

This is right where I start/end my run, haha.

Longest run AND fastest marathon time?

I’ll take it.

I felt really good today. Like…I felt like I could have gone 50k (31 miles), but I figured I should NOT make that big of a distance jump, just to be safe.

This was counting for my (virtual) Seattle Marathon run, too, so that’s neato.

Edit from mid-December: swag shirt! This one looks super cool (that’s the back of it).

Baltimore Swag

So I’m going to count one of my previous marathons as my Baltimore Marathon run (unless I do one tomorrow), so here is said swag from the completion of the virtual Baltimore Marathon!

It’s nice to have one that’s long-sleeved. It’ll be nice in that “too cold for tanktop but too hot for jacket” weather.

I had to take a video to demonstrate exactly how cool this medal is.


More Marathon Swag

I ran another marathon today, so I’m counting this one for the virtual Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

Distance n’ such:


Isn’t that a pretty medal?

My current stress response:

Signing up for marathons.

That’s not weird at all.

Get GU’d


Today is a MARATHON DAY, so I used it to try my first GU.

I chose the Salted Watermelon flavor.

So I ran to Pullman, ran around the backside of the captive bear area and golf course, then ran on that path that kind of goes along the flat part of Bishop Boulevard. At the end of that path, I tried my Gu.

Flavor: Great!
Texture: Snot!

Seriously. Snot is not the most accurate thing to compare that texture to, but it’s the closest I can think of. It’s like snot mixed with Elmer’s glue. I had to hork up a big wad of it when I got back to the drinking fountain because it felt like it was gunking up my throat. I had about half of the packet in Pullman; I rolled it up, stuck it in my running pack, and had the rest at the drinking fountain by Guy Wick’s Field once I got back to Moscow.

Did it help? It’s hard to tell. It was a rough run this morning. I felt nauseous for the first six miles or so, then it was really hot for like the last eight miles. But maybe I would have felt much worse had I not had the Gu.

I’m terrified of that flavorless one I got now, haha. It’s going to be like dumping straight gluey snot into my mouth.


Okay, so good news first: today was absolutely FANTASTIC weather for running. I did a marathon and it felt like my typical 16-mile run. Super easy. Super relaxing.

Now the bad news: at mile 23 of said marathon run, I totally bit it and tore up my knees, shoulder, and hand. Not sure exactly what happened – I think I just lost my equilibrium – I was just suddenly skidding along the pavement, haha. Luckily I was starting to go up a hill, so it wasn’t too bad. But I’m not sure what was worse: the family riding their bikes who saw me and asked if I was okay (super kind of them, but also super embarrassing) or the fact that I still had three miles to run and had to do it with a very bloody knee and a road rash shoulder.

Pics or it didn’t happen, you say?

(These were taken on Tuesday after I took the initial bandages off)

Killer road rash.

I don’t know how I managed to get my shoulder so badly, but I did. The funny thing is that my OTHER shoulder is the one that hurts and that didn’t touch the ground at all.

Ignore the bandage residue. Also ignore the other scars. Also ignore how FREAKING DEFORMED my leg looks at this angle.

Fun times!

Calgary Marathon!

I finally did my first official marathon!

It was the virtual version, sure, but I did it on the same day as the in-person marathon and ran next to the marathoners during a part of it, so it counts, right?

My mom also walked the (virtual) Calgary Half Marathon, so we’re both too cool for school.


(I was really slow because it was hot, haha)

The medals have the Calgary Central Library on them, which is one of the prettiest buildings ever.


Edit: stupid freaking COVID, this looks so fun:

Not a Fluke!

To prove that my first marathon last week was not a fluke, I tried to run another one today.

And I did.

So that’s good! It was also faster than my first attempt.



I did it, y’all!

The marathon distance was not on the schedule today (it was only supposed to be 25 miles), but I was feeling good near the end and wanted to push it.

So I did. And then I cried, ‘cause I’m pathetic like that.

I really didn’t think I could ever run a marathon.


I want to run the Calgary marathon next year.

I had no idea that there even was a Calgary marathon (though it makes sense that there is, of course; most big cities have one), but when I went walking down by the river this afternoon they had one whole side of Memorial Drive (plus other roads) blocked off for the marathon.

The runners inspired me, so now I want to go for it next year.

Considering I can only currently run about 10k (6.2 miles) in a stretch, it’s going to take a bit of work to get up to marathon distance (26.219 miles). But considering I run a decent amount and walk as much as I do, I think getting to that point should be possible.