Tag Archives: ipad

The Digital Age

So I made my first attempt at digital art today. Behold: Pepper in neon!

(Yes, I know it sucks.)

Drawing in Procreate is very different than drawing by hand. I’m sure I could adjust the brush settings to be much more like drawing with a real pencil, but I didn’t want to mess around too much this first time.

Whatcha think?

Make Like a Baby and Head Out

YO so I love Procreate.


Because I was able to use it to finally, finally able to create a header for Eigenblogger that used my own handwriting rather than a font. Check it:

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, but the dimensions of the header file are weird and the few prototype headers I drew just didn’t work with those dimensions no matter how much I modified them.

I like it. I’m sure I’ll have to modify it as I will likely change up my color scheme again at some point, but for now it’s all matchy-matchy AND it’s my handwriting. Finally.


iPad Time!

Guys, I finally got an iPad!

Here is my swag bag:

I got an iPad Air (in purple), a Magic Keyboard, and an Apple Pencil.

Here it is all set up:

I’m super excited! This will be good for meetings and for helping students if I ever do those Engineering Calculus courses again.

Plus, it’s cool.



So I’m looking to get an iPad. I have an iPad, but it’s an old boy. Like…iPad 2 old (which was discontinued in 2014 just to give you an idea of age). He’s so old that YouTube won’t even work on him anymore because the app requires a software update in order to run and…well…2014.

I’d also like to get an Apple Pencil because DEAR GOD anytime I see a video of someone tippy-tapping with one it’s so wonderfully satisfying that I want to tippy-tappy as well.

I’m thinking an iPad Air. In purple. With Apple Pencil and a Magic Keyboard for typing.

What the hell, let’s go all out.

Horrible iPad Drawings

HEYOOOOOOO so I have an app on my iPad called ArtRage, which is basically a fancy version of Paint. I suck as an actual artist, so I mainly use it to play Pictionary with Nate (we take turns looking up candidate words on an online Pictionary dictionary and try to guess what each other are drawing).

However, every once and a while I go a little overboard with the drawing nonsense. Examples:

(This is called “The Telltale Art”)

(This came out of a Pictionary round, but I have no idea what the word was)

(This is called “Schwa, Bitches”)

Yeah, I suck.



We went far enough back in time that Apple forgot how the year worked.


Where’s April and May, Apple? Where’s April and May? And why does February have 31 days?

In This Blog: Nate and I Break the iPad Calendar

Things we didn’t know until we played with the calendar app on my iPad:

  • There is no upper limit on this thing. It will go until you get a blister on your scrolling finger.

image (17)

  • It will also go pretty far into the past.
  • Once you get past 1 A.D., you go into B.C. mode, in which the months are all shifted and December doesn’t exist. (That’s 810 B.C. in the picture)

image (16)

  • B.C. Leibniz was born on a Sunday.

image (15)

New idea for a webcomic: a comic about the European Enlightenment, had it occurred in B.C. times rather than A.D. times. There’s a priority dispute between B.C. Newton and B.C. Leibniz over who discovered fire.

It’s a good thing I can’t draw, or this would totally happen.