Tag Archives: digital art

The Digital Age

So I made my first attempt at digital art today. Behold: Pepper in neon!

(Yes, I know it sucks.)

Drawing in Procreate is very different than drawing by hand. I’m sure I could adjust the brush settings to be much more like drawing with a real pencil, but I didn’t want to mess around too much this first time.

Whatcha think?

Eye See You!

(That’s the most unoriginal blog title ever, sorry)

Look at this eye I sketched:

Doesn’t it look like I drew it with a pencil?


I drew it with one of the pencil brushes in Procreate. It looks so much like real pencil, though!

I guess this is my first “digital art.”

Now I’m tempted to redo my Nick Gehlfuss drawing entirely in Procreate and see how different it looks from the pencil version.

You know, in all that free time I have.

(Maybe over Christmas break.)