Tag Archives: procreate

The Digital Age

So I made my first attempt at digital art today. Behold: Pepper in neon!

(Yes, I know it sucks.)

Drawing in Procreate is very different than drawing by hand. I’m sure I could adjust the brush settings to be much more like drawing with a real pencil, but I didn’t want to mess around too much this first time.

Whatcha think?

Make Like a Baby and Head Out

YO so I love Procreate.


Because I was able to use it to finally, finally able to create a header for Eigenblogger that used my own handwriting rather than a font. Check it:

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, but the dimensions of the header file are weird and the few prototype headers I drew just didn’t work with those dimensions no matter how much I modified them.

I like it. I’m sure I’ll have to modify it as I will likely change up my color scheme again at some point, but for now it’s all matchy-matchy AND it’s my handwriting. Finally.