Tag Archives: sleep cycle

In this blog: Claudia doesn’t know how to sleep properly

So I’ve been looking at my sleep graphs from that Sleep Cycle Smart Alarm app that I’ve been using. In particular, I’ve been finding pictures of the graphs of other people and seeing if they look anything like mine.

They really don’t.

Here are graphs representative of many of the ones I saw online:

firstgraph secondgraph




Sources, in order, are here, here, here, and here.

And here are several typical ones for me:

image (1)

image (2)

image (3)

image (5)


I don’t know if it’s just because I don’t sleep for very long or what, but I don’t do the whole “multiple sleep cycles” thing at night and just kind of have two or three ups and downs. Or maybe that’s why I don’t have to sleep as long as most people. I have super long REM parties rather than short ones, so I don’t need as long of a night’s sleep.

Who knows.

Haha, that September 19-20 night of mine is wild.

Eminem is a rapper. M&M’s come in a wrapper. CONSPIRACY??

I’ve used the Sleep Cycle Smart Alarm Clock app for 50 nights now, so why not look at some data from it? The two things I track are the length of my sleeps and the quality ratings (which are, as far as I can tell, based partly off of how long a sleep is and how much time is spent in deep sleep according to the app).


As far as time goes, I’ve slept an average of 4 hours and 35 minutes over the past 50 nights, with the shortest night being 3 hours and 13 minutes and the longest night being 7 hours and 43 minutes.

For quality, my average over the past 50 nights has been 45.37%, with a minimum of 21% and a maximum of 79%.



Yeah, I don’t sleep very much.


Sleep App-nea

Nate found this app called Sleep Cycle, which tracks the quality/rhythm of your sleep based on how much you move at night. I wanted to try it, so I found a version for my iPad (my iPod’s software is too out of date to run it) and gave it a try.

It hates me.

I haven’t gotten a single “sleep quality” rating over 50%, but I’m guessing that’s because I often sleep less than 5 (sometimes 4) hours a night. Also, some of the movements it picks up are probably from Nate’s side of the bed instead of mine.

But I already seem to have a pretty consistent sleep pattern as far as my movement goes.

image (8)

image (7)

image (3)image (4)

I also don’t sleep much at all, but I already knew that.
