Tag Archives: grades

Yay, people!!



I’m so freaking happy right now. The stress at the end was totally worth it. Take that, 400-level stats classes! Take that, Symbolic Logic! Take that, all you people who didn’t think I could do it!


Welcome to Stress Town. Population: Claudia

Holy crap, today was the most stressful day of the entire semester. Let me tell you why.

So remember that stats test I took last Wednesday? We got that back today. What was the number on the top?




You can imagine the flip out that ensued. It was all over. Goodbye GPA, goodbye Summa cum Laude, goodbye grad school.
In the midst of this panic, I realize two things. One, he’s going over the test, and then two, my answers on the first page that were marked wrong (all of them were) matched the correct answers he was giving us. I took this up with him after class and long story short, I didn’t get a 65, I got an 80. Yes, that does make me very, very happy, but DEAR GOD I ALMOST LOST IT in class when I saw that 65. If you ever wanted to see the visual display that would accompany someone’s dreams getting crushed, you probably should’ve seen my face when I got that test back. Plus, an 80 still sucks; I’ve given myself a small 15-point window of error for the remaining 150 points in the class. Can I pull it off?
That’s a good question. I’m certainly going to do my best. There’s no way in hell I’m letting a stats class ruin my 4.0.

Second stressor of the day: I get back to my dorm at about 4:30 after research and I chill out for a few minutes, waiting for registration at 7, and am just about to fall asleep in my chair when it dawns on me that I still haven’t turned in my petition to take 22 credits—my limit is set at 20. The registrar’s office closes at 5. I look at the clock. 4:55. I don’t think I’ve ever moved faster in my life. I got there in time (barely) and got that taken care of, so that was good.

Third stressor of the day: with my credit limit taken care of (at least for now, I still have to get that other petition in), nothing was left to do but wait for registration at 7. By 6:58 I had all my little CRN numbers typed in so that I could just hit “submit” at 7 and it would all go through. No problem, right?
All my classes go through…all except one: my stats class. My graduate-level stats class. The one I was assured by my advisor that I would get into (“there are no undergraduate restrictions to get into graduate classes!”). Yeah, apparently there are. So that’s just one more thing I’m going to have to straighten out sometime soon. I’m not posting my schedule tonight ’cause it’s not complete; I’ll do it once stats works out (that is, if it does at all).

So how did I relieve all this stress? I talked to Sean and I made an album cover. Observe:

Pitchfork and little horns were added by yours truly. I can’t decide if I like this one or not.

Protected: St. Valentine, you have officially restored my confidence in your powers.

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Ohhhh crap.

Well, hell.

I got my first stats 401 test back today and I got a crappy 84% on it. I actually think I did better than that, I think at least one is scored incorrectly, but still. A low B is crap in my book, I don’t care that it’s a 400-level stats class.

I say unto myself: fuck.


I’m trying to rationalize the situation rather than freak out about it. I figure I got an 85% on my first geography 100 test (I know that sounds horrible for a 100-level class, but in all honesty that man did NOT know how to write a test) and still pulled an easy A in that class (subsequent tests were 90% and 95%), so I’m hoping that’ll be the same way with 401, now that I know what his tests are like and all.  

Still, though, I’m quite disappointed in myself.

So right now I’m trying to cheer myself up. Here are the fruits of my search for humor (note: some of you ABS frequenters may have seen many of these):

Txt Msg Brkup by Kelly. The skit at the beginning’s hilarious, and the (ex) boyfriend’s reaction to Kelly at approx. 5:05 makes the whole thing worth it in my opinion.
Yatta! I love animutation. Catchy li’l thing…

Attention Deficit Disorder in Flash form
Why can’t I think of awesome stuff like this?  

Yeah, these cheered me up, but they have not erased my failure in my mind. I shall now hope that going to get my test looked at tomorrow will help.


I seriously don’t know how or why the fates conspired in my favor in terms of math, but I’ve just gotten all my grades in and I’ve maintained my 4.0! YAY!



I am very, very happy and relieved right now.

I will not rest until I know I’ve maintained my 4.0

I’m too nervous to blog today.

Grades are slowly trickling in and math, I’m assuming, will be the very last.

I can be quite a dapper young man when I want to be, you know?

Okay, here’s what I don’t get: why am I getting crap for the way I’m approaching my education?

Let me clarify. My goals for my college education include: getting a 4.0, getting a bachelor’s in science, and getting three minors, all in three years. I have had several conversations with several different people about this, and every single one of their reactions were some form of this: “Why don’t you have some fun? What do you think all this stress is going to get you anyway? There’s more to life than grades, you know.”
Yes, I know. I’m aware that there’s more to the college experience than studying for tests and writing papers. I know that once school is over, no one is going to care whether I got a 4.0 or not. I know that there is much more to life than getting good grades, and I know, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not going to matter if I get three minors or if I graduate in three years. These kinds of things are not going to majorly affect my life later on (most likely).
But I’m also aware that it’s rather stupid to judge people based on what they do with their education. And I definitely know that you are in no position to judge me based on my decisions.
However, because nobody really seems to see this from my point of view, I’m going to explain myself here. The goals I am setting in terms of my education are goals myself and myself only. They aren’t for social status, good job standing, or monetary gain later in life. I’m trying to graduate in three years simply because it’s a goal I’ve set for myself so that later when I look back on my life I can say, “hey, I met my goal.”
I know that there are other activities involved in college—parties, social stuff, etc. I get most of my enjoyment from working on school stuff, which is basically why I do it and why I’m taking a lot of credits. That’s something I enjoy. I don’t know how to explain it any better.
Most importantly, though, I don’t think it’s right to judge me on these decisions. I don’t judge others for these things. If someone doesn’t feel like college is right for them, then that’s fine. I won’t judge them any differently than someone who’s going to Harvard. It may sound ridiculous that I’m mentioning these things, but I’ve gotten a couple accusations of being “superior” to others and I just want everyone to know that I do not think that way at all. Period.


So that’s about it. Just a little rant I had to get out of the way.

Waiter! There’s an Intergalactic Star Cruiser in my Bran Muffin!



I’m a happy camper. Now all I have to do is pull it off four more times.

Short blog. I’m bored and tired and I have school tomorrow.