Tag Archives: gonads and strife

Claudia the Bad Blogger Gives You YouTube Instead of Actual Content

Let’s bring back some circa early 2000’s internet, shall we?


(Sorry, it’s been a crappy day)

Ohhhh crap.

Well, hell.

I got my first stats 401 test back today and I got a crappy 84% on it. I actually think I did better than that, I think at least one is scored incorrectly, but still. A low B is crap in my book, I don’t care that it’s a 400-level stats class.

I say unto myself: fuck.


I’m trying to rationalize the situation rather than freak out about it. I figure I got an 85% on my first geography 100 test (I know that sounds horrible for a 100-level class, but in all honesty that man did NOT know how to write a test) and still pulled an easy A in that class (subsequent tests were 90% and 95%), so I’m hoping that’ll be the same way with 401, now that I know what his tests are like and all.  

Still, though, I’m quite disappointed in myself.

So right now I’m trying to cheer myself up. Here are the fruits of my search for humor (note: some of you ABS frequenters may have seen many of these):

Txt Msg Brkup by Kelly. The skit at the beginning’s hilarious, and the (ex) boyfriend’s reaction to Kelly at approx. 5:05 makes the whole thing worth it in my opinion.
Yatta! I love animutation. Catchy li’l thing…

Attention Deficit Disorder in Flash form
Why can’t I think of awesome stuff like this?  

Yeah, these cheered me up, but they have not erased my failure in my mind. I shall now hope that going to get my test looked at tomorrow will help.