Tag Archives: ouch

It’s Every Damn Day with These Toenails, Man

There’s a blog title for ya.

Anyway, now a THIRD toe on my left foot has decided that toenails are out of fashion and is trying to get rid of his.

There’s a lot of blood in my sock, haha.

The funny thing is that all the toes on my right foot are ABSOLUTELY FINE. But there must be something about the way I walk/run that just brutalizes the toes on my left foot.

I’m guessing I still treat my whole right leg with more caution than the left, since my right knee was the one I hurt back in 2017.

But who knows.

Anyway, they can do what they want; I’m not stopping.

Adventures in Calgary

Today Nate and I adventured to a new part of the city on our walk and I remembered that I’m really bad at re-applying sunscreen to the backs of my hands after I wash all the sunscreen off the fronts of my hands (‘cause I hate the way it feels).


That is comically horrible.

I have to teach on Monday, which means this weird-ass sunburn is going to show up over the projector. Awesome.

‘Sokay, it’ll tan out in a few days and then I’ll be left with a weird dark patch of skin on the back of my otherwise pale hand…which is…even more attractive…

But anyway, we did almost 18 miles and it was great. Walking in 70-degree weather in the sun is way better than walking in the cold, blowing snow (which is what we were doing last weekend, haha).


(It was me.)

It wasn’t a full flight of stairs, but they were metal and icy and pretty damn painful to tumble down. Whacked my butt, arm, and side pretty good. Upshot: I didn’t break my iPod! Or, y’know, any bones.

That’s what I get for trying to take a shortcut.

(Sorry, there’s not a lot going on right now.)

Edit: well that’s probably the biggest bruise I’ve ever had. My butt looks like it got hit by a comet.