Tag Archives: hitler

Well, this week’s gone to hell.

Things that cheer me up:

  • Teaching stats. Lots and lots of stats.
  • Leibniz. Lots and lots of Leibniz. (Naked.)
  • Calculus.
  • Rage Quit.
  • AH in general.
  • This.
  • The Hitler in Captain Planet video.

And the comments on the Hitler in Captain Planet video:

  • People going back in time to sell Hitler the atomic bomb is my top environmental issue too.
  • Why the fuck does Hitler have a Hulk Hogan moustache?
  • why the sweet hell does Hitler have a fu-manchu mustache?!
  • Well there you have it. Those other kids can have their strong ring powers. Mati headbutted Hitler. All further arguments are invalid…
  • What in the actual jumping monkeyfuck?
  • Two perfectly weak windows to bust through, Captain chooses the wall.
  • I can’t get over the fact that captain planet is so lame, you can literally defeat him by simply *hating* him hard enough.
  • If you can’t trust Adolf Hitler, who the hell can you trust?
  • those goofy Nazis
  • Captain planet has the right idea, throw all of our problems INTO SPACE!!!
  • The Furher does not barter. He CONQUERS!
  • hahaha ‘stop bidding or else ill invade you’ wish i could use that on ebay

Mathed Memes


That parabola sure can shake its minimum.

Edit: holy freaking crap, I laughed for like ten minutes at this:

I love orchestras! I love metal!

Hahahaha, holy crap:


The history books, they’ve got it all wrong!

You guys, I just witnessed what is possibly both the most disturbing, strangest, and, in some spots, most hilarious 5 minutes of any Captain Planet episode ever made. Check it out.

The dialogue is genius. If I didn’t know Captain Planet, I would swear this was a parody. Yeah, it’s that bad. Or good, I can’t decide.

Best parts:
“Stop bidding against me or I will invade you!” (This rivals “asscockshitrapeFUCK” for me)

“Heil, Fuhrer, baby!”

“Just what do you think you’re doing, shorty?”

The fact that there are like twenty windows in that castle and Captain Planet decides to go through the solid stone wall instead (3:37). This had me on the floor laughing, literally. Use a freaking window, dude! And then he breaks the ceiling later.

“I’ve heard of neutron bombs, atomic bombs, and even smart bombs! But there’s no such thing as a good bomb!” No wiser words have been spoken in so strange a manner, my dear Captain.

And this one comment I found regarding the ending:
CAPTAIN P: “Oh, there’s the time hole thing!”
PLANETEERS: “Well, gee, Cap. While we’re here, do you think we could use our Ancient Elemental Powers of Asskicking to stop the Holocaust? Or the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Or the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or…”

This was awesome.