Tag Archives: decade of pop


I don’t know why DJ Earworm has just been dropping random mashups without any sort of announcement, but I’m here for it.

Nostalgia, anyone?

Also, there were a good number of songs in here that I didn’t know were 90s songs, haha.

Music-Driven Nostalgia

I don’t know why DJ Earworm has suddenly ramped up his non-Decade of Pop uploads, but I am DIGGING IT.

Here’s his latest:

I love that this mashup contains music from decade right before I started my Decade of Music Project (well, okay, it contains 2009 which was technically in my Decade, but whatevs). This is music from junior high, high school, and undergrad for me. Thus, TONS of nostalgia. There’s a lot of those early- to mid-2000s songs that I only ever got to hear on the radio while I was in my room making stupid stop-motion movies. I didn’t yet have an iPod and because CDs were too freaking expensive. There are also a good number of songs in there that were some of my first purchases on iTunes.

Super cool! Is it nostalgic for you, too?


I like this one.

The tradition is to make DJ Earworm’s yearly mashups my last downloaded song for the year, but it’s tempting to break that tradition this year by making it my download for December 30th and make his decade mashup my download for December 31st, since that would be the last day of this DECADE-LONG project.

(I can’t believe it’s almost over!)

Oh, here is said decade mashup:

Also, Piano Guys + tons of Christmas lights = yay.

This makes me so freaking happy. I love these guys.