Tag Archives: barenaked ladies

Not Quite Bare Naked, But a Lady I Guess

I totally forgot to blog about this the other day and I have nothing else interesting to blog about today, so here:

While I was running the other day, I was listening to my favorite radio station and they played Barenaked Ladies’ “If I Had $1000000.” This particular lyric caught my attention:

If I had a million dollars
Well, I’d buy you some art
A Picasso or a Garfunkel

Now I’ve listened to this song like 8,000 times in my life and I’d always just written this off as Garfunkel being another artist like Picasso.

But today I realized that they meant they’d buy Art Garfunkel, as he is “some art.”

Am I dumb?

An Underrated Barenaked Ladies Song

As the title says, I feel like this song doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

It’s so calming.

“Deep blues fade into blackness
Sinking, the temperature drops
No light on the horizon
Feels like you’re floating space
No time, no hesitation”

I love that.

K that’s all.

Nonnaked Men

Everyone who reads my blog is most likely aware of my undying love for Coldplay, right?

Well, another band that I’ve developed a strong love of over these past 10 years? The Barenaked Ladies.

I’ve recently stumbled upon a series of YouTube videos where the band is live recording a bunch of their more recent songs and they’re so good. So chill. Love them.

Visually Interesting Music Videos


This year’s been pretty damn slow as far as music goes, but there have been a few good music videos that have come out (or ones that have been out awhile but I have only just seen this year). So since I’m too busy panicking to have anything worthwhile to say today, here are some music videos!

This isn’t from this year’s collection of songs, but it’s a good (and sad) music video noneleless:

I actually didn’t know that this was a top pop song this year until after I stumbled upon this music video by accident. Awesome dancing!

Whether or not you like will.i.am’s music, I think his music videos are always pretty visually interesting. Also, lol Beiber cube.

It’s GAVIN (and a lot of other employees of Rooster Teeth)!

Here’s another collaboration the Barenaked Ladies did with Rooster Teeth.