Tag Archives: present


So today’s the last day of classes! All that’s left is my final for Multivariate Analysis, which is next Thursday.

And Nate, being the awesome person that he is, got me a present for the end of the semester:


It’s a coloring book! The designs are super intricate:

2 3

I’ll use this when I want to draw and I don’t have any ideas for designs.
(Which happens more often than I’d care to admit.)

Thanks, Nate!

Best. Present. Ever.

Today was a fairly crappy Christmas for both my mom and myself (due to the wonderful, wonderful circumstances this year has brought both of us).
But my mom is an awesome human being (have I mentioned this yet? I need to mention it more) and surprised me with the book I was raving about a few months ago.

Observe this bad boy:

1,800 glorious pages of statistical tests, examples, and explanations. 43 individual statistical tests.

What am I going to do with this glorious wealth of knowledge?


I also think I’m going to use this as the basis for a new blog starting January 1st. I think I’m going to call it StatsWeekly, and in it I’m going to, once a week, go over one of the tests in the Big Bad Stats Book of Awesomeness. I’ll find an appropriate data set, analyze it using the weekly featured tests, and discuss the interpretation and its implications.

How’s that sound? I’ll try to keep it away from this blog, ‘cause I know you’re all probably sick of my gushing over stats.

Yay! And Merry Christmas, ladies and gents!

[insert shriek of happiness here]

HOLY CRAP look what I got!!!

I completely forgot I asked for this, so it was a very pleasant surprise upon opening the box. It also made for a very amusing few minutes during which I was screaming with glee and my mom had to explain to her freaked out boyfriend that this reaction was natural.