Tag Archives: michael bay


HEYOOOOOOO so today is our 6th wedding anniversary!

That’s pretty wild. Sometimes it seems like we’ve been married for much longer than that; sometimes it seems like it’s been much shorter. It’s a bummer that we can’t go do our “regular” anniversary thing (getting Denny’s and staying at Best Western overnight), but I guess this is the third year we haven’t been able to do that, so I guess it’s 50/50 and no longer our “usual” thing.

But whatevs, we can do other things! Like play Jeopardy! and Pictionary. Observe:

(Nate’s Pictionary phrase was “drinking fountain” but of course I had to make it dramatic after I’d guessed it.)

In fact, Pictionary led me to a great idea for a terrible movie. It’d be called “Tutankhamun Rex” and it would be about an anthropologist who discovers a mummified T-Rex skeleton that is then found to be a pharaoh. Who also has guns for arms.

Something would happen to the mummy (it’d get struck by lightning?) and the Rex Pharaoh would come back to life. His catchphrase would be “Tuten’s commin’!” which he would yell before firing off his arm guns.

(It’d be directed by Michael Bay.)

I suspect it would win all the Oscars.