Monthly Archives: June, 2015


So I’ve got some bad news today. My grandma (on my dad’s side) has been in slowly deteriorating health for approximately the past 9 months. The doctors didn’t think she was going to make it through 2014, but she did because she’s stubborn as hell.

However, my dad emailed me this morning to let me know that she finally passed away late last night.

I haven’t seen her in awhile, but I always liked going down to California and visiting her, both when I was a kid and the few times I did so as an adult as well. Luckily I’ll be able to attend her funeral, as dad is getting me a ticket to fly down there sometime at the end of next week.

RIP, grandma. You will be missed by many, many people.



The good: Fallout 4.
The bad: There’s no official release date yet, but once it’s announced, it’ll mean that I’ll have to get a new PC (desktop, not laptop). Which is good in and of itself, but it’s also expensive.



Road Trip – Day 19: Crowsnest Pass to Calgary


Not that it wasn’t an enjoyable trip—it definitely was—but we’re both glad to not be driving anymore and to be back in Calgary. Calgary’s a really nice city, yo. I think we both appreciate it even more after having gone through some large US cities (*cough*San Francisco*cough*).

I’ll post pictures on Facebook at some point…there will probably be a few more there that I didn’t post on here, just ‘cause.


Road Trip – Day 18: Bozeman to Crowsnest Pass

We’re back in the land of Celsius and kilometers now! We’re also both super tan because of our time in the southwest. At least Nate has an even tan; all my shirts were of different necklines/sleeve lengths so I look like a giant gradient of light-to-tanned light skin colors. Super attractive.

Also, it was another easy border crossing to get back to Canada.

Road Trip – Day 17: Idaho Falls to Bozeman (Grand Teton and Yellowstone)

So the plan today was to drive from Idaho Falls to Bozeman via Grand Teton and Yellowstone (we were coming from the south end of things). We were not planning on doing much in the parks other than seeing Old Faithful, since it seems like it’s quite difficult to get the full Yellowstone experience without camping there and we were not equipped to camp there.

However, once we got into Yellowstone itself, we found that the road we’d have to take to easily get to Old Faithful was closed for construction/repair. We could have gotten to it using an alternate route, but that would have meant about 90 more miles of driving, and that was something neither of us felt like. So no Old Faithful for us. I’ll post some stats-related stuff about the geyser in a later blog, though, so there’s something good to look forward to!

We were also not in the right place for Mammoth Hot Springs, which I’m pretty sure is where my dad and I were when he took me to Yellowstone way back when. That’s where all the really cool stuff is.

Oh well. Have some bubbling mud volcanoes and a bison!