Tag Archives: jacob degrom



Edit: and of course the Mets lose because the bullpen sucks and why should deGrom deserve run support anyway???


Jacob deGrom pitched a beautiful game tonight. 15 strikeouts. He also got a couple of hits and an RBI because, you know, he’s deGrom and that’s what he does.

Crazy good. I hope the rest of the season is like this for him and he gets his third Cy Young.


I’m not a very lucky person, but I am damn lucky when it comes to pulling perfect cards in Out of the Park. I don’t remember when I got OOTP 20 (I had OOTP 18 first; that’s the one I used for my fake Canadian League Baseball simulation), but I looked it up and found that I got my first perfect card (Scherzer) on December 14th of last year. Since then, I’ve gotten and additional five perfect cards.

Here are my dudes:

I’m pretty proud of my little perfect card collection, not gonna lie.

(Especially Scherzer.)