Tag Archives: flood


OH GOD IT’S STORMY HERE and I have to go for a run.

We’re on like maximum flood alert because there’s a chance the Bow might get a mega-surge of water from the mountains and from surrounding rainstorms.

Edit from later: that was a super windy run, but no Bow overflow!

Soreness, the “flood”, and the Band Awards Night

First point of discussion: I am very sore from bowling at the Senior Sneak. Sad? Yes. Depressing? Yes. A good excuse for not working on my physics tonight? Yes.

Second point of discussion: Our school is obviously not flood-proof. We had some form of five-minute torrential downpour at lunch today and one whole hallway of the school flooded. Plus, when I got to band, half the floor (which is carpet, mind you) was soaking wet. We all had to cram into half of the room, which was a challenge, considering it was mostly full of chairs.

Third point of discussion: The Band Awards were tonight at the Junior High (which luckily wasn’t flooded). These were the thingies I won:
– Future Conductor Award
– Band Geek Award
– Garrett’s (our teacher) Pet Award
– 6 Year Award (only 3 of us got it–in normal years there are like 6 or 7)
– Leadership and Inspiration Award (I had no idea I’d win this one…quite a shock)

We had pizza and it was fun.