Tag Archives: cruise

At sea!

Today is an “at sea” day, meaning that we don’t stop anywhere. I can really tell that the ship is rocking…the waves are coming at us from the side, so it’s pretty rocky. Not rocky enough to cause me to get nauseous (which is pretty easy to do, unfortunately), but rocky. I find it funny that Magellan named the Pacific ocean “El Pacifico”, or “the peaceful one”, when it, in fact, is quite torrent. Just a thought.
There’s this one wide hall on the 7th deck, and my mom and I and a bunch of older ladies were walking. As we were walking, the ship kept rolling back and forth, and we all kept swaying in the hall. It was amusing–I now call it “The Swaying Hall”.
Tonight was the first of two formal nights. I wore my prom dress and my blinky-blink kick ass shoes! However, I found it very difficult to walk–I can hardly walk in heels, and it is much harder to do while the ship is rocking back and forth.

Mom and Dad went to a show thingy later tonight, and I stayed in the room and watched cartoons. Life is good.


Though I feel like I should still be doing government or something.



We took a taxi today from our hotel to the dock where about five cruise ships were docked. The process of actually getting on the ship seemed a lot more complicated than I remember it was (getting on to the Norwegian Wind, I mean).
Our ship is called the Sun Princess, and it is huge! Holy crap! If you walk around the outside of the 7th deck three times, it equals 1 mile. We are on the 6th deck, so at least we’re low enough so that we don’t have to stare at the lifeboats outside our window.
We had to back out of the harbor and turn around while several other cruise ships were passing us. It was strange.
I can’t feel the movement of the ship much, but maybe that will change tomorrow, when we’re at sea all day.

Pre-cruise: Seattle

So today we got on the plane and flew to Seattle. I love flights; they’re very fun.
In Seattle, we walked around downtown. I found a store that sold only maps and I stayed in there for about an hour. Map geek.
Then we went back to the hotel. It was pretty uneventful for the rest of the day, but I can’t wait until tomorrow. From what I remember, the Princess line of cruiseships are much bigger than the Norwegian ones (the type of ship we took last time when I was in 7th grade).


And we’re off!


Tomorrow we leave for Alaska. If you’re reading this, we may already be gone, considering I didn’t post this until pretty late. Anyways, I won’t have access to a computer, but I’ll keep a little journal doodad and blog it all in when I come back.

Because I have no life.

