Tag Archives: cartoon network


So I’m pretty into Steven Universe right now. Peridot is definitely my favorite.

(I still really like Garnet, too.)

I’m not sure if anyone who ever reads this blog ever watches Steven Universe or even cares that I like Steven Universe, but this is my blog, so I’m gonna post a few Peridot-related videos. ‘Cause I can.

How can you not love Peridot?

ALSO, have another really good AMV about the show in general (mostly fusions).

Life has many doors, Ed boy!

I walked about 15 miles or so today, and all I could think about for the entire walk was that Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy episode where they all pretend to be one another. Ed is Eddy, Eddy is Double D, and Double D is Ed.

I have no idea if any of my readers ever watched Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy, but I watched a crap-ton of it when I was younger and for whatever reason, that particular episode’s dialogue got stuck in my head during my walk.

Edit: found it on YouTube!

(Sped up ’cause YouTube.)

This show was great.

Ed: “I can do Eddy, I practiced!”
Eddy: “What do you mean you practiced?!”

Ed: “I have caused discomfort, ‘cause I’m Eddy!”


This just in: I love Steven Universe. I haven’t liked a show this much since Metalocalypse, which is kind of hilarious to say considering how completely different the two shows are.

But seriously. I really like the premise of the show and the voice acting is great. If you haven’t seen it, you’re missing out. There are quite a few episodes floating around on YouTube, so give it a shot if you’re looking for something to watch.

If you’re curious about more, read a brief review of the show here!


Also, Garnet is my favorite and is pretty much a gift to the world. You might even say she’s…a gem.

Yeah, I went there. Fight me.

Edit: there is no better use of this song than in this AMV.

I don’t care that I’m 22 years old, I think Adventure Time is genius.

Back when I was in Moscow over the summer I found this show while channel surfing through the 300+ channels my dad has. I kept watching because the art/humor style was similar to that ofTom Deslongchamp (who is super awesome), but I kept watching because it’s freaking amazing.

Why? Well for one, they did this:

(if you don’t get it, go here)


Here’s one of the episodes, ‘cause it’s just fantastic.


Yay. :D


Today’s song: Runaway by The Corrs