What type of cheese do you borrow from Utah? Provo-loan!

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this on here before, but I hate the negativity around aging. Like, I get it that youth is pushed as the standard in practically every medium out there, but at the same time…why should we hate something that’s constantly happening to every single one of us?

Anyway, I was thinking today that one of the really cool things about getting older is just how much stuff you’ve experienced and how many memories you have. You don’t even have to experience big, life-changing or world-changing events…the longer you live, the more you experience, the more memories you have.

I remember things many of my students were too young to remember or things that they weren’t even alive for. That’s really quite cool when you think about it.

And think of all the memories you have that you can’t immediately access. I love when a memory of something that I’ve completely forgotten I’ve experienced gets triggered by something random and a little section of my past is remembered. Isn’t that the coolest experience?


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