The Fisher-Yates Shuffle is not a dance

So I’ve been screeching for like the past five minutes because THE FALL CLASS SCHEDULE IS UP ZOMG!

The bad:
Agh, the ONE CLASS I really, really, really wanted to take (History of Math) is not offered.

The good:
Well hell, everything else looks good, though. Regardless of which section(s) I end up teaching of STAT 251, none of them will conflict with the other classes I want to take.

Tentative schedule:

STAT 451: Probability Theory (8:30 – 9:20)
ENGL 492: Advanced Fiction Writing (12:30 – 1:20)
MATH 432: Numerical Linear Algebra (1:30 – 2:20)
MATH 215: Intro to Advanced Mathematics (2:30 – 3:20)

MUSA 321: Concert Band (4:30 – 5:20)

I also really want to take HIST 404: History of Science until 1800, but I can’t find the prerequisites anywhere (it’s a special topics class, so who knows) and it also conflicts with Advanced Fiction.


Throw one (or two?) sections of STAT 251 in there and we’re good.

But DAMMIT I wanted History of Math.

What sayest thou? Speak!