It’s crappy poetry time!

I’m no good at poetry, but I’m posting some here anyways cause I’m bored and I want you all to suffer!  BWA-HA-HA!

So here ya go. Serious one first:

I Sat Alone (no, it’s not about depression and feeling sorry for yourself. I hate those kind of poems.)
I sat alone, the mansion lights grew dim,
Thought heard the childish laughter from the hall.
As I crept close the laughter turned to hymn,
Were six or seven voices I recall.
“Unless”, thought I, while slinking to the door,
“My lonely state of mind plays tricks on me,
There’s someone here that wasn’t here before,
And soon alone no longer I will be.”
My breath grows quick as I expect the worst.
Perhaps the haunting visions of my youth,
Whose sickly body I refused to nurse,
So now flung wide the door to see the truth.
But standing on my step these children here,
Were carolers to wish me Christmas cheer.

Onward! Here’s a poem about me! A limerick! Wee!

Now here is an interesting dame
Whose name, in Latin, means lame.
Slightly repulsive,
Still interested? Gee, that’s a shame!

And again! One from 7th grade:

Jelly, jelly, jelly…fish!
Looming through the deep

Glowing as it creeps.
Has no brain, no heart, no lungs
Last low tide on a rock it clung
Hung there for 2 minutes or 3
Released its suction, now it’s free.
Jelly, jelly, jelly…fish!
He will sting you if you wish.

Here’s another from 7th grade. I kinda had a sea-life theme going on:

An octopus, barnacle thief,
Looming in a coral reef.
Tentacles snatching all in its path,
Beware, octopus! The butchers wrath.
Catch your fish-not mine, not mine,
But don’t jig about-remember: you’re blind.


Okay, I’m done. Critique nicely, people!

What sayest thou? Speak!