Tag Archives: why i regret getting straight-a’s in college

This blog is worth 60% of your final grade

I have a bit of an issue with this article. Not because I’m like “oh hey, I got straight A’s through college and I don’t regret it one bit LOL,” but because half the things he cites as reasons to “regret” the experience are things that can be easily avoided.

1.  No one has ever asked about my GPA.
Not after you graduated, probably not. But did you ever apply for scholarships? GPA certainly matters for financial reasons while still in school, so if some scholarship/funding/what not requires high grades in order to hand you cash, why not give it a shot? Research supervisors also look at this before they decide whether or not they want to work with you.

2.  I didn’t sleep.
The only time I really had the “there’s physically no way I can fit sleep into my schedule” problem was during the 25 credit semester of doom, but that was also because I would spend four hours a night watching YouTube videos, talking to Sean, making dumb Flash, and just generally dinking around. Honestly, you CAN sleep and get a 4.0.

3.  I’ve forgotten 95% of it.
If what you’re studying isn’t important enough to you for you to even attempt to remember it past the tests, you’re probably studying the wrong thing. Hell, I know I didn’t retain anything from my core requirements classes ‘cause I was like “pfft, this stuff is boring and irrelevant and I feel like making dumb cartoons instead.” But if I had been like that in every class, I would think I would have realized that I was not studying the right thing.

4.  I didn’t have time for people.
Take a class with some friends (band, anyone?). Organize study sessions with those people who fall into the “we know each other from class fairly well” group of friends. Make one day of each week a day where you don’t do anything school-related (for me, this was and still is Saturday…it kept me sane, and it IS possible to do).

5.  Work experience is more valuable.
It depends on the major, really. The physical sciences and engineering? Sure. Business and law? Definitely. The fine arts and things like philosophy? Maybe not so much. Also, it’s pretty difficult to find relevant work experience for some majors.

What about Graduate School?
Haha, yeah, no kidding. I think this should have been listed as a preface. “Does grad school apply to you? Ignore this entire list.”

Today’s song: American Cowboy by Jada