Tag Archives: federal election

Election Day Canada

Yay, it’s election day here! Elections at the federal level are a bit different than they are in the States (for one, elections can be called at any time, not just every x years like we do down there; for another, they don’t spend 50 years campaigning before the votes), but there are still a few similarities. Right now Canada has a Conservative Prime Minister, Harper, but as of my writing this it’s projected that the Liberals will win.

Edit: Yup, Liberals won! Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau (a former Prime Minister), is going to take the position.

Have a picture of the voting results (Canada uses blue for Conservative and red for Liberal, which is kind of opposite the US party colors…though Canada has more parties (at least more visible/impactful/electable parties) than the US does). And “NDP” stands for “National Democratic Party.”


More Canada Stuff

Here are some results from the 2011 Canadian Federal Election regarding some important issues. These are somewhat old data, but it’s all still interesting. Here are a few:

Man, B.C. is like “screw the US.” Meanwhile, Quebec’s over there whispering, “save us!

Looks like most of Canada’s gun-ho! Get it??

This one surprises me. I’d think the Prairie Provinces would be all for the weed since there’s nothing else to do in the middle of flatland.




Alberta’s like, “Carbon tax? For what? What oil sands? What environmental damage? EVERYTHING’S FINE.”

Interesting stuff.