Tag Archives: david mccandless

TWSB: Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign Test?

Stats jokes. They never get old.


David McCandless, among other cool people over at informationisbeautiful.com, gathered over 22,000 Yahoo! Horoscopes to prove what many of us already knew: repetitive predictions that generalize greatly across all 12 signs. Getting someone to access Yahoo’s archived horoscopes, these awesome dudes compiled every type of horoscope available—teen, love, daily, etc.—and extracted the generic daily ones. They utilized TagCrowd to extract the most popular words used for each sign. They then removed the “common” words—words that could really be found in any analysis—and produced a second table of truly unique words per sign.

Draw your own conclusions. I think this is fantastic. Check out their full article (plus meta-horoscope) here.

Also: happy birthday, Sean!