Tag Archives: chance

I think I’m a witch, guys

Remember that whole creepy-beating-the-odds thing with the 13-digit number last week? Well today my TA returned a stack of homeworks to me so I brought them to my office and started in on alphabetizing them. This involved splitting the big pile into two smaller ones. So I attempt to do that, but it turns out that the unsorted pile was actually naturally divided into two sections: the first containing last names starting with A – L, the other containing last names starting with M – Z.

Which is creepy on its own.

So I go through the A – L pile and alphabetize, then I go on to the M – Z pile. Well, guess what?


Please keep I mind that my TA does not attempt to alphabetize the homeworks as he grades and has told me that he usually grades them in the order they are in the original pile I hand him.

So yeah.

Creepy stuff, man.

What are the odds?

Holy freaking crap, you guys.


I beat some incredibly ridiculous odds today.

I was in the library this afternoon writing my lecture. This week we’re talking about random variables, so I wanted to create an example of both a discrete random variable and a continuous random variable. I wanted to show that a continuous variable can take on ANY value in a given interval, so I decided to just mash the number pad on the keyboard to come up with a number with a bunch of decimals. So I mashed away and got this: 128.3671345993.

Satisfied with this as an example, I turned the page in our textbook to keep working. And what was the book’s example for a continuous variable? 128.3671345993.


What the hell are the odds of that? (0.0000000001:1 discounting the decimal point).

Ridiculous odds are ridiculous. I had a little heart attack in the library.