I Ran a 10k for the First Time Since 2017 and It was Glorious

I wasn’t planning on doing it.

I’d already walked 12 miles and was just planning to do two running miles on the treadmill at Anytime Fitness.

But I got to two miles and nothing was hurting, so I figured “hey, let’s try three.” No pain. So I figured “hey, let’s try four.”

Since I got hurt back in 2017, I have not run more than four miles in a stretch. But today, once I hit four, I was still feeling fine.

The next step? Seeing if I could do a 10K.

Which I could.


No pain, no issues…everything seemed fine.

So that’s freaking awesome. Now I’m going to have to try my hardest not to a) do a 10K every day or b) try to do even more tomorrow, ‘cause I have a bad history of doing that kind of crap (which is why I ended up with runner’s knee in 2017 after doing two half-marathons in two days after never having run more than a 10K at a time).


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