What are the odds?

Holy freaking crap, you guys.


I beat some incredibly ridiculous odds today.

I was in the library this afternoon writing my lecture. This week we’re talking about random variables, so I wanted to create an example of both a discrete random variable and a continuous random variable. I wanted to show that a continuous variable can take on ANY value in a given interval, so I decided to just mash the number pad on the keyboard to come up with a number with a bunch of decimals. So I mashed away and got this: 128.3671345993.

Satisfied with this as an example, I turned the page in our textbook to keep working. And what was the book’s example for a continuous variable? 128.3671345993.


What the hell are the odds of that? (0.0000000001:1 discounting the decimal point).

Ridiculous odds are ridiculous. I had a little heart attack in the library.

2 responses

  1. That’s pretty sweet. I think the last time I remember you getting this excited over a random occurance was when you got the perfect bag of M&M’s.


    1. Haha, I remember that!


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