It makes me happy that people are starting to be comfortable being people

Today I went to campus to work on my lecture material for next week. I hung out in the library for like six hours before packing up my crap and heading to Winco. As I was walking down the hill past Ag Sci there was this little trio of people walking the opposite direction on the other side of the street. One of the dudes in the trio was wearing heels, leggings, and a little skirt. And he was just walking along, no big deal.

That made me happy. I know that Idaho’s certainly not the most “accepting” state in the country, but it gives me hope that this guy felt comfortable enough to confidently strut his stuff down the street.

But then I saw this pair of frat boy-type guys walking in the same direction as the trio, but on my side of the street. They spotted the guy and I thought they were going to make some snide remark to him, but one of the frat-boy types shouted “I dig your style, man!” very sincerely and gave him a thumbs up from across the street.

This made me even happier. People can be surprisingly awesome. :)

And to the gentleman in heels: I want those leggings.

2 responses

  1. Excellent! I saw a yard sale yesterday that had a big sign saying it was for charity. You wouldn’t have seen that when I was a kid. We certainly do live in a rapidly evolving new world. Cheers~cb


  2. Things like this give me hope for the human race.


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