Brazil nuts are creepy.

I had a nightmare about Brazil nuts last night.
Yes, you read that right. Nightmare about Brazil nuts.

In defense of my unconscious brain-ramblings, these things are creepy as all hell, both inside their shells and out.

“Brazil nuts are the large, elongated, three-sided, oily seeds of the South American brazil nut tree.”

And they will haunt you and take down your mind when you think you’re safe.

I’d elaborate on the dream more, but I really can’t remember it. I just remember Brazil nuts, running, being absolutely terrified, and the cause of the terror (and running) being the Brazil nuts.

In other news, tonight my mom and I are driving to Phoenix because my flight leaves at the ungodly hour of 6:18 tomorrow morning.
Not looking forward to going back to Van Land. Nope, not at all.

What sayest thou? Speak!